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@DavidReed: Hello! Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?
Yo there
I am so so
@user21820 How about yourself?
Ive kind of been avoiding this room since the twinky incident
turned 30 yesterday
Bringing an end to what will hopefully be both the darkest and most illuminating years of my life.
@DavidReed I seriously forgot what "twinky" refers to already.
that person that came in because I was "handsome" and then started talking about ppl wanting to kill him
Oh lol! Anyway it's not your problem at all, so why worry?
It just made me uncomfortable
How's life? Anything going on logic wise that's of interest lately?
Well anyone could do the same to any other user, whichever room they go to. For example if you click on my username, you'll see all the rooms I am currently in. There's no privacy on Math SE, but the mods will see to any discomfiting behaviour. =)
what wound up happening that night?
It just stopped. End of story. Moderators deleted the two worst ones of his comments (about "killing").
And I think he got suspended for a day. Oh I checked; it was only a 1-hour ban.
I'm going to the galapogos islands in 3 weeks. Words cannot express my excitement
@DavidReed Aha. That sounds like fun.
Either way, take care of yourself while you're going around having fun. =)
Its where Darwin formulated his theory of evolution, almost all the creatures there are endemic--cannot be found anywhere else on earth
penguins, giant turtles, manta rays, sharks, whales, funky looking birds etc
Haha. You mean Galapagos.
is that not what I said?
oh the spelling
There are weird-looking creatures all over the earth.
Our cruise ship has a glass bottomed boat, so can see underneath
That's nice.
my dad and brother
That's great.
going to get to snorkel with sea lions which I'm actually pretty psyched about as well
Curious. How much does it cost per person?
How about you? anything exciting for the new year or plans for the future?
all in all for the three of us will be about 20k
I see.
you going to be at the computer here for awhile?
@DavidReed Nothing much new coming up, but I'm trying to finalize the fine details of my type theory, which would be my preferred foundational system.
@DavidReed Yes for the next couple of hours I think.
awesome. me as well
@LastIronStar: Hello there! Hope my stupid error last time didn't confuse you too much. Did you see my corrected solution?
You can move the above to the trash if you want
@user21820 I didn't read the first one lol
@LastIronStar Ok good.
@DavidReed No need, but if you want it moved to your own chat-room I can do so.
I just know some ppl are really strict w off topics. your besty 0039 for instance
doesn't bother me
I jumped into a misc. chat the other day and saw you two had been going at it again.
@Secret You around?
@DavidReed Not my besty, whatever that means, lol. I'm really strict against cranks and immorality (which explains why my attitude towards them is so harsh), but that's about it.
besty = best friend
Nope. I do not know him/her except as another user on Math SE.
@LastIronStar You can't wait to start, right? =)
170039 you don't know?
@user21820 haha yeah
@LastIronStar don't let me interrupt you
@DavidReed Not at all. What made you think I was friends with him/her? If I were, then I wouldn't be having those discussions online but in person away from others' eyes.
@DavidReed No worries! @Secret seems to be offline so the logic discourse has to be paused :)
I was being ironical....
Lol. You love pulling my leg as far as it will go, eh?
@DavidReed Happy Birthday! :D
its obvious that you're not. Everytime I jump in a room its "WELL IF YOU'RE GOING TO CENSOR ME THEN IM MOVING THIS TO TRSH". Its like a tornado of just each of you moving the other's msgs into trash
Thanks man!
What's something logicy that I can 3d print
@DavidReed Um... cat chasing its own tail?
is that symbolic of logic to you?
I was just being a random idea generator.
the logic analog of printing a pig PI statue
@user21820 Isn't an Ouroboros better for self-tail chasing related symbolisms?
@LastIronStar I don't like snakes.
I could maybe make a cup with a turing diagram on it I suppose
Ah I know I know. Print a set of Wang tiles.
@DavidReed You could print the symbols for Logic Gates
That as well
or just NAND gate
both are good ideas
keep it in the back of your mind for the next few days, I'm waiting on more filaments now. I've become totally addicted to this thing
but I'll take a picture of it and upload it here for you to see
and if you want one I can mail it to you or to a nearby fedex pickup location (thinking of mr privacy for the latter)
Is it possible to make your own 3D printer?
you want me to make you a 3d printer?
Ideally, Yes
that would be great
I just bought a book that tells how to make one
but you still need extra metallic parts and the like
You can share the name of the book?
I can probably do better and share the open source/design for it
one moment
The RepRap project started in England in 2005 as a University of Bath initiative to develop a low-cost 3D printer that can print most of its own components, but it is now made up of hundreds of collaborators world wide. RepRap is short for replicating rapid prototyper. As an open design, all of the designs produced by the project are released under a free software license, the GNU General Public License. Due to the ability of the machine to make some of its own parts, authors envisioned the possibility of cheap RepRap units, enabling the manufacture of complex products without the need for extensive...
I'm going to go lookup math ones ppl have put online and see if theres anything logicy
Somebodys done one better and printing functioning logic gates
@DavidReed For interesting logic stuff that I did recently, I solved my own question about extensions that fail to be sound at a specific level in the arithmetical hierarchy.
In my original post, I had a non-constructive proof at the Σ2 level:
well well well
do share
A: Can there be two different math?

user21820Yes. Let $S$ be our chosen foundational system. Even if we somehow know that $S$ is $Σ_1$-sound, we still cannot rule out the possibility that $S$ is $Σ_2$-unsound! Here truth and arithmetical soundness are of course defined with respect to the natural numbers in the meta-system. First conside...

Then I asked a few people (Asaf and Noah) whether they could answer my follow-up question in my comment, but neither gave an answer, so I posted it as a question:
Q: Computable extension to $Σ_1$-sound system that is $Σ_2$-unsound?

user21820Recently, I wrote this post showing (if I did not make a mistake) essentially that: For any nice formal system $S$ that is $Σ_1$-sound there exists some extension $S'$ that is $Σ_1$-sound but $Σ_2$-unsound. (Here "nice" is the usual kind of technical requirement, but you could simply assume t...

Eventually after reading Gro-Tsen's answer, I realized I could use the computability-based proof of the Rosser incompleteness theorem to get an even stronger generalization.
Hence my self-answer. I think it nicely shows the incredible advantage of the computability-based viewpoint. It's much easier to think in terms of oracle programs than in terms of plain arithmetical sentences.
This reminds me
what was the resource you used for computability based metalogic for FOL
@DavidReed If you're asking for where I learnt the computability-based stuff in my post about the incompleteness theorems, I didn't have any resource except the blog post I linked from my post.
But because of my background in both mathematics and computer science, I realized just how powerful it was. It's true that the ideas are probably already known to logicians very early on. But Kleene was the only reference I tracked down who used the zero-guessing problem.
Sorry not Boolos. Haha..
@LastIronStar How are you in your logic studies? Have you started on sytax and semantics for FOL yet?
As mentioned I will be largely brain dead until feb 12
so not too far away
@DavidReed Did your doctor say anything about alternative techniques to sleep?
that's why I've answered only easy reference requests types of questions lately
rep has been stagnant
I see him next wednesday
He's in LA. I
i'm currently in dallas
Ah okay.
but its not a sleep thing. Just have to wait until I restart some meds towards the beginning of the semester for me to really dive into thinks requiring significant though
that's why I have starred them for later
@DavidReed I'm currently reading this book called "The Foundations of Computability Theory" It is pretty good so far.
sec I'll look it up.
The boolos book we recc'd has some basic stuff on that as well. It has register computability, which is the closest model to a computer
empty this register into the accumulator etc
Yes, planning to read Boolos as well. I just wanted to try something new so picked this up :)
wise move
I will be updating this from now:
so that there's one place to refer stuff
I generally by 5-6 texts on the same subject I'm trying to learn about
generally if one of them is weak on one part the other is strong etc.
cool man
Currently, I'm lacking in Problem Solving Confidence - not just in logic, but in general :( so that's preventing me from opening more books parallely.
I applaude your curiousity on the subject.
@LastIronStar You could add the proof you just finished. =)
I use that all the time
been 10 yrs and not a year that goes by I don't reference it
@user21820 adding all the proofs i've done so far :)
@LastIronStar you simply must buy that book. I have recommend it on this website at least 10 times in my post
@DavidReed Looks pretty solid, thanks!
It was for my undergrand mathematical thinking/proofs/ pre abs algebra class
@DavidReed Lol let people buy what they want. I'm personally more in favour of free references online because some people (me included) do not wish to spend much money unless necessary.
Yes I'm obviously not demanding he buy the book, what was meant that my recommendation for it is 12 stars out of 10
@DavidReed I thinking it's mainly a psychological block you know, I am trying to find that attitude adjustment that will get me more motivated to stay on the problem.
any problems in particular?
Because I used to be pretty good at problem solving a few years back!
Well, instead of thinking about the problem itself, i'm thinking more about the consequences and trying to meta-adjust my thought process etc,. if you know what i mean.
you get good prob solving in comp sci as well. Learn about how to break down complicated problems into a series of smaller problems that are easier to solve
is this like a proof type problem or a find a solution type problem?
It's a issue of stable confidence i feel.
@DavidReed what do you mean?
more like Olympiad type problems.
if that's of any help
Is the problem like : " Prove that if.." or "Show this problem has a unique solution and find it"
oh, either in this classification - I think the parameter to go by is that i'm hitting a ceiling of difficulty beyond which i'm unable to persist and solve.
A: When to give up on a hard math problem?

user21820It depends on the problem. Since you've tried a lot of problems already, I think it is not too hard to guess whether the solution is really completely out of your reach. In that case, either you can look at a solution if there is one, or you can simply put the problem aside and wait until you fee...

to be clear it seems as though no amount of persistence will help at difficulties beyond this threshold of "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"
If you could think of an example, I could tell you how I would approach the problem
@LastIronStar The hard part is figuring out what that "you shall not pass" level is, so that you can correctly give up and look at the solution or set it aside temporarily. This would be easier with more experience.
@DavidReed Right now, it's not that difficult a problem but i'm stuck in any case - I'm trying to prove that with high probability randomised quick sort runs in O(n log n) comparisons.
What I can tell you is that there is something I call "mathematical maturity" it only develops by solving homework problems and doing proofs (and understanding the proofs). And as time goes on, things that would have totally overwhelmed you in the past became really trivial
@user21820 well, there's no solution to look at it in most cases since i'm embarking on research work.
I can prove any result from undergraduate analysis or algebra right this moment without any references if I gave myself 5 freebies and didn't include stokes theorem
@LastIronStar Ah then you'd only have the option to "set aside temporarily" and do something different for a while.
There's the brute-force option of trying all possible proofs, but that is very unlikely to get anywhere except for the simplest problems.
So that's a "proof" problem and not a "solve" problem, if that clarifies my meaning earlier
Yes, I understand that mathematical maturity takes its sweet time to ripen but i'm worried about it constantly
So what would count as "high" probability
@user21820 Yes, I don't think this is an option.
@DavidReed It's a technical but vague term usually indicating that probability goes exponentially to zero as n goes to infinity.
no so w.h.p is something like "running time is bounded by (n log n) with a probability of 1 - (1/n)
you mean convergence in probability then
Oh so mine would be "very high probability" in comparison to yours, I guess.
where you can replace 1/n with anything that decreases fast enough with increasing n
@DavidReed No; in CS we typically want a hard bound on the probability, not a soft convergence guarantee.
yes, it is very high probability
I think we can get very high probability for randomized quicksort.
I know it's possible
i'm just stuck
I shall look this up quicly
I haven't looked at sorting algorithms in a lifetime
I don't want hints either so it seems like i'm gonna be stuck for a bit.
Aww I was just going to ask whether you wanted a hint.
I should be able to solve this for my paygrade so taking hints is detrimental in the long run :)
but any advice on attitude adjustment and general approach is welcome :D
@DavidReed There's a wonderful book on Probability tools for Computer Science if you are interested.
by Mitzenmacher and Upfal, do check it out.
Ok so it looks like it just means the probabilities converge to 1 in the regular sense
@DavidReed No we want hard bounds... It won't do to have an arbitrary convergence rate.
yes but rate of convergence is also important.
In mathematics, an event that occurs with high probability (often shortened to w.h.p. or WHP) is one whose probability depends on a certain number n and goes to 1 as n goes to infinity, i.e. it can be made as close as desired to 1 by making n big enough. == Applications == The term WHP is especially used in computer science, in the analysis of probabilistic algorithms. For example, consider a certain probabilistic algorithm on a graph with n nodes. If the probability that the algorithm returns the correct answer is 1 − 1 / ...
specifically, you want it to converge better than or at least as fast as 1 - 1/n
but the definition of fast enough is a bit loose.
@DavidReed As I said, it's a technical but vague term and the Wikipedia article you cited isn't doing a good job of explaining that.
Ok. I see
Typically, having failure rate of 1/n as n → ∞ is good enough for most purposes because it can be bootstrapped to higher polynomial orders. But in some cases we want exponentially low failure rate, not just polynomial in 1/n.
@user21820 actually the wiki seems to explain it fine!
@LastIronStar It only gave 1−1/n as an example, not as the definition of "WHP".
Granted, it's vague, but when people in the literature use it we definitely want to look for "precisely how fast".
yes, that is good right? cos WHP can mean exponential for some areas and something else elsewhere.
@LastIronStar Of course, but people not familiar with the area will not know that, and the article would be better if it made that clearer.
There's always a mismatch between terms in a field and what outsiders would think at first.
yeah I agree with that.
it could be better
the only one that shows up with that author is "Probability and Computing"
I'll probably get that one irregardless of whether I get the other
oh, they are coauthors.
that's the one.
i should have been clearer in hindsight
thanks for the recc sir
I've been meaning to catch up on statistics for the mcat
which means I have to refresh on probability
Which means I have to refresh on the fourier transform :((((
I'm not sure if this is a good resource for probability leaning on statistics but it is, as I said, excellent for Probability as used typically in Algorithmic Analysis and the sort.
I'm interested in all types of probability irrespective of their usage in statistics
Frankly, I'm interesting in everything
ok good, then this will be very interesting for you! It has loads of problems as well :)
@DavidReed *interested FTFY :P
yes typo
whats ftfy mean?
Fixed That For You :D
ok, i'm gonna attack the problem once more now, let's hope it yields! see you two laters!
later man
@DavidReed Once again, Happy Birthday! I wish you the very best of health and happiness here on out :)
Well thank you! Much appreciated.
I have a year and a half of chemistry to finish by the end of the summer
along with a semester of sociology and a semester of psychology
Come the twelth I will be in school nonstop until next winter
@LastIronStar See you!
@DavidReed: I didn't realize you're not much older than I am. Haha.. =)
How old did you think I was?
About 35? I'm not good at guessing ages anyway.
alright man I'm pooped. I'll stop by again soon.
It was good catching up
I'm going to be away too. See you later!
3 hours later…
@user21820 another quick question concerning the graphs exercise, what's exactly a chain?
2 hours later…
@AlessandroCodenotti Sorry didn't see your message. Oh for that post it is about directed graphs so it's not symmetric and need not be irreflexive. A chain in that context would be a (possibly infinite) sequence ... → u → v → ... , where the only edges are from a vertex to its immediate successor in the chain.
1 hour later…
Hm, ok so for the first one I can add a constant $c$ and consider sentences $\varphi_n$ saying "there is an element $x$ which is a distance of at least $n$ steps from $c$" to get a model with an element infinitely distant from $c$ by compactness
No, wait, that doesn't work, I need all the sentences to reference the same $x$, so I add a second constant symbol $k$ and modify $\varphi_n$ to say that $c$ and $k$ are at least $n$ steps of distance from each other
@AlessandroCodenotti That's right.
@user21820 Cool, for the second one I think not even a single semi-infinite chain can be axiomatized, let alone a disjoint union of them, because I can add countably many constants $c_i:i\in\Bbb Z$ and consider sentences $\varphi_n$ saying "$c_{-n}$ to $c_n$ are linked in the usual order" and by compactness I get a model in which there are infinitely many elements to both sides of $c_0$
@AlessandroCodenotti What if you are allowed to have constant-symbols in the language?
Oh well the same argument works, though you can't exactly say "let alone".
Anyway the sketch in my post is for the interpretation of "semi-infinite chain" as being "a chain with a starting point", whereas your argument also deals with the interpretation of "semi-finite chain" as being "a chain with either a starting point or ending point".
Oh, right, I tend to think about graphs as not directed so I didn't notice the difference
Sanity check: any such chain is countable, right?
@AlessandroCodenotti Yes, because we're not talking about a linear ordering here.
@user21820 So to use a cannon to kill a fly one can't axiomatize a single chain by Löwenheim–Skolem
@AlessandroCodenotti Lol...
At least, that cannon didn't destroy the third exercise. =D
nope, the union of $\kappa$ many disjoint chains works as a model of cardinality $\kappa$ so something a bit finer is needed :P
Actually I'm not sure whether it can be axiomatized or not in the third one, I need to think about it

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