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Hi, you just edited my question (…)
Do you really think that OS X is not required?
I think that osx is a fine tag. Actually, I'd love to add a freebsd tag there.
I don't know what are the standards on
Hi! On we use the platform tags (e.g., for operating systems like OS X, or for web apps) only if the asker requires that the software supports this platform
And that's why I'm asking here
Isn't it the case?
I'd like it to run on either OS X or FreeBSD
since these are my OS's of choice
I'm just curious :)
As far as I understand your question, you are fine with three different solutions: OS X and/or FreeBSD and/or Web app.
If these were "ands", adding [osx] (and [web-apps] and possibly freebsd) would be fine
The idea is that users should be able to browse all answers with [osx] and only find recommendations that are for tools that run on OS X
oh I get it. OK then, thanks a lot for the explanation!
Have a nice evening :D
You’re welcome.
You too =)

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