In fact, that is the main purpose of my discussion session, to give as simple proofs as possible of the incompleteness theorems, and try to ensure that everyone understands them. The side-remarks are indeed at a higher level but that's more for interested people to explore in greater depth if they wish.
The main problem I see is that there is hardly any simple yet rigorous proofs of the incompleteness theorems anywhere, even on the internet. This leads to people having to rely on pop-science articles most of which are wrong, or having to wade through a hundred pages of a proper logic textbook just to get to the desired goals.
In contrast, my write-up only relies on basic understanding of programming, and is just a few pages. One reason is that I think few people are aware of this type of proof. Everyone hears of the "This statement is unprovable." kind, which is actually a significantly harder route. I myself did not know of the proof I presented until I read a blog post by someone who isn't even a professional logician...
@Raute: So yeap I'm glad you would like to join. =)
The more people get to learn about it, the better!