Let Q(k,x) ≡ ( x is a set of pairs (j,y) such that j∈k and y is an ordinal and ∀i,j∈ω ∀p,q∈x ( i<j ∧ p[1]=i ∧ q[1]=j ⇒ p[2]∈q[2] ) ).
Then Q is a Σ0-sentence, since Kuratowski pair recognition and projection is Σ0.
Gah... too late to edit; forgot to insert the ω into Q.
Let Q(k,x) ≡ ( x is a set of pairs (j,y) with j∈k ∧ y is an ordinal containing ω ∧ ∀i,j∈ω ∀p,q∈x ( i<j ∧ p[1]=i ∧ q[1]=j ⇒ p[2]∈q[2] ) ).
Q(k,x) basically says that x is a strictly-increasing length-k sequence of ordinals containing ω. Now we can prove by induction that ∀k∈ω ∃!x ( Q(k,x) ).
Let Q(k,x) ≡ ( x is a set of pairs (j,y) with j∈k ∧ y is an ordinal containing ω ∧ ∀i∈ω ∀p,q∈x ( p[1]=i ∧ q[1]=i+1 ⇒ succ(p[2])=q[2] ) ).
Where ( succ(x)=y ) expands to x∈y ∧ ∀z∈y ( z∈x ⇔ z≠x ).
ZFC encoding is so troublesome...
Oops need to start from ω to make it unique.
Let Q(k,x) ≡ ( x is a set of pairs (j,y) with j∈k ∧ y is an ordinal ∧ ∀i∈ω ∀p,q∈x ( p[1]=i ∧ q[1]=i+1 ⇒ succ(p[2])=q[2] ) ∧ ∀p∈x ( p[1]=0 ⇒ p[2]=ω ) ).
I wish I can stop writing in set-theory encoding.
Basically I just want Q(k,x) to say that x is the initial segment of ordinals from ω to less than ω+k.
@LeakyNun: Does this sound right now? Or have I made another mistake?