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Greetings, who do i approach about a moderator putting my posts on hold by citing me for an error that i did not commit in accordance with the help section?
@Seery You could post on meta or we can talk about it here. Looking at the question, I kind of agree that it's unclear.
I think this part could form the nucleus of a good answerable question: Especially when more notes are added, the intervals can have multiple perspectives. So the questions boils down to, do we only focus intervals relative to the note before the new note added?
There are different perspectives one can take when analyzing a chord or harmony. Sometimes you just focus on the intervals between each note and the lowest note. That gives you a kind of scaffolding of all the notes.
But there is also all the intervals from each note to each of the others. If any of the middle voices form a tritone, for example, you can hear the effect of that when all the notes are sounding.
The moderator made it clear that my post was put on hold because i asked 4 questions regarding the same text and he suggested that i make 4 separate posts to ask 4 different questions on one piece of text. That would be a duplicate. The unclear penalty was an alternative to his own rules as his own rules of asking 4 questions regarding one text, do not exist. I have emailed the stack exchange team anyway regarding this issue. Thank you for your help luser droog.
No problem. I understand how frustrating it can be when a question is put on hold. I've had a few that I thought were really good but enough people really disagreed.
Hi @Seery - sorry, it is a rule we have had on SE for at least 8 years. I'll pop up some links to the more formal faq shortly
It's not one of my rules, but an overarching one to allow questions to have an answer that is correct, rather than multiple partial answers
4 different questions would not be a duplicate
First read all of the music.SE help pages. See music.stackexchange.com/help/dont-ask for examples
And if you look at history here @Seery, you will see a large number of times we have closed pays with too many questions in order to get the OP to split them out, so don't take this personally
As mods we help follow up on flags and comments to help questions and answers work better, not to pick on an individual
@seery - and perhaps you should rethink your approach. We keep things clean and tidy, and generally it works very well. We are not "lawless" although we do have mod powers. And I don't think I'm that new round here :-)
4 hours later…
@Seery In general this is a reason to close questions to make them more focused. We do this not only to make sure you get your best answers, but that others in the future can find this info also. Your questions tend to always borderline in this regard because you are approaching them from is that all the questions are related and sometimes that is true and sometimes it is not.

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