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@Dennis looks like v2 is currently broken completely. I'm guessing it's pointing to a wrong arena
No one cares about v2 though, so, it's cool.
@Pavel if you don't it does not mean nobody does ;)
@AndrewSavinykh Not the first time that happened. One more reason for config files.
Hi everyone, I was wondering, is it possible to pass command line switches to the PHP interpreter? I want to pass -r so that I don't have to use <?php in the code.
@KodosJohnson I believe PHP is one of the languages which don't seem to work with arguments. You can try wrapping it in Bash.
@Pavel Ah ok thanks.
@KodosJohnson I believe it's on @Dennis to-do list to implement this
It is indeed. It's actually fairly high in the priority queue.
2 hours later…
@Dennis Dynamic, Animated advert.
I'm afraid that violates two rules of community ads.
It's neat though.
4 hours later…
@Dennis can you please pull Brachylog?
7 hours later…
@ATaco Why doesn't it cycle all 202?
Anyways, I'm sure that violates at least one rule, so it can't be used.
2 hours later…
@Fatalize Done.
@Dennis Can you pull MATL? When you have some time... How's everything going? You are not answering that much lately
@LuisMendo Pulled. Everything's fine. I've just been a bit busy with real life lately (trying to get tenure), and I spend most of my free time working on TIO.
The latest changes aren't much to look at, but there's a bunch of stuff going on behind the curtains.
@Dennis Good luck with the tenure! It's hard work, but definitely worth it. In Spain we need to write Proyecto Docente and Proyecto Investigador (plus having published enough research papers). Is it similar for you?
@LuisMendo It's considerably laxer here. You don't need a Master, you don't need a project, and don't do any research as a Profesor (researching docents are called DIDCOM). You do have to teach a sample class though in front of the evaluating committee, which is a bit annoying.
Hm now that you say it I also had to teach a sample class for them. And yes, it was a bit strange. But it was not a full class, maybe 20 minutes or so
Ours was 40. The annoying part is that they don't let you know you the subject until 24 hours before the class, and it's guaranteed to be something you've forgotten about a decade ago. :P
Hah. That's definitely annoying. Let's hope most of them forgoat about it longer ago :-)
It was yesterday. They did. ;)
Do you mean it's tomorrow?? Oh. Good luck then!!!
No, it's already over. It went well.
That forgoat was unintentional. I probably have seen it written like that too many times :-P
@Dennis what algorithm is used to convert the code into the url string on TIO? (i'm asking because I don't write my codes on TIO, so it would be convenient if I could write a script to convert my Perl codes into TIO urls, instead of copy/past them, and correct the bytecount because of the flags..)
This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find the answer (I confess I didn't look very far though)
@Dennis \o/
@Dada It's fairly easy if you don't want to include settings. All fields (header, code, footer, input, and any non-negative amount of arguments) as UTF-8 encoded byte strings, joined with separator \xff, compressed with DEFLATE, then converted to Base64 with @ instead of + and no tailing =.
Ok, great! That shouldn't be too hard indeed. settings are only "disable output cache" anyway, right?
At this point, yes.
Which would only require appending \xf5no-cache, so still not hard.
Ok, thanks! (and more generally, thanks for TIO, you're doing an awesome job :p )

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