@Physics-Compute You don't have to state your opinion for it to be obvious from what you say. If you are going to insult a 14 y/o who isn't here to defend herself and make false statements (for example, your "definition" of misgendering is the opposite of what it means) then I am going to call you on it.
6 hours later…
@Kaithar You are accusing me of insulting someone with true statements. First, I am going to request that you reflect upon the previous sentence, specifically the mental state of someone that claims injuries from a messenger delivering reality.
@Kaithar Second, I again request you recant your libelous claim that I am insulting someone on this site (second warning). Third, if you believe my statement(s) to be false, please back up that claim, else I'm forced to assume you are using circular reasoning to make your claim (ex: "Your claim is false because I said it's false.") because I do not any evidence available to me to justify your position.
@Physics-Compute There in lies the problem... your statements aren't true. I get that you think they are true, and honestly I don't care if that's what you think, however what you're saying conflicts with medical facts.
1 hour later…
Can you please elaborate on which parts of my statements are conflicting with medical facts? He is a (mostly likely from given information) a male (XY), barring a completely different issue where he was born a XXY. The description from OP is Gender Dysphoria, which is a mental state, not actual state.
@Physics-Compute Pronouns are determined by gender which is a component of self identity. Biological sex doesn't equal gender. Intentional misgendering, such as you're doing, and continued attempts to dismiss her identity, are contrary to medical best practices in the standards of care used by most civilised countries. Your behaviour is at best completely counter productive to ensuring a patients physical and mental health, and at worth actively lethal.
@Physics-Compute Minors can be and have been driven to suicide by exactly the kind of ignorant mentality you're displaying. People have been physically attacked by people who believe thing only slightly worse than what you are actually saying. The simple fact is that this kind of treatment of a person presenting the described behaviours is harmful in every single instance, even if she later realises she isn't actually transgender.
@Physics-Compute - I suggest you take it down a notch; we're all allowed to hold the opinions we do without threats/warnings. Thanks.
If you find something offensive, there is always the option of letting it go, or flagging. Escalating is by far the least desirable option, and this goes for all users.
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@anongoodnurse Can you elaborate on what I should take what down a notch? @Kaithur called my actions murdurous. That is a serious accusation.
@Kaithar - I am asking that you exercise a bit more constraint and a bit less hyperbole in your conversations. @Physics-Compute has not attempted to cause anyone bodily harm, no matter what his opinion is.