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@Mat'sMug Do you think I handled this appropriately?
A: Java Brute-Force Algorithms Homework

Trojan404I’ve found that I’ve used both of these answers. I didn’t want to give one person all the credit as both answers provided helpful insight. @JS1 helped me find a valid bug in my solution and solve it. @200_success provided an excellent answer of alternative solutions. I completely understand the ...

As far as the rollbacks and trying to ask a certain question
perhaps make it Community Wiki? seems ok to me, although a bit chatty - hopefully it doesn't attract NAA flags :)
I mean the answer I gave was to provide credit to both answers, my biggest concern was the changes and my rollbacks on what Jamal and 200_success did
I just wasn't sure if I handled that right
reads a bit like a justification for your (entirely personal) decision of not marking an answer as accepted, which isn't really necessary at all
hold on
since you can't mark two answers as accepted, my answer has to suffice :(
wow dat revision history
it's usually a good idea to avoid rollback wars with moderators.. but seems all good now
Ik, that's why I figured I'd get your opinion
I've also seen some meta posts where there are multiple accepted answers
is that a backend dev change thing?
or are there ways mods or idk who can do that
@Trojan404 huh, nope
alright well i think that sums up my questions - thx
@Trojan404 I'm surprised the system didn't auto-flag a "rollback war". anyway, the edits look fine to me - seems each subsequent edit aims at restoring a part of the post that was lost with the previous rollback. manual edits are usually a better tool, for that reason.
yea there were a few things I would've kept but I felt that just trying to get the oiriginal question across was more important

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