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Good. I have just closed the v3 server, I am going to setup another instance with better index load distribution. If that works well, the official site will be directed to v3. And I will shrink AoPS icon size at then.
2 hours later…
Something odd just happened. @MartinR and I apparently tried to use Approach0 to find a duplicate of the same question, but it looks like our searches gave different results.
MartinR gave this link.
I obtained this.
I see that the formula is written bigger in MartinR's link, but I don't know how important that is.
Does anyone have an explanation for this ? I find it very curious.
Possibly there is a difference how Approach0 treads \mid and |?
Here is the same search with | instead of \mid.
So all three are different, but the two with | and \mid have rather similar results.
If I take your query and remove all occurrences of \left and \right, then the results seem a bit better.
To be honest, I thought that there is no difference between searching for |x| and for \left|x\right|.
@MartinSleziak Wow, that's really striking. I hadn't looked at the raw queries, I almost always use the search bar directly.
Since those \left and \right were added automatically, it's good to know that it can affect the search in such cases.
Well, raw query is the only way in which I enter something into Approach0 manually.
Although mostly I use the bookmarklet which automatically opens Approach0 in the new tab and uses the selected text in the query: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/46148/2018/7/4
javascript:(function(){s=window.getSelection().toString();var u=encodeURI('//approach0.xyz/search?q='+s+'&p=1').replace(%2F%5C%2B%2Fg%2C'%252B');window.open(u)})()
I didn't know you could do that, thanks for the tip!

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