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13:00 - 16:0016:00 - 18:00

@user21820: After your suggestion, I started to read some mathematical logic. But the very thing that strikes me is the concept of "finite string of symbols". How exactly do we define the concept of "finiteness" here?
@toto: Hey sorry I didn't see your message. Any question?
@user170039: We have no choice but to accept string manipulation in our meta-system.
Hu, well actually yes, i read some stuff about formal proof and fitch style
And actually i had some difficulties to understand some laws of inference
especially the for all introduction
Ok sure just ask if you've questions. Let me address user170039's question for now.
Give me a few minutes.
@user170039: Basically the thing is that we cannot define everything. Ultimately we run into intrinsic circularity
one of which is that we need to understand strings of symbols.
NL: Let me use ML to denote natural language and MS to denote the meta-system. I'll distinguish when I'm talking in NL and when I'm talking in MS.
NL: To begin studying logic at all we need to set up MS. The most basic requirements is that MS axiomatizes strings (over some fixed alphabet) and their properties.
NL: Suppose we take ASCII as the alphabet, and we let MS have axioms like "forall strings x,y ( x+y is a string )". Here "+" is a binary operation that is valid for strings and is supposed to mean concatenation.
NL: We also let MS have axioms like "forall string x and k in N ( x[k] in A )", where "in A" denotes "is a symbol in the alphabet". Note that MS doesn't actually need set theory, but it's convenient to use similar notation.
You can use MathJax, I can read them in my computer.
NL: Hello! Alright, thought it would be harder for me to type and read haha.. Since every time MS uses "$A$" it would be in the form "$\in A$", we can systematically replace it by a predicate if we like.
I don't understand what you mean by "MS doesn't actually need set theory". Can you explain?
NL: Rewrite every occurrence of "x in A" as "Alph(x)".
NL: This means we can make do with "Alph" just being a predicate symbol in the language of MS.
NL: We will never need to use "Alph" as an object in MS.
The problem is, when you are talking about predicates as being formal symbols in the MS, you need to set up Meta-MS and the regression can continue ad infinitum.
NL: Same for the notion of "string" and "$\mathbb{N}$".. You can rewrite "$\forall x \in String\ ( \cdots )$" as "$\forall x\ ( String(x) \to \cdots )$". We will never use "$String$" as an object.
NL: Yes that is why I said it is an intrinsic circularity.. To set up MS, our NL I'm using now needs to already know about strings.
NL: The important difference is that NL contains all kinds of natural language nonsense. The MS we wish to set up will not.
NL: Or so we hope. By including as few specific axioms as we need, we hope to have a clean meta-system within which we can then study other formal systems.
NL: But at the core we cannot escape the circularity. See math.stackexchange.com/a/1334753/21820 where I describe what I believe are the only two circularities in mathematics.
But we need to be sure that "[t]he MS we wish to set up will not contain all kinds of natural language nonsense", don't we? We can't leave that to hope.
So, why bother about formalization at all?
@user170039: We can't hope to prove it. But we can hope to convince others that it is sound.
So, logic is based on belief?
That is the reason for Hilbert's original goal; if mathematics could be reduced to finitely describable rules, then both camps (basically finitistic and infinitistic) would agree.
Let's put it this way.. Classical logic was based on belief. We empirically observe that we can assign truth values to sentences about reality and then combine them via boolean operations and reason about them and obtain correct conclusions if we started with only correct sentences.
The only sticky issue raised recently is that LEM seems fishy. But actually it's not. Certainly it is not constructive, but it is surely true about the reality. Any sentence about reality is either true or false, even if we cannot figure out which.
Let's be clear about some things. Do you mean that since Hilbert didn't want logic to be based on belief and so he wanted mathematics to be reduced to finitely describable rules?
I mean that Hilbert didn't want logic to be based on too much belief. The finitistic camp were not happy with infinite objects. If they could be convinced that infinitary mathematics as done by the other camp was actually consistent, it helps to make them feel comfortable that perhaps it is not meaningless after all.
But to convince them, it would be no use to use infinitary arguments to do so!
That is what Godel proved impossible. The incompleteness theorems really show that no purely finitistic argument can prove the consistency of PA.
Now I get it.
So we can't hope to achieve Hilbert's goal, but at least we can try to minimize our required beliefs.
That we do by first setting up MS.
If everyone agrees on MS, then we can use MS from then on.
And everyone will have to agree with all the consequences that MS can prove.
Does it make sense?
That is also why I take pains to say that MS does not need to be a set-theory.
Although most modern logicians take ZFC as their MS!
> the very thing that strikes me is the concept of "finite string of symbols". How exactly do we define the concept of "finiteness" here?
Back to your this question...
In what context did you read this, can I ask?
While reading predicate calculus from a book on mathematical logic.
Ah okay.. I was wondering because I used that phrase a lot in my answers on foundations haha..
So for the modern logician, it's easy because in ZF we can define "finite" quite simply.
For a weak MS, we don't even define it because we don't need to.
All we need is our axioms for strings to be just good enough.. for example..
MS: forall x in String ( len(x) in N ).
MS: [all the axioms for N as a discrete semi-ordered ring, plus induction]
NL: These axioms allow MS to be able to reason about strings and importantly prove results about strings using induction on the length. "len" is some function symbol.
NL: So don't be surprised if you see your logic textbook use the axiom of choice, because modern logic assumes ZFC. But note that Godel's incompleteness theorem is very constructive; he purposely ensured it was, so that everyone cannot deny that it is true.
@user170039: So is what I sketched enough or do you need more details?
But still, the formalisitic position of mathematics is problematic philosophically. Is there no way of founding mathematics using NL?
Mathematicians in the past have been using NL.. sure, but nobody can be confident it is sound. Remember Newton's infinitesimals whose square is zero?
And even Euler did some infinite series manipulations that were invalid.
But claiming that Euler's manipulations (say) were invalid required one to be rigorous. I don't think that is same as being formal.
Rigour is only possible through formalization.
Why so?
Otherwise one could ask you, how do you know your mathematics is rigourous and mine/Euler's is not?
The only way you can answer is by setting up some formal system which both of us agree with the inference rules.
And then you show that my reasoning leads to provably false sentences, while yours doesn't.
That is why only after the ε-δ definition of limits was introduced, were we able to say conclusively whether or not some handwavy argument is rigorously valid or not.
By the way, when I say "formal" I don't mean that we must write all mathematics in a precise formal language, but merely that it must be clear to others that it can be written in some formal system should one desire to.
Few mathematicians today do their work in formal systems, unlike software engineers.
I think I understand. But should I have any doubts in future, can I again talk about this?
Sure. I also want to say a bit more about NL.
On first thought it seems that there is nothing quite wrong with NL, as long as we try to stick to unambiguous phrasing.
Right? Most science is done in NL anyway, and we seem fine.
More precisely, I think that most science use syllogisms implicitly in their "proof".
In fact, NL is quite fine, but one must be very careful because NL can talk about all kinds of weird sentences that are grammatical and unambiguous but not about reality.
A: Is Godel's modified liar an illogical statement?

user21820Your question has two main facets. The first is that you did not grasp the way logic does not fall to the liar paradoxes. The second is that there are deeper reasons as to why we have such apparently innocuous sentences in natural language that seem to defy assimilation into formal logic systems....

See in particular Quine's paradox in the later part of my post.
By the way, what exactly are "unambiguous sentences"?
Heheh good question. That's one of the pitfalls of using NL.
In my post sentences about reality can be considered to be unambiguous, but Quine's sentence is an unambiguous sentence that is not about reality.
We could define "unambiguous" recursively. Suppose "X" and "Y" are unambiguous noun phrases. Then we stipulate that "X is Y" is an unambiguous sentence. And so on.
If we stipulate enough axioms about unambiguity, we should be able to establish that Quine's sentence is unambiguous (as any native speaker will agree with).
But you need to ascertain that there indeed exists $x$ and $y$ which are "unambiguous".
Yes that's why I said it's recursive.. If you don't have any axioms to 'bottom out', you get nothing provably unambiguous at all.
I could say "1" and "sentence" and "phrase" are unambiguous noun phrases, for example.
Sure. But then we defining things arbitrarily (much in the similar way we define finite strings).
Yes, this is the big problem with NL.
Still, the mathematics we do is not strictly formal. So, I was wondering whether it is at all possible to base the foundation of mathematics on informal logic.
There is nothing that needs to be done if that is what you want, since it is already in informal logic.
I don't understand. What do you mean?
What makes mathematics useful is that almost all of it can be formalized, so we can be certain that anyone who accepts the formal system (usually ZFC) has to accept all mathematical theorems that have been proven so far (and written in semi-informal papers).
If mathematics was simply based on informal logic alone, then we have no such guarantee whatsoever.
Don't forget Russell's paradox. Naive set theory is what a lot of mathematicians use, and how do you know they don't manage to prove some theorem because they got a contradiction somewhere in the way Russell did?
Maybe because they informally use Naive set theory but formally (we believe) they use $\sf{ZFC}$.
Or some such axiomatic set theoretic system.
Yes those that know ZFC or some other formal system will work informally but always check mentally that it can be translated.
But some don't, and I've observed some professors go and ask others who know ZFC in detail about usage of things like the axiom of choice.
Anyway if you've finished reading about Quine's sentence (or the rest of the post), feel free to tell me what you think about it. I've read most other explanations (usually by philosophers) and as a logician I personally feel mine is the most correct. It turns out Kripke's notion of "grounded" is similar to my "about reality", in case you want to read about it.
I will try. But I think it will take time. For now I have to go. Thanks again.
As for informal mathematics, you may be interested in books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZIHs6Kar0vIC&pg=PA9.
@user170039: Sure, see you around next time. Just ping me!
@toto: So what are your questions?
Well, that was something trivial i think, but i'm not sure to grasp it
it's about the universal introduction rule
Just ask then.
What about it?
do you see what i'm talking about
well, i don't exactly understand what it means
they say
n in N, P(n) => for all n in N, P(n)
and, i'm not sure to get it exactly
Which text is this again?
from my logic book
they do not used =>
but the "demonstrate" symbol
well okay so it's not too different from my Fitch-style system?
well, it's the same i think
Good. Then it's easy to explain
Firstly recall the -> rules.
well, to deduce a->b
The introduction rule allows you to get from ( A |- B ) to ( A -> B )
we must suppose a and then prove b
then it gives use a->b
Yes and that's how the rule captures the meaning of implication.
We need the other rule of course to make the capture correct.
The other rule is Modus Ponens.
from A , ( A -> B ) we can get B.
a->b and a |- b
Yea this makes "A -> B" behave as if it is no different in meaning from "A |- B". The same goes with the "forall".
what do you mean by the same goes with the forall ?
The introduction and elimination rules make "forall x in S ( P(x) )" behave the same as:
|Given x in S
The former is a single sentence with a truth value.
The latter says that in the subcontext where you have an object x in S, you can derive P(x).
Stated this way, they obviously mean two different things. But the rules make them essentially interchangeable, in the sense that if you have one then you have the other.
i don't understand
Let's look at the implication again. Whenever you have:
you can derive:
A -> B
and vice versa.
from A->B we can say A|-B, true
The former says something about what you can derive, namely in the subcontext where A is true then you can derive B.
The latter is a single sentence with a truth value.
It is precisely the introduction and elimination rules that make both interchangeable.
The former gives the latter via -> introduction.
The latter gives the former via -> elimination.
|Given x in S
forall x in S ( P(x) ).
via forall introduction.
And the reverse is via forall elimination.
i see
yes but
Perhaps you want to ask, why have such rules?
why can we say that forall x in S(P(x)) is obviously true
yes, i mean, why do it works
well actually wait a sec, i'll tell you precisely what i don't get
Oh well the rule is clearly sound. You just must read the meaning of the rule correctly.
|Given x in S
means that under the context where x in S, you can derive P(x).
Note that in my specification of the rule at:
cause, in my book they says
Here x must be an unused variable.
give x in S, P(x) where x is an unbound variable in P(x)
forall x in P(x)
Hmm yes, but that's not the starting point.
See my ∀sub rule. One can only construct a ∀ subcontext using an unused variable.
So that makes it such that if you manage to prove P(x) in that subcontext, it really applies to any possible given x in S.
Since there is nothing that controls what the x could be except that you know it is in S.
So if you manage to prove P(x), it is because your argument only relies on x in S.
i see okay
it works, thanks :)
oh by the way
@user21820: Do I know you from a different user name (i.e. Have you changed your username anywhere between 1.5 years ago and now?
have you some excercices ?
@amWhy: Nope my username has been the same since I joined Math SE. But who do you think I am?
@toto: Yes I have, I'll just paste them here.
cool, cause i need some practice
Just curious, because I've been around here for a long time (away from March '15- May '16)...have done a lot in logic here, but don't immediately recognize your username. But I'm very glad you started a chat for logic!
Hello @toto...I'm not trying to interrupt!
@amWhy: Ah I see; well I've been answering logic questions in the past few months or so, very rarely earlier.
Problem 1. Given any assertions A,B, prove the following:
(A ⇒ B)∧¬B ⇒ ¬A.
Problem 2. Given any assertions A,B,C,D, prove the following:
(A∨B)∧(A ⇒ C)∧(B ⇒ D) ⇒ (C∨D).
Problem 3. Given any assertions A,B, prove the following, which are commonly known as De Morgan’s rules:
¬(A∨B) ⇔ ¬A∧¬B.
¬(A∧B) ⇔ ¬A∨¬B.
Problem 4. Given any assertions A,B, prove the following, which is commonly known as absorption:
A∧B∨¬B ⇔ A∨¬B.
These are for propositional logic.
@amWhy, no prob don't worry ^^
hu seems hard for me xD
for the first one
i'll try to suppose (A ⇒ B)∧¬B
and then get not(A)
(i just want some help for the first, for the others i'll do it by myself on my spare time)
First we break down as much as possible.
If ( A -> B ) and not B:
| A -> B.
| not B.
| ...
| not A.
No direct route seems possible, so we try negation introduction.
If ( A -> B ) and not B:
| A -> B.
| not B.
| If A:
| | ...
| | Contradiction.
| not A.
Can you fill in the blank?
ah, we can freely suppose A -> B and not B ?
yes sure i can
from If A: it gives us B (modus ponens)
but, we suppose not(B)
It's not exactly freely suppose. It comes from the first context (assumption) and conjunction elimination.
but we find out that not(B)
so contradiction
Yes that is right.
You should learn to write in the formal format
"It's not exactly freely suppose. "
that's what i don't understand
when i can suppose something or not
That's why you should learn to follow the rules strictly. Does your book also use Fitch style?
no, they use trees
but, i read fitch style
Never mind you're a programmer so try doing it the way I did. In more detail it goes like this:
that's the same rules
If ( A -> B ) and not B: [if-sub]
| ( A -> B ) and not B. [given]
| A -> B. [and-elim]
| not B. [and-elim]
| If A: [if-sub]
| | A. [given]
| | A -> B. [restate]
| | B. [-> elim]
| | not B. [restate]
| | Contradiction.
| not A. [neg-intro]
( A -> B ) and not B -> not A. [-> intro]
See carefully, at every point we are using an inference rule on sentences we know to be true in the current context.
you're ri
why and-elim do not create a subcontext ?
because if you have a sentence "A and B" that is true in the current context, by definition of "and" it means that both "A" and "B" are true in the current context.
okay, i though each rule create a context
Same for [-> elim], also called modus ponens.
a context is only created when you suppose something ?
Technically there are no inference rules that create contexts. Yes you can at any time create a new subcontext and specify some restriction on it.
In my system there are only two possible subcontexts.
One is the conditional subcontext (when you suppose something)
and the other is the universal subcontext ("Given x in S")
okay but one thing which is hard to understand for me
when you conclude something
from a subcontext
why do the conclusion apply to the upper subcontext ?
Not in all cases, clearly.
for example, you mark a contradiction
and so you conclude that not A is the in the upper context
why ?
There are only two ways you can get out of a conditional context. You already accept the [-> intro] rule right? That is one.
This [neg-intro] rule is another, and is precisely the reasoning behind proof by contradiction.
13:00 - 16:0016:00 - 18:00

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