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To start off the chat this is a must read
I've noticed a lack of answers in sed or dc and since I'm a fan I try to answer as many questions I can in these languages.
This is also why I created this chat room, to raise more awareness about them, since programming in these can be quite fun and challenging.
hello, welcome
what languages do you like?
room topic changed to bash, sed and dc: Chat about tips, golf and programs in either language. [bash] [code-golf] [tips]
@seshoumara C, shell script
well you're right at home with shell script as long as it is bash and not ksh and other variants and I also know C++
ksh fish etc look weird
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei how good is your sed-fu?
@seshoumara umm...not bad?
awesome, two weeks ago I was alone in my world of tinkering with sed and then found this site
finding people that actually submit in sed and dc was mindblowing, great comunity this SE

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