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04:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

10:08 PM
Hi there.
@MarkYisri Hi there! Welcome to WolfBot!
@WolfBot hello
it doesn't have a help builtin right now, unfortunately. Still trying to fix the basic bugs.
10:09 PM
You are: Henry WH Hack v2.0 (ID: 174169)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: False
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
MFW wolfbot chat has more activity than general chat
right now i'm busy focusing on reading the question feed.
which reminds me.
@KazWolfe does it chat intelligently?
10:10 PM
Words on the filter list:
mint kali
@MarkYisri Not at the moment, and likely not. I'm not that smart :D
maybe if i get really into it or find some really smart people to help, i may add that feature. But right now, it's just a dumb fetch-bot.
@KazWolfe What are it's capabilities?
Right now it can just read commands from the chat, and read data from the AU question feed.
It also can get some basic user data (as demonstrated above), but nothing fancy.
How is it connecting to Stack Exchange? Is it running on the SE server?
10:12 PM
No, it's running locally. I'm using ChatExchange to read data.
You are: Zacharee1 (ID: 146477)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: False
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
ai iz no admin? sadface
@WolfBot lmao all False like me
10:12 PM
You are: edwinksl (ID: 35496)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: True
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
Cool. !!/whoami
@edwinksl Jean ValJean
wait, i am admin?
wait wat @KazWolfe
i think we rate-limited it
10:13 PM
didn't you deladmin me
i gave ed admin to test something, and i must have forgotten to remove it on a working instance.
!!/deladmin 35496
@KazWolfe User ID 35496 removed from bot admin.
10:14 PM
@KazWolfe will we regular users get perms to add to the filter?
or like a "trusted" rank?
That's an older Telegram bot that is being re-used here.
should give you a basic idea of what it can do now.
You are: edwinksl (ID: 35496)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: False
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
@Zacharee1 alright we back to peasant tier
10:15 PM
@Zacharee1 There are three ranks: User, Admin, Developer. R/Os get Admin, Mods get Developer.
I can also manually assign either
who will you choose to add stuff to the filter?
That's the mods.
They're the room owners, so they get to decide.
oh, on that topic...
@Zacharee1 let's see who has user id 24601
!!/addfilter "puppy linux"
aaaand crash
10:16 PM
@edwinksl wut
yay bugs
@KazWolfe lol
@Zacharee1 no user has that id on AU, interesting
!!/addfilter "puppy linux"
@KazWolfe "puppy linux" has been added to the filter list.
10:17 PM
Words on the filter list:
mint kali "puppy linux"
OOh, quotations around puppy linux
@KazWolfe Developer? It was Superuser 12 hours ago
@MarkYisri It has quot-processing, but it does weird things.
It's stored on the backend with it too, which is wrong. Yay bugs!
@edwinksl Dev is internal, superuser is external.
Yay legacy naming!
10:20 PM
@edwinksl oh derp 24601
@WolfBot !!/whoami
You are: Mark Yisri (ID: 234817)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: False
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
@KazWolfe WolfBot shutdown??
Oh it's back.
It doesn't understand the name being first.
there's a prefix option that it checks for at the very beginning of any message
!!/setprefix /
@KazWolfe Prefix set to /.
10:23 PM
@KazWolfe Hi there! Welcome to WolfBot!
@MarkYisri The command /help does not exist.
The help command is missing until I fix more bugs :D
Thought that would happen...
10:25 PM
The command handler still has some issues actually getting help.
@edwinksl The command /slap does not exist.
No complaints
It's neat that the bot has gotten this far.
it's nowhere near done, too.
I'm excited to see what I can do with it.
/ban @Zacharee1
10:26 PM
@edwinksl The command /ban does not exist.
/mute @edwinksl
@HenryWHHackv2.0 The command /amiprivileged does not exist.
@edwinksl Ha ha...
@Zacharee1 The command /mute does not exist.
10:26 PM
Words on the filter list:
mint kali "puppy linux"
there will be a command to prevent users from using commands.
/addfilter ubuntu
Yeah, does that me I shouldn't do that?
@edwinksl This command needs to be run by a Bot Admin.
10:27 PM
@KazWolfe A blacklist user command?
@MarkYisri no, it's fine. but abusing users (cough @HenryWHHackv2.0) might get on that blacklist.
Words on the filter list:
mint, kali
@KazWolfe okay
/addfilter "puppy linux"
@KazWolfe puppy linux has been added to the filter list.
10:28 PM
Words on the filter list:
mint, kali, puppy linux
Is WolfBot's code being changed as we chat @KazWolfe?
actually, i wanna test that.
@KazWolfe Admin command executed successfully.
10:30 PM
whoa that was fast
/reload all
@KazWolfe Admin command executed successfully.
@KazWolfe You have ran the admin test.
10:32 PM
@MarkYisri The command /admin does not exist.
/reload plugins
@MarkYisri 24601
gimme a sec, my plugin manager broke again
there we are.
yay bugs! :)
10:36 PM
You are: Mark Yisri (ID: 234817)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: False
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
/reload plugins
/me is tired
/reload all
10:39 PM
whenever i run reload it crashes :D
/reload all
Was reload modified recently?
it's my current WIP
10:41 PM
Is the Github source being updated right now
/reload all
different program
the github is a telegram chatbot
this is based off the system that does that, but they're not explicitly related.
@KazWolfe Are you, me, and @Zacharee1 the only people really chatting on here?
10:42 PM
and @edwinksl
and @WolfBot
@registerCommand("reload", "Reload the bot", "<prefs|commands|all>", {"superuserNeeded": True})
def reload(message, args):
    if len(args) > 1:
        message.message.reply("Zero or one argument (reloadtype (prefs, commands, all)) needed!")

    if len(args) == 0:
        reloadType = "all"
        reloadType = args[0]

    if reloadType == "prefs":
    elif reloadType == "plugins":
    elif reloadType == "all":
i got pinged
Hehehe... I'm not good at Python :(
10:44 PM
this project has a very weird structure
so that's probably what's causing it
├── config
│   └── prefs.json
├── plugins
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
/reload prefs
superuserNeeded? that is so java
@KazWolfe It's gone.
10:45 PM
it's back
/reload prefs
@MarkYisri This command needs to be run by a Superuser.
essentially the reload command is in BasePlugin, and it's supposed to re-import the entire plugins folder.
@KazWolfe why not just set it up so it does a complete kill and then restart of WolfBot?
i can also do that.
not sure how to set up the watchdog process, though. Probably exit codes.
10:48 PM
Just do the Python equivalent of the C function fork() and then exit if you're not the child.
You are: Mark Yisri (ID: 234817)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: False
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
Does WolfBot have persistent preferences @KazWolfe?
in the config file.
Okay, thought it might be like that.
Words on the filter list:
mint, kali, puppy linux
10:52 PM
/reload prefs
@MarkYisri This command needs to be run by a Superuser.
/password wolfbot
@MarkYisri The command /password does not exist.
@KazWolfe how do you gain admin power of WolfBot?
I saw @edwinksl was a Developer before.
You can get powers through one of a few ways:

- Be on the Developers list (Superuser)
- Be a SE moderator (Superuser)
- Be a Room Owner (Admin)
- Get added thru a command (Admin)
10:54 PM
How do you get on the Developers list?
Superuser implies Admin, correct?
Developers list is hardcoded in the config.
Superuser does inherit admin powers.
@KazWolfe can you add me?
I won't abuse WolfBot.
this is the test env, so sure.
/addadmin 234817
10:56 PM
@KazWolfe User ID 234817 added as bot admin.
you should have admin powers now
@MarkYisri gstfs
yep, it works. sorta. lol.
What ?? gstfs @KazWolfe
10:57 PM
i was just playing around with strings for reload testing
/reload prefs
@MarkYisri This command needs to be run by a Superuser.
Excuse me @WolfBot?
I thought I was a superuser?
You don't have superuser powers.
Just regular old admin.
Oh, okay.
/setfilter test
10:58 PM
@MarkYisri The command /setfilter does not exist.
Words on the filter list:
mint, kali, puppy linux
/addfilter test
@MarkYisri test has been added to the filter list.
10:58 PM
Words on the filter list:
mint, kali, puppy linux, test
Superuser has the power to run any script they want, so...
@KazWolfe can you add elementary?…
sure, after it comes back up
/addfilter elementary
@KazWolfe elementary has been added to the filter list.
11:01 PM
[WolfBot] Found filtered post, matches word elementary: Cern Root 6.06.08 compile error on elementary os loki 64bit
@Seth --^
Oh that is what the filter is meant for!
@KazWolfe is the bot matching keywords with the body of the post?
@edwinksl yep
i was thinking it should match tags
11:04 PM
You are: Mark Yisri (ID: 234817)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: True
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
Filtering stopped working @KazWolfe?
whaddya mean?
it will only alert us to a post once, and then move on.
11:07 PM
@KazWolfe Oh I understand now. It remembers the post it told us about.
IS reload working yet?
/reload all
/reload all
/reload all
@KazWolfe gstfs
/reload all
@KazWolfe Awooooo!
Now reload works :D
11:10 PM
Wahoo! Awoooooo!
/reload all
/reload prefs
@KazWolfe Preference reload complete.
/reload plugins
gah. so close.
Plugins reload not working?
No, it is.
It just respawns the process. Ideally, it would re-import everything, but I don't think it wants to do that.
11:12 PM
What's the "so close" for then?
We can reload, but we just can't reload without relaunching everything.
Yes, like what I mentioned earlier?
yep, that's what's it's doing now.
/reload all
/reload plugins
I should probably ask on SO
Good idea. I'll research and if I find anything I'll answer your question. Just give me a link to it after you post (if you decide to post).
in the meantime, it's online, fighting crime.
I'll actually ask Nathan first when he gets on.
He's one of our local Python gurus, and I'm sure he has an idea.
11:16 PM
I will have to go soon, so you could email me the link:\
/whoami /admintest
You are: Mark Yisri (ID: 234817)
Is Bot Superuser (Grants Bot Admin): False
Is Bot Admin: True
Is SE Mod (Grants Superuser): False
Is Room Owner (Grants Bot Admin): False
@MarkYisri Hi there! Welcome to WolfBot!
@KazWolfe anything changed yet?
just ading some username/password storage stuff.
11:22 PM
Hmm... time to go for me I think.
I think I'll come back tomorrow or the day after that.
Good night.
11:34 PM
@KazWolfe I seem to remember saying this wouldn't be that useful?
I guess you could maybe run it in the regulators room
if someone will actually do anything with it
@Seth I'm just pointing it out it does work.
So we can listen to anything specifically that we are interested in filtering out
sorta like a more targeted smokey.
Words on the filter list:
mint, kali, puppy linux, test, elementary
/delfilter test
Either way, that's why this room is here. We can decide if it is or isn't useful to put in the main chat.
04:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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