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I have one quick question
how is the length of a propositional logic formula defined ?
1 hour later…
@Tung In what context? You can define it to be the total # of symbols or the total # of purely logical symbols or the # of atomic formula. Really depends on what your goal is
I have an exercise in which i have to prove that
prove what?
let me repharse it in english
since it is orginally in german
if F is a formula, x is a variable, G is a subformula of F: call F(G/x) F' ( the formula obtained by replacing each instance of G with x)
Then: for each interpretation B for F' such that: B(x)=G(B), we have F=F' in those interpretation
and how does length come into play?
The exercise specifically asked to prove this assertion by induction on formula length
Ah, Induction on complexity
You prove it for atomica formula
ok, thats the induction basis step
then you prove it for each logical operator..
so the induction step would be suppose it holds for formulas A and B
hmm, i think you are likely right
then it holds for $A \land B$, $A \lor B$ etc
but, isnt it not induction
it is like recursively prove
recursive proof
Its called induction on complexity, you are correct that its not on its surface what you generally think of as induction
It's an important proof method in mathematical logic
Ok, thank you very much for your help. I don't think it can have any other meaning other than the one you offered me.
I would try it that way ^^
I'm pretty sure that's the meaning. As its universally used
is the length in my question
anyway related to this question
in that question they seem to use another meaning of length
if it is indeed different, do you know what it is ? I'm just curious ^^
length becomes the total # of logical operators in this context
The length of a formula is not well-defined. It means different things in different settings
ah, it is the number of characters in the formula, counting the parenthesis
so when you add one logical connective, u add 1 for the operator, 1 for the variable, and 2 for the parentheses
thats why there is the 4
Yes but sometimes you'll be adding one logical operator (like or) to two compound statements, like (A and B and C) or (notD or E)
The total # of symbols concept of length is important for proving metatheorems like the incompleteness theorem
I'm sorry David, I'm still not sure how this whole "induction on complexity" works
Suppose I have to prove that statement
So first i prove it with atomic formulas
then I assume it holds with abitrarity formula G
then I prove it holds with G or F
or should I assume for any two abitrarily chosen F and G in which the statement holds
(F or G) also holds
prove it holds for all atomic statements
then assume it holds for both F and G and show that it then holds for $F \lor G$
so you assume it holds not only for G but for F as well
ok thanks ^^
@TungNguyen There are many different ways of defining length of a formula in first-order logic that would work for the desired purposes. The reason is that the underlying idea is structural induction (as David described). Now I think you should actually look at the rigorous form of structural induction itself.
A: Why are induction proofs so challenging for students?

user21820For CS students specifically, there is another approach that would work better than the usual way induction is taught, namely by teaching structural induction, which goes like this: If you want to prove that a collection $S$ of finite structures (such as binary trees) satisfy a property $P$, ...

Oct 26 '17 at 9:55, by user21820
It applies whenever you have a collection S and a function f : S → N, and a predicate P : S → bool. Then structural induction says: ∀x∈S ( ∀y∈S ( f(y)<f(x) ⇒ P(y) ) ⇒ P(x) ) ⇒ ∀x∈S ( P(x) ).
Oct 26 '17 at 9:56, by user21820
Note that the English in the linked post has two conditions only because it's confusing in English to rely on vacuous truth.
@user21820 How are you feeling?
Oct 26 '17 at 9:58, by user21820
Otherwise condition (2) suffices. Namely, if you can show that ( given any object x in S, if every object in S of smaller size than x satisfies P, then x itself satisfies P ), then every object in S satisfies P. Size is captured above by f.
Oct 26 '17 at 10:00, by user21820
Incidentally, you can prove structural induction by using classical logic plus ordinary induction alone. I always recommend my students to try this haha..
@user21820 I am currently in the logic room with you :)
@user21820 Also I have asked how you are feeling?
@DavidReed If you're referring to the topic of evidence for first-order logic that you raise in the other room, feel free to continue here. It's just that it would be a different discussion since over there it's about whether the post is bad or not rather than about the non-mathematical philosophical issues.
@DavidReed I'm not sure how to interpret that question. I'm fine, as usual.
Maybe I'm off then
off as in misreading you
@TungNguyen: Anyway if you have any question about what I just showed you, please ask.
1 hour later…
@user21820 Let $P_k(x)$ be the 1-parameter sentence defining $X$. Then, do we have $k \in X$?
@LeakyNun: Let's get those messages together:
yesterday, by Leaky Nun
@user21820 enumerate all 1-parameter sentences P such that ${\sf ZFC} \vdash \exists!x P(x)$ as $P_n(x)$. Now, let $X = \{n \in \Bbb N \mid {\sf ZFC} \vdash \forall x (P_n(x) \to x \notin \mathcal P(\Bbb N))\}$. Now is it true that $X \in \mathcal P(\Bbb N)$?
14 hours ago, by user21820
@LeakyNun Well by power-set axiom of course X ⊆ N.
@LeakyNun I knew you'd want to do that. If you're lazy, you can take the lazy approach to intuitively understand what goes wrong. You wish to work inside ZFC itself. ZFC could be consistent but proves itself inconsistent. So you would be enumerating all 1-parameter sentences over ZFC, and also your X would be just the collection of all natural numbers.
what if it is consistent?
@LeakyNun My point is only that the lazy approach shows that whatever argument you have in mind is bound to fail because ZFC can't prove the scenario above doesn't happen.
Of course, if you actually write out your whole argument, I would be able to pinpoint any problem.
But I'm lazy you see?
Assume $k \in X$, so ${\sf ZFC} \vdash X \notin \mathcal P(\Bbb N)$, which is absurd. Assume $k \notin X$, so ${\sf ZFC} \nvdash X \notin \mathcal P(\Bbb N)$, so $k \in X$.
@LeakyNun You know where the mistake is?
@user21820 I don't
let's assume that ZFC is consistent
If k in X, then ZFC proves "forall x ( P[k](x) implies x notin P(N) )". This says nothing about X. In other words, you're making a type-error.
but we know that P[k](X).
Type error.
You're working inside ZFC now.
Not outside.
let's change "proves" to "models"
That doesn't work because you don't have a copy of the current universe inside the universe.
Unlike in my type theory. =D
I mean, pick a model and then diagonalize that model
Um well write it out and we'll see.
Though your previous attempt failed, I'm quite sure you can obtain some undefinability result if you carefully extract the required assumption needed to push your argument through.
Enumerate all 1-parameter sentences P such that ${\sf ZFC} \vdash \exists!x P(x)$ as $P_n(x)$. Now, let $X = \{n \in \Bbb N \mid \mathcal M \vDash \forall x (P_n(x) \to x \notin \mathcal P(\Bbb N))\}$ where $\mathcal M$ is a model of ZFC.
Assume $k \in X$, so ${\cal M} \vDash X \notin \mathcal P(\Bbb N)$, which is absurd. Assume $k \notin X$, so ${\sf M} \nvDash X \notin \mathcal P(\Bbb N)$, so $k \in X$.
Still type-error. Your X has nothing to do with M.
but $M \vDash P_k(X)$
I mean, $\vdash \forall x, x+x=2x$, so $\vDash 3+3=2\cdot3$
@LeakyNun <− This only type-checks if X is an element of M.
@user21820 but $M \vDash \exists!xP_k(x)$
So what? If your claim does not type-check, then you cannot make it. You would need some type-conversion mapping, and such simply does not exist.
That's why I said you should observe carefully how I define definable reals, because I'm avoiding this exact same problem by considering only models with the same reals.
but it's giving me an informal headache
Lol which one is giving you a headache?
For reference, here it is again:
A: Do numbers get worse than transcendental?

user21820Let us be more precise about definable numbers, to avoid common pitfalls. Suppose we have chosen our favourite foundational system $S$, which is in modern mathematics ZFC. $S$ of course can be implemented by a computer program that will given any input theorem and purported proof will output "ye...

@user21820 my own "paradox"
@LeakyNun But it doesn't type-check, so how is it a paradox?
because it informally type-checks
I'm not quite getting your informal type-check... M is a model of ZFC but by definition of model M could be anything; it's unrelated to the current world in which you're reasoning.
I picked such a model
looked at the element M thinks is X
That makes no sense. X is defined based on M, so X must be an object in the meta-system and cannot have any representation in M itself...
If you get it, then good, because I feel like my explanation itself is not very good.
informally I'm taking the "standard" model of ZFC
It's just the way I personally think.
i.e. I can go in and out, lol
Hmm.. let's do that with my system, which has a standard model obj.
I don't think the problem is with the standard model.
Though of course ZFC does not have any standard model.
what does your system say?
I think I get the same obstruction. Though obj is the universe, I cannot prove that it is a model of the system, and so we cannot talk about what it satisfies.
So perhaps you can indeed say that your issue is with assuming the existence of a model that is an isomorphic copy of the universe itself.
26 mins ago, by user21820
That doesn't work because you don't have a copy of the current universe inside the universe.
@user21820 why can't that happen?
It's far stronger than consistency...
lol ok
It's already stronger than arithmetical soundness.
Because if there is a model that is a copy of the universe, then the system cannot prove a false arithmetical sentence.
Same holds in my system, so it's not quite correct for me to say that my type theory has a copy of the universe. It only intuitively appears to.
12 hours later…
Sanity check, does $\sf PA$ (the usual $6$ axioms plus the first order induction schema) prove that there is no $x$ with $0<x<S(0)$? (where the order relation is defined as $x<y\iff\exists z(z\neq 0\land x+z=y)$?
Or better, does $\sf PA$ prove $\forall x(x\neq 0\rightarrow \exists y(x=S(y)))$? What about $\sf PA^2$ defined as the usual $6$ axioms plus the second order induction axiom "every nonempty subset has a minimum"?
@AlessandroCodenotti re $\forall x(x\neq 0\rightarrow \exists y(x=S(y)))$: this is an easy application of induction
Oh, of course
@AlessandroCodenotti re $0<x<S(0)$: Let $0+S(m)=x$ and $x+S(n)=S(0)$, where $S(m)$ and $S(n)$ are guaranteed by lemma. Substitution gives $S(m)+S(n)=S(0)$, whence $S(S(m)+n)=S(0)$, whence $S(m)+n=0$, whence $S(m+n)=0$ (through induction), whence contradiction
sorry for changing the proof
So the big difference is that $\sf PA^2$ proves that every element is the successor of the successor of .... of the successor of $0$
@AlessandroCodenotti when is your logic exam?
Tomorrow, the written part
good luck
Another question, let $L=\{+,-,\cdot,0,1,<\}$ be the language of ordered fields, we consider the L-structure $\Bbb R$ (where everything has the obvious interpretation) and the theory of that structure $\text{Th}(\Bbb R)$. By Löwenheim-Skolem there is a countable model of $\text{Th}(\Bbb R)$ (which is also elementarily equivalent to $\Bbb R$), what does such a model look like? I suspect the algebraic numbers might work but I'm not sure
@AlessandroCodenotti the algebraic numbers do work.
A: Are all first-order truths of real arithmetic also true of the algebraic reals?

Asaf KaragilaYes. The reason is that the two fields are models of the complete theory of Real-Closed Fields. One of the characterization of real-closed fields is that their algebraic closure is an extension of degree $2$, which is clearly true for both fields.

Beware that you need the real algebraic numbers
> Examples of real closed fields[edit]
the real algebraic numbers
the computable numbers
the definable numbers
the real numbers
superreal numbers
hyperreal numbers
the Puiseux series with real coefficients
Woops, I forgot to write it, but that's clear, $\exists x(x^2=-1)$ and it's hard to be elementarily equivalent :P
to be pedantic, it's $\exists x((x \cdot x) + 1 = 0)$
Ok, one more sanity check, any two models of $\sf PA$ contain an isomorphic initial segment, any two models of $\sf PA^2$ are isomorphic
Given two models $A$ and $B$ and the function $f(0_A)=0_B$ and $f(S_A(x))=S_B(f(x))$ it can be proved that this is an isomorphism if $A$ and $B$ model $\sf PA^2$ but just an injective homeomorphism if they model $\sf PA$, right?
@AlessandroCodenotti yes
@AlessandroCodenotti why must it be injective?
I'm not sure, but I think my proof of injectivity didn't use the second-order bit. I don't have my notes with me at the moment to check however
@AlessandroCodenotti what is the domain of $f$?
The set underlying the structure $A$
ok, definitely not injective in general

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