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@Dennis How are you currently running Prolog code?
If you're just piping it into the repl that's kind of a nuisance
Since you have to use assert to declare facts or rules
It would be better if Code went to a file that was then consulted and Input was fed to the REPL
i.e put code in file and then append consult(filename). to the input
@quartata I'm not piping it; swipl takes a filename.
I'm also not sure what feeding to the REPL means. In non-interactive mode, there shouldn't be a REPL, no?
The wrapper does this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

ln .code.tio .code.tio.pl
swipl .code.tio.pl "$@" < .input.tio
@Dennis Didn't realise of all langs Joy would be the annoying one, but thanks ^_^ (totally not intending to never use ideone again)
It was kinda hard to compile since it's built for 32-bit. Took me a long time to figure out the Makefile used pre-built object files, not the actual source code...
If you never have to use Ideone again, mission acomplished. ;)
I need to remember that for Octave too. I'm so used to having to go to Ideone that it'll take me some time :-)
Not quite at the stage, but getting there :P
But yeah for Prolog I'd have expected just the write to work, hmm
Ideone's sample program for swipl looks rather similar. I have zero experience with Prolog though, so there's a decent chance I'm doing something wrong.
Having said that I don't think I've ever used Prolog in any thing but the REPL, so it might be fine for all I know
Just the write also doesn't work on Ideone. ideone.com/HORNsd
Hmm k
btw I'm gonna guess you disabled alert for JS/CoffeeScript?
(I guess it doesn't make much sense to have it)
@Dennis I don't think SWI does anything with command line arguments, at least not like that
You can do swipl -f <file> to have it consult when loading the REPL it looks like
That would work for this
Then input could contain the queries
Although I'm not sure how getting more values would work
@Dennis Could you implement Numberwang? It's pretty much Brainfuck with two additional commands.
It's a good language for polyglots.
@JHM While you're here (and since I can't comment on a deleted post) the reason why I was worried was because the spec doesn't cover things like whether 4/7 need to be balanced, behaviour on EOF, tape size/moving left on the tape, trailing 5/6
So it'd have been very easy for different users to make different assumptions in their answers, which is not ideal
@Sp3000 JS and CoffeeScript are exactly as they came from the repo. Afaik, window.alert is a browser thing and never made it into the ECMAScript specification.
Hmm interesting...
Yeah, just looked it up. It's actually part of HTML5.
@JHM Sorry, I don't write interpreters for unimplemented languages. I just host existing interpreters on TIO. If you write one, I could add it though.
@quartata What's <file> here? The source code?
@Dennis Filename, yes
So basically just add -f in front of what you already have
@JHM I should also mention if you really want a number-based BF variant, there's also CaneCode
@quartata I did. Doesn't seem to make a difference.
Link to what you're running?
Looks fine to me: tio.run/nexus/…
The code is where you put the facts not the queries
Again, no idea what you're talking about.
The facts are like the function definitions.
The queries are then where you call them
That works without the -f as well though.
What version of SWI-Prolog? Maybe mine's just old
Doesn't do that for me
SWI-Prolog version 7.2.3 for x86_64-linux
That's odd... because that's also what I have
Doesn't work on Ideone btw. ideone.com/VyCb1Y Or am I just doing something wrong?
I have no idea how ideone does it.
Looks like it expects you to define a program predicate
kind of like a main I guess
So adding program :- fibo(10, X). would work
Although that doesn't then output
I have no idea. I'll add the -f back, in case it's important somehow.
Should I add GNU Prolog too?
I used to go GNU in case of doubt, until I had the displeasure to try GNU APL...
@Dennis What language should the implementation be in?
@Sp3000 THANKS! That's exactly what I wanted!
Whatever you feel comfortable with, as long as it's packaged for Fedora.
@JHM The only problem is that 6 happens early, so you might need to split the 16 in Pyth to use arithmetic, and adjust Reng/Hexagony to suit.
7 hours later…
@Dennis There should be an interpreter for Text (esolangs.org/wiki/Text)
2 hours later…
@Dennis You chose Fedora for the sandboxing, right?
@Pavel Nah, Text is not a programming language (the PPCG kind) as far as I'm concerned. All OSes have a built-in interpreter of Text anyways (Windows/DOS has type, others have cat).
5 hours later…
@Pavel Sorry, but no. That's not a programming language by any definition of the term.
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー Among other things, yes.
2 hours later…
It was a joke guys ;-;
Oh, OK.
Is it me or Nexus has less contrast (text / background) than TIO v1?
I preferred v1's higher contrast (just a personal opinion)
1 hour later…
@LuisMendo Nexus seems like you're suffocating to death, at least to me. You can't breathe at all.
@LuisMendo I canged the text from #F0F0F0 to #C0C0C0, partly because it stood out too much (imo), partly because that leaves #F0F0F0 as a highlighting color. The background is a lot darker though (#383838 vs #484848), but you're right, it decreases the contrast (6.4 vs 8). Once I'm done with the design, I'll offer several color schemes.
@ErikGolferエリックゴルファー I'm not sure how you "breathe" a web page. Could you elaborate?
@Dennis Basically, it's something like "dark gray on lighter dark grey, while having light grey letters" and everything grey. It gives such a colorless appearance. Now, I often interpret this in my mind as not being able to breathe in a dark cell with some white lights sickening you, but that's only my mind (you won't understand). I guess a little color would fix that.

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