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@user21820 why is higher order unification undecidable?
@user21820 I'm reading your statement in the uppermost starred comment above. In particular, regarding taking the definition of cosine in terms of complex exponentials and proving all the trig identities that way. I'm wondering if you can actually get away with that without effectively needing those trig identities for the real valued cosine and sine (which are typically defined via their taylor series).
I do think visual proofs are acceptable in geometry because geometry is an inherently visual field of mathematics. i'm skeptical that all theorems in geometry can be proven analytically. I do agree in this particular instance it is better to prove these trig theorems analytically.
In the physical sciences, outside of wave-like phenomena, sinusoids are almost always used visually (e.g. analyzing torque when a force is applied at a given angle)
Frequently you will need gemoetric results for things like vertical angles, alternating interior angles, etc to actually solve it
@DavidReed there's synthetic geometry, analytical geometry and algebraic geometry, all of which don't just use visual arguments
Visualization can guide the intuition, but the actual writing the proof down doesn't require it
@MatheinBoulomenos oh hi lol
@LeakyNun hi
the "geometric" definition is circular per se
in the sense that finding arc length requires the trigonometric identities
the definition via power series is the only way to escape that
and everything can be proved using the power series definition
(see proofwiki)
You are misinterpreting what I'm saying
I agree that in analysis it is best to define sinusoids via their taylor series
every theorem in geometry can be proven analytically.
You can prove that alternating interior angles are equal without needing the visual notion of what these angles are?
I am skeptical of that
In particular, I was wondering whether 820's statement regarding trig identities being proven from the definition of the COMPLEX sinusoids can actually be done without needing these exact identities for the REAL sinusoids
as the complex sinusoids are defined in terms of the real sinusoids
@DavidReed well it's just calculating angles between two lines twice
@DavidReed 820's definition doesn't use real sinusoids though
and yes, every trigonometric identity can be proven using the complex power series definition.
Let me double check, I believe he defined it in terms of the complex exponential
What definition is he using for the complex exponential?
Ah ok
I see now, if you take a power series definition for the complex exponential
I prefer defining it in terms of real sinusoids
then define it however you prefer
It is easier to show the uniqueness of the definition in terms of real sinusoids, in the sense that definition is the only one that will naturally generalize the real exponential
then how are you going to define the real sinusoids?
...taylor series
You can avoid power series altogether if you have the existence and uniqueness theorems for ODEs, which give you much simpler proofs than using power series
it's easy calculus vs. dealing with Cauchy products
This is what I mean by "uniqueness" it is actually my most popular answer on this site (quite depressingly) :
For example, we define $\exp$ as the unique solution to $f'=f$ with $f(0)=1$
A: Defining $e^{i \theta}$

David ReedWe want to define $$f(z)=e^z$$ in such a way that it satisfies the following properties: $$ f'(z) = f(z) , \quad f(x+ 0i) = e^x$$ In other words we want it to be its own derivative and we would like it to reduce to the regular exponential function when the exponent is purely real. Lets explore w...

Then $\exp(x+y)=\exp(x)\exp(y)$, because for fixed $y$, both satisfy the equation $f'=f$ with initial condition $f(0)=\exp(y)$, so they are equal due to the uniqueness teheorem
compare that to multiplying power series
If you take the taylor series as the definition for the complex exponential you are left wondering whether there are other possible definitions that would naturally generalize the real exponential, Mathein is touching on this actually
Nvm, shes doing trig identies, mathjax is disabled :)
@MatheinBoulomenos I like your way actually. So you are using Picard's Theorem?
You can also define $\sin$ and via $f''=-f$ and $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=1$ and similar for $\cos$, then you can derive the addition formula in the same manner as above
after you get the addition/subtraction and Pythagorean you are effectively set in terms of being able to derive the interesting ones.
Pythagoreen is also easy if you define $\sin$ and $\cos$ via ODEs
Easy for taylor series too, just show derivative is zero and it is therefore constant, then just plug x = 0
Yeah, but I imagine the addition formulas are messy
Yes, but the uniqueness part automatically gives you that the taylor series definition IS the solution, so you can really appeal to both
But I don't see where you'd need Taylor series
On the point of theorems in geometry regarding things like vertical angles and such being equal, I see no way to do this analytically
If you use uniqueness to prove the theorems, might as well use it for the definition as well
@MatheinBoulomenos fair point
And these theorems are CRUCIAL for physical applications
Not the trig identities, but the geometric notions
You need the fixed point theorem for picards theorem, although fairly trivial, is not generally on the table in intro to analysis, which I suppose is why the taylor series definition is used.
You need the fixed point theorem for other important stuff, like inverse/implicit function theorem
Our intro analysis prof disliked power series, so he did it like I described
I did inverse and implicit without it
How did the proof go?
In particular, Wade's text makes no use of it in the proof of the inverse function theorem, from which implicit is fairly automatic
It was a pain the ass though, hardest theorem of the course in terms of tediousness
I can paste it here, he may have implicitly used it in disguise somehow.
implicit theorem usage seems appropriate for the implicit function theoerem
Here it is. 820 is going to chew me out :
@user21820 you can move these to trash when you get back
Hmm, you're right, he doesn't seem to use the fixed point theorem
@DavidReed thanks
@LeakyNun @DavidReed I'm off now, bye!
@user21820 I guess the strongest point that we seem to disagree on is that I don't believe that ALL of mathematics should be constrained to be first order expressable and/or provable within a formal logical system. It is too restrictive.
1 hour later…
@DavidReed Then you should read the proofs in my related posts; there is absolutely no use of any identities to obtain the complex exponential function and its properties, and so you're wrong that there is no completely analytical proof.
It's linked from my profile:
A: Philosophical question about Pi and connections in maths

user21820There are two common ways of defining $π$, and they are interestingly and non-trivially equivalent. $ \def\lfrac#1#2{{\large\frac{#1}{#2}}} $ If you wish to define $π$ as the ratio of a circle's circumference to diameter, you would first have to define arc length, which is highly non-trivial. ...

Which links to:
A: Why should one be fascinated with $e^{i \pi} +1 = 0$?

user21820Maybe I should post an answer, explaining how really $e^{iπ} + 1 = 0$ is forced by our choice of what we want the exponential function to be. This may either make one more fascinated by the way it is so forced, or less fascinated because now the mystery is more clearly unraveled. $\overset{..}\sm...

Which has been downvoted by two users who obviously don't appreciate mathematics.
@user21820 For some reason, and this must be my fault, what I said is being misinterpreted
You can define the complex exponential in terms of a complex power series, I stipulated above that I wasn't thinking along these lines
However, even when defining it in terms of sinusoids, I never said there wasn't an analytic proof of trig identies
@DavidReed You are right; I misread your comment about geometry as it was just after your comment about the complex exponential.
I said there exist theorems in geometry that cannot be proven analytically that are important in physical applications
However, you may still be interested in reading my proofs, which do not use any high-power analysis theorems.
was my main point
I will!
A lot of people claim (wrongly) that one needs something like the uniform convergence theorem for series, but in the special case of exp, it turns out just the (asymptotic) definition of derivative is enough.
Mathein above posted an excellent way of proving it that is quite easy
deriving trig identies*
Using Picard's theorem for ODE's
@MatheinBoulomenos <− You refer to this? That is in fact harder. Once you see my proofs you will know. It is 'nice' in the sense that it works for general ODEs, but if you know the proof of the solution existence theorem it's harder than my proof that exp as defined by the power series (rather than as a maximal solution of the ODE) converges.
He probably says it's simpler because he is thinking of the uniform convergence theorem in order to prove term-wise differentiation of power series, which is not in fact necessary for exp.
Proving the summation identity I would think you need the Cauchy product, which is a pain, I am still reviewing yours
The proof of Picard's theorem is fairly trivial though and widely applicable, so once you have that machinery I would imagine her way is easier, BUT I am still reading yours :)
as In I have not yet finished yours to make that determination
I will add, another way of defining pi is to define it to be twice the least positive zero of the cosine function
It's fairly easy taking the taylor series definition of cosine and using the IVT to show that such a zero exists
or twice the least positive zero of the sine function rather
no nvm, twice the least positive zero of cosine
@DavidReed That's correct, and is exactly the approach I would take if going via exp, because we can easily prove that exp is periodic, as in the linked post from the linked post:
A: Equivalence of the two cosine definitions

user21820There actually an elementary way to derive everything from series definitions of the exponential and trigonometric functions: First obtain the series for $\exp$ on $\mathbb{C}$ about $0$ where $\exp$ is defined as a function such that $\exp' = \exp$ and $\exp(0) = 1$, and prove that the series c...

@DavidReed Read finish first. You will see that there is no Cauchy product needed for exp. =) It is true that you need it for more general termwise stuff, but exp converges so quickly that you can do without it.
I'm not speaking about convergence, rather deriving the formula for say sin(a+b) = sin(a)cos(b) + sin(b)cos(a) from the series definition
@DavidReed That is trivial using exp as I stated here:
Feb 3 at 6:28, by user21820
By the way I won't prove any of these first until I have already constructed the exponential function and proven its properties, because then it is trivial to define cos(x) = (exp(ix)+exp(−ix))/2 and sin(x) = (exp(ix)−exp(−ix))/2i and get all the identities by purely algebraic manipulation.
Using this, sin(a+b) can be algebraically manipulated to get the desired identity.
You only need the property that exp(x+y) = exp(x)·exp(y), which I proved in my posts.
So, read them first and you'll see that everything's covered. =)
the latter part was the point I was making
proving that taking the series definition, which post do you do that in?
nvm found it
@DavidReed I actually did it in two different ways. In the first post, which is more recent, I used a proof that is in some sense purely algebraic.
Starting from "I shall sketch how to get all the basic properties of exp."
Yep :)
I will have to review it when I restart my medication, feb 12th
the "suitable application of rolle's theorem" is throwing me
It's just that if a function has zero derivative on a continuous path, then it must be constant on that path.
Ah, I'm rusty on complex in general, I didn't realize there was a complex theorem called "rolle's theorem" as well
It's not called Rolle's theorem, but you can just restrict to the real and imaginary parts separately and apply Rolle's theorem.
Sort of.
Well if you want I can prove it later. It however can be captured algebraically by an axiom.
Namely, given complex variable y varying with complex parameter x, if dy/dx = 0 then y is constant. (This is using the framework described here, which some cranky users downvoted.)
I should be able to do it myself once my brain is functional again
@LeakyNun I don't have time to read now, but the wikipedia article gives references for that, and I'm sure it's due to undecidability of the halting problem, just like incompleteness.
@DavidReed Sure. I am very busy until around the same time anyway. =)
You can trash those screenshots if you'd like
@DavidReed They were relevant to your conversation, so there is no need. If however you want to keep them in another room, I can move them. For example, you could expand your Logic Books room to Math Books room. =)
Though it's also true I'd rather not have too many screenshots at one go. =)
Yes, I figured once she read them you could just trash them once you got on. I think the logic books room has likely been deleted. I'm happy with either outcome
Though when I think about it, it does have relevance to reverse mathematics, which you are fond of
Incidentally, if you read my post about generalized differentiation, it's in fact much stronger than the usual inverse function theorem, and also the proof in my framework is extremely clean. I have not thought much about how to generalize to multivariable calculus, but since I don't use it much I didn't really try.
The inverse function theorem is huge in that it gives you the implicit function theorem (actually I think they are equivalent, though not 100% on that)
You need implicit function theorem for Lagrange multipliers for example, which is obviously of huge practical importance in fields like economics/finance
@DavidReed Then you should like my framework, since it is proven in just a few natural steps.
As mentioned, it is a pain to prove, I don't blame you for avoiding it :)
I meant for $\mathbb{R}^n$
Really I hate analytic proofs in general, writing $ < \epsilon$ gets very old very fast. I'm more of an algebraist, I find proofs in algebra to be much more elegant and interesting.
Anyways I'm off. Good chatting with you. I may drop in again tomorrow.
Sure see you again!
6 hours later…
@user21820 I don't see where you need power series. All the statements you need, including $\exp=\cos+i\cdot \sin$ can be derived from the uniqueness theorem
I mean $\exp(ix)=\cos(x)+i\sin(x)$ of course
Both sides satisfy $f''=-f$ and $f(0)=1$, $f'(0)=i$
that sounds easier to me than proving that you can reorder an absolutely converging series
Where the definition of $\cos$ and $\sin$ are the solutions to $f''=-f$ with $f(0)=1$, $f'(0)=0$ for $\cos$ and with $f(0)=0$, $f'(0)=1$ for $\sin$
8 hours later…
@MatheinBoulomenos how do you prove that $\sin$ (as a function $\Bbb R\to\Bbb R$ satisfying $f''=-f$, $f(0)=0$, $f'(0)=1$) is periodic?

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