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I want to figure out, computationally, what the best "minimal opening repertoire" is for both sides.
The core concept is that, although the best move in any particular situation may vary, there are often whole categories of positions which share a common "good move."
What do you do when you feel like you can't get any school done?
I have several papers I need to write, and I'm having trouble making myself do it.
Oh, feel free to move these somewhere else.
procrastinate until the last possible moment?
Yeah... I need to write them--it is almost the last possible moment.
I keep reading, playing chess... Anyway, time to wash the dishes.
Let's see if I can't set a goal for myself tomorrow and keep it. One assignment ready to submit, and another with at least one page written.
6 hours later…
@PhiNotPi If anything, do not play Sicilian.
15. Bd4
8 |bR |  .|bB |  .|bR |  .|bK |  .|
7 | b.| b |  .|   |  .| b |bB.| b |
6 |   |  .|   | b.|   |bN.| b |  .|
5 |  .|   |  .| w |bN.|   |  .|   |
4 |   |  .| w |wB.|   |  .|   |  .|
3 |  .|   |wN.|wB |  .|   |wN.|   |
2 | w |bQ.|   |  .|   |  .| w | w.|
Oooh, nice one.
4 hours later…
Nfg4 seems like a decent move for Black.
1 hour later…
I would make attention that the queen actually can evade here when it's going to be attacked
Nb5 incoming
blocking the b line and covering a3 as well as the bishop on d4
ah I see
The bishop is going to be attacked with chess upon Nf3, which one cannot take with pawn [followed up by Qxh2]
And if we take with queen, we change bishop against knight
which is quite a bad choice
yeah, Nfg4 is probably the best move …
My main concern is 16. Nb5 17. Nc7 for a fork.
Actually.. that's not much of a concern, I don't think.
Actually it probably is... since Nb5 will protect against Qxd4, which would cause black to waste a turn saving his queen.
So black should try to do something right now to prevent that
Oh dang, that's definitely a threat.
15. ... Qb4 16. ... Re7
Nfg4 looks very decent to me
You don't want to lose the initiative with black here
Aye, but there's a serious threat facing Black.
Oh, you mean Nb5?
I think you can take out the bishop with Nf3+
Which would also bring out the bishop to the game
I suggest Kh8 to complete the diagonal.
@Adnan gxf3?
@Geobits Bxd4
Oh, so the f6 knight has already been moved?
Nfg4 actually threatens Nf3+ in almost any case
You'll lose the rook if you take the bishop.
Forgot about the check ;)
so... what's the plan now?
make a counter threat with Ngf4
So we do Nfg4, then what would white do? Then after black does Nf3+, white could recapture with the queen.
Hmm, yeah, we should probably calculate every option for white to make sure
So we're thinking 15... Nfg4 16. Nb5 Nf3+ 17. (either gxf3 or Qxf3) Bxd4+
15... Nfg4 16. Nb5 Nf3+ 17. Qxf3 Bxd4+ 18. Kh1 Rxe1+ 19. Rxe1 Nf2+ 20. Kg1 Nxd3+
So, Nb5 is not a good move
which is good, I guess
for white, yes
for black?
Oops, I meant black :p
@Adnan solution: Be2
Be4 is dangerous because f5
@Adnan yeah, if you play correctly, I see no way for white to play Nb5 … but make one inaccuracy with black and your queen is at risk
Yeah, it's a position where you need to be careful
I do think black has an advantage here though
it mainly has the advantage of the pawn
I do not see white destroying black here
Not necessarily destroying
But a positional advantage
@Adnan no long term one. white probably will have to exchange some figures to escape here
black's queen position is pretty awkward
@PhiNotPi well, it's quite normal given that it hasn't been moved yet :-P
??? I said black's queen
yeah… I last time made sure that blacks queen cannot come to Qb2, but something must have gone wrong in the meantime
Ah, this Re1 move
RIP Hosch
Oh. So that was a bad move?
well, it was the move allowing Qxb2 ^^
@bwoebi I did that move.
yep, I saw
But one cannot see everything
But uh
It actually doesn't have changed anything
I made the mistake a bit before
@Hosch250 Moves aren't good or bad, just different.
Queen to b4 looks like the only way of escaping.
Then, she can move at a diagonal back behind the lines.
And why would you want to escape?
You don't want to trade a queen for a rook?
[ProTip™: read the backlog]
Speaking of which, our plan above for Nfg4 Nf3 etc. would allow for Rxe8+
@Hosch250 sure we don't
@PhiNotPi Nf3 is check
So we can do Rxe1 first
if necessary
Nfg4 Be2 …?
I definitely wouldn't recommend knight to b5 just now.
The queen could just take it.
One of the main points to the Nfg3 Nf3 plan was to allow Bxd4+ but if white can find room to play Rxe8 in there, then black is down material.
@Hosch250 [the pawn protects it]
@PhiNotPi white doesn't get the time … I suspect there will be a very quick checkmate otherwise for white
Ohhh, I was thinking white was moving the other way.

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