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<60 USD is cheap
“Decent” means higher fidelity than a 20s jazz song
8 hours later…
Shure PGA31 is okay @JohnnyApplesauce and it's around that price.
6 hours later…
By the way, I forgot to mention that it has to plug into this thing
Will the Shure plug into that?
Oh foolish me, there’s a picture of the socket on the Amazon page.
How do you power the Shure? What batteries does it take?
lovely compliment @RoryAlsop, back at you. best of luck to all going forward
6 hours later…
@RoryAlsop totally but she's going to not want that :(. We're seeing magnum so I'm sure the crowd (audience) won't care but I see her battling it. I appreciate it's probably best though... I may take in ear and over ear and see what I can do.
2 hours later…
Hey all! Our production of Tommy wrapped up a week ago. And it seemed to go really well. Weekend shows were sold out. The last few nights got a standing ovation. And the very last night we got the most amazing explosion of applause I've ever heard.
One of the reviews mentioned me by name and said "M. Joshua Ryan made the beat throb." I think all the worrying about pedals and setup was well worthwhile.
I think my favorite songs were Cousin Kevin and Eyesight to the Blind. I got to use the fuzz in both.
One tweak I thought about towards the end of the run, but never tried, was swapping the chorus and fuzz. I had channel 4 set up as: OD -> Gate -> Fuzz -> Octave Up -> Chorus. But I'm thinking that Chorus into Fuzz might be better.

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