A formal system S is a triple ⟨L,T,C⟩ where L is a set of strings (of symbols over some alphabet) and T⊆L and C∈L. We will call L the language of S, and call T the theorems of S and call C a contradiction over S. We say that S is consistent iff C∉T. We say that S is computable iff L,T are computably enumerable sets.
A formal system S is a triple ⟨L,T,C⟩ where L is a set of strings (of symbols over some alphabet) and T⊆L and C∈L. We will call L the language of S, and call T the theorems of S and call C a contradiction over S. We say that S is consistent iff C∉T. We say that S is computable iff L,T are computably enumerable sets.