in Math Mods' Office, 17 hours ago, by amWhy
@MartinSleziak I'm hoping you might have some helpful suggestions for searching meta.se about any previous posts seeking "audit-like" capacities on the main site, apart from the typical review audits. Read the last third or fourth of this page, if you've the time, and feel free to suggest anything that might be helpful.
in Math Mods' Office, 16 hours ago, by amWhy
@MartinSleziak I'm not asking you to do such searching; just any advice might help. Using "audit" in every search I've performed there has led to the prolific list of review audits, and a hit on a question about auditing one's vote count, or something other than addressing the positing of "pre-determined lowest of low quality questions" as an audit which would lead to negative, failed outcome for trying to answer or trying to upvote the question, yet positive outcomes ...
in Math Mods' Office, 16 hours ago, by amWhy
...for users who (1) downvote the question; and/or (2) vote to close the question, and perhaps even those who (3) try to edit the question.
I have tried a few searches like this (and minor variations): review posting answer low quality question site:meta.stackexchange.com
Perhaps the closest to the topic what I found was our local meta: What to do when other users answer low-quality questions?
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