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@OliverSalzburg For some reason I can't manage to merge the accounts. Going through the "add another login" method, logs me out and then back into the other account without merging. I have updated my 2ary profile as per meta.superuser.com/questions/3748/…
@OliverSalzburg Can you now merge them or is there something else I should/can do? Thanks
@terdon Can you change the email address in the old account to the one of your new account?
By doing that, I'll see that you have control over it. If both addresses match, I'll merge the accounts.
No, I get an error : "This email is already in use" or something along those lines
When adding it in your profile?
I put the email of my 1ary account in the about me of the 2ary
I just updated the about me on my primary account to show both my account's emails
Comparing the two about me's should show that I have access to both accounts now
@terdon I merged the accounts. :)
@OliverSalzburg That's great, thanks! :)
@OliverSalzburg perfect, it works :)

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