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9:34 PM
sigh There's another thing I'd ask @Dennis if he were here... to please make it possible to directly access Jelly's dictionary programmatically in Jelly :-)
Doing it via Python eval just takes far too many bytes: “ƬŻịXṭÆIJ\ȷḌẆɓ©ƘeDẠ²7ṪĠÇ⁻⁻¹£Ỵṗ½9ȮɱḢṢh/*ḅe»ŒV“+('word'in d)”ŒV (Try it online!)
I'm only scratching the surface of learning Jelly, though. If there's a way to return a list from Python eval in Jelly and keep it as a list, then something like “¡#ẊẆKɲn4"÷ṗḷ⁽£)Bw⁼ị:Żʋ<¢»ŒV“d”ŒV` would suffice, followed by pure Jelly code.
Oh, actually that does work. It only prints it in joined format, but it's still a list. Nice. Still, 34 bytes is a lot to access the language's own built-in dictionary. And the above got mangled – I meant to say “¡#ẊẆKɲn4"÷ṗḷ⁽£)Bw⁼ị`:Żʋ<¢»ŒV“d”ŒV.

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