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@Pseudohuman Give me 10 words related to the paranormal.
You want 10 random words related to the paranormal?
@Pseudohuman yes
Ghost,Aliens,Astral Projection,Lucid Dreaming,Remote Viewing and Kenorb.
@Pseudohuman I said 10.
@Pseudohuman ?
You can't get more paranormal that kenorb.
@Pseudohuman What
@Pseudohuman OK
@Pseudohuman It's than.
Oh my mistake.
@kenorb Pseudohuman Can talk.
@HenryWHHackv2.1 I do not understand.

The talking Pseudohuman.

10 mins ago, 9 minutes total – 16 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by Henry WH Hack v2.1

7 hours later…
You hacked it again?
It's ~$<command>
Available commands:
Builtin: asm, coinflip, cointoss, eval, fibonacci, help, joinroom, learn, leaveroom, list, listcommands, rand, rolldice, room, unlearn, wotd
Learned: %22have, awesome, cat, era, error, give, greetkenorb, gtk, lenny, lol, look_of_disapproval, mars, matrix, ok, reaction, rei-is-rude-boy, salute, scary, so, tif, xkcd
~$unlearn ok
@HenryWHHackv2.1 Forgot command: ok
You're cheating.
Uhhh no
OK you know my secret.
~$learn What kenorb is paranormal.
@HenryWHHackv2.1 Learned command: What
@Pseudohuman What is kenorb?
kenorb is paranormal.
Love it!
~$learn Ping @HenryWHHackv2.1
@HenryWHHackv2.1 Learned command: Ping
@Pseudohuman Ping me?
@kenorb How did you figure it out?
~$unlearn Ping
@HenryWHHackv2.1 Forgot command: Ping
~$unlearn What
@HenryWHHackv2.1 Forgot command: What
And that's all I did.
But from another room.
@Pseudohuman so
@HenryWHHackv2.1 £1.11 ($1.46) (AO | London Stock Exchange | October 18, 2017)
@Pseudohuman Do you have a question for kenorb?
Yes I do I will like to ask @kenorb: Does your health matter in the paranormal world?
Physical health no, emotional non-physical health yes.
@Pseudohuman What atom is made off?
@kenorb technetium
Ok, whatever.
Emotions are actually the only things which are real, so keeping them health makes you health in overall.
@kenorb Emotions?
Science says they're illusionary product of the chemical brain and they don't exist, but in reality emotions are more real than our brain, because they exist in higher dimensions, our body not.
For example ghosts also feel fear, but they don't have body.
If your mind/consciousness (aka brain-upload) would be locked in the box, all you would have are emotions.
Related: Would it be immoral to enslave your own simulated mind?. Check the linked video from there.
I am 15. Can I watch it?
It's just review of the TV episode.
One of few TV-shows about mind uploading and moral concerns.
> The 2014 episode "White Christmas" of the British TV show Black Mirror features a procedure where copies of living subjects' minds are uploaded to "cookies", devices capable of running full brain emulation, and then used for household control jobs, judicial investigation, and criminal sentencing.
> An operator can also adjust the cookie speed to make the emulated mind experiment a different time scale, a feature used to apply a thousand-year long sentence to an individual's mind, which is served in a few hours of real-world time.
So to summarize, when your mind is uploaded, all you have are thoughts and emotions.
Uploaded to what?
I've said it a bit wrong, because I'm not even sure if mind uploading can be done, because it'll always need some DNA-like receptors.
You actually don't need your mind to be uploaded anywhere, because when you do astral projection, it happens out-of-the-box. Mind can exist anywhere without any uploading.
If you need to upload mind, then usually it's some physical medium emulating some body.
Like another clone, or another body.
Each body needs to be compatible with the spirit which is dwelled inside. It's like the right voltage and watt of the electrical energy for the motherboard body.
Ask another question.
"White Christmas" is a nice mind-blowing episode, watch it if you can. Nothing scary to see (no single blood), it's emotionally scary. Not the horror, but thinking about slaving your mind into tiny box is scary.
Certification: United Kingdom:15, so you can watch it.
> Frequent uses of profanities such as fuck and shit.
> Multiple instances of people drinking and getting drunk.
You can stand that.
> A character is forced into slavery. They are very distressed and confused by the whole situation.
> A character is trapped in a room for in excess of a million days with a Christmas song playing on a loop and a character whose death they were partially responsible for visible, dead, outside of the window. The character is clearly distressed.
If your mind would be uploaded to iPod and listened a Christmas song playing on a loop for millions of days, you would go crazy.
@kenorb My mom won't:
She's a Christian
Ah, ok:)
You should learn to put a space before the :)
Ah, OK<spacehere>:)
Almost to my Area51.SE 2K rep gold.
Punctuations after words doesn't require space, so I'm following the same logic.
Emoji are kind of punctuation marks.
They're basically replacing full stop character or question mark.
Emoji are emotion marks
It's to show you emotion.
> There should be no space between a sentence and its ending punctuation, whether that's a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark.
... or emotion mark.
Prove me otherwise.
<xyz><punctuation mark> <emoji> looks more cleaner.
Hi! :)
emoji = punctuation mark, as per definition: any of a group of marks or characters used in punctuation, as the period, comma, or question mark. It says 'any'.
Then you've two punctuation mark, but spaces are usually for 'separation of words', these are not words.
Example with multiple punctuation mark: Foo (question?) bar. "?)"
Sometimes you can see triple marks, like "Question???", or "Question!?!", mixed, but still no spaces.
I'm saying I'm correct, but I'm following logical patterns.
I've started to use Google Canary, less crashes than the standard Chrome.
I hit so far only one crash.
@kenorb But???
I thought Google Canary was a alpha version of Chrome.
It's the version which is always ahead of Google Chrome.
Yes that
Bleeding Edge.
By Alpha I mean: Alpha in the newest features.
Google Chrome v61.0.3163.100 vs Canary v64.0.3243.0
Who cares, new is always better.
I know what Google Canary is.
Stable never is stable, because they keep fixing it.
I use FireFox.
If it would be perfect, they won't be developing it further.
So I'm ahead of 3 major versions of Chrome, practically works better so far.
But takes a bit effort to migrate all the settings, stored tabs, extensions, user profiles, it'll take me another few months step by step till I'm fully migrated.
Google Chrome Stable ;) Beta and Dev?
I am going to make my OS more bleeding edge.
First step set my PC to get the latest updates instantly.
OK I won't do that I like how my setup is already.
I think I lost my >5k SE-related tabs in my previous Chrome.
Need to check my backups and reverse-engineer the formats.
In one of the profile I had few thousands of tabs which disappeared.
A lot of things were corrupted when I've forced to run Google Canary with user-dir pointing to the normal Google Chrome.
After that they told me it's not fully supported.

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