in Mathematics, 6 mins ago, by
Leaky Nun Let $R$ be a ring and $M$ a finitely generated module, say $M = \langle x_1, \cdots, x_n \rangle$. Let $\varphi \in \operatorname{End}_R(M)$. Let $\varphi(x_j) = \sum_i r_{ij} x_i$. Now we build a matrix $A = (a_{ij}) \in M_n(R[\varphi])$ such that $a_{ij} = \varphi \delta_{ij} - r_{ij}$. $\det A \in R[\varphi]$. Now, $M$ is an $R[\varphi]$-module. One can check that $A$ defines the zero transformation $M \to M$, so $\det A = 0$ by adjugate magic, and CH follows.