@MatheinBoulomenos It means for every ordinal stage, whether successor or not. Have you read my post on ordinals? The explanation and proof of transfinite recursive construction is there, and you need to go through it to grasp how and why recursive definitions work. Treat the stages as a function on an ordered set, which function is to be recursively defined, each point depending only on values on smaller inputs. As explained, it works if the ordered set is well-ordered, and sometimes fails otherwise.
16 hours ago, by user21820
We can take the simplest example of the existence of a basis of any given vector space V. By transfinite induction V can be well-ordered. Initialize S = {}, then enumerate the vectors in V in that order and at each stage add the current vector v to S iff S⋃{v} is linearly independent. At the end, clearly every vector in V is in span(S), and we just have to check that S is linearly independent, which you should be able to prove.
In this comment I described building S algorithmically by modifying S in ordinal stages, but to translate it to be compatible with transfinite recursion, you are essentially building a fixed function S where S(i) is defined in terms of S(j) for j<i, for each stage i. This corresponds to the extender.
Such an algorithmic process can be translated only because the process is monotonic; we only add to S and never take away, so S(i) = Union { S(j) : j<i } possibly adding {v(i)} depending on the condition.
@LeakyNun This wasn't in your original list, right? It's correct, but it's not so short to prove that it implies left-neighbour for successors, right? If S(x) = y and z < y then S(z) ≤ y = S(x), and then now you have to use the addition axioms to get z ≤ x.
1 hour later…
8 hours later…
11 hours later…
class ordinal (α : Type u) extends linear_order α, has_zero α, has_add α, has_mul α := (omega : α) (succ : α → α) (zero_le : ∀ x : α, 0 ≤ x) (zero_lt_omega : 0 < omega) (zero_or_succ_of_lt_omega : ∀ x : α, x < omega → (x = 0 ∨ ∃ y, x = succ y)) (succ_ne_zero : ∀ x : α, succ x ≠ 0) (succ_ne_omega : ∀ x : α, succ x ≠ omega) (succ_inj : ∀ x y : α, succ x = succ y → x = y) (lt_succ : ∀ x : α, x < succ x) (le_of_lt_succ : ∀ {x y : α}, x < succ y → x ≤ y) (add_zero : ∀ x : α, x + 0 = x) (add_limit_le : ∀ {x y z : α}, y ≠ 0 → (∀ w : α, w < y → x + w < z) → x + y ≤ z)
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