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Again there a deadly silence in this chat.
Common people, only five hours until all is over. No hypes? No tears? No blood and guts?
No attacks on candidates? I miss the last election.
It looked like a real-life thing.
My endorsers attacking Nathan and Nathan's attacking me.
Who are we kidding? I'm not really excited this time myself.
What happens after the election will be interesting though.
Providing that the meta be active enough that I can work with.
Five hours to go! If you were procrastinating your vote, it's time to vote.
How many constituents?
I noticed 10 people voted in the past 24 hours. That's pretty cool.
Darn it. We're getting closet to Nathan's estimation.
That's way too close to Nathan's estimation. I smell a rat.
626 - 257 = 369
Oh. Thank God
Oh yeah, my math finished for a moment there
I calculated 100-31=79.
We reached my goal. I was hoping for 365.
In my defense, I've never touched a calculator in 35 days.
At least.
35 days?? That's like six weeks!
@J.R. There's always a majority in the election that rarely participate on the site and only appear at the time of elections. I wonder who they voted for this time.
I'm not going to judge anyone for how often or infrequently they visit the site.
Newcomers, regulars, chatters, commenters, questioners, answerers, and lurkers... they all offer a unique perspective.
I feel unique alright
@J.R. I'm not judging, but it's interesting to think who they vote for with little to no background.
We are all unique but some are more unique than others. You are one of those folks who is uniquely unique :-)
Maybe they pay more attention to the questionnaires and metrics, and base their votes on that.
Rep means almost everything I guess
But I wouldn't complain, since then I'd see Snail elected.
When you put a decision like this in the hands of the people, you gotta include everyone. Otherwise, it's not really in the hands of the people.
It would be interesting to check the other elections going on around SE, and see how strong the correlation is between rep and electability.
Other metas are usually more active, and there's a bunch of highly respected users, some of whom are existing mods.
Those users have the chance to win the election.
In ELL's case, I don't see an active meta, so I have no idea.
But Colleen has a good chance of winning because of her help in meta.
That's in accordance with other sites' results.
I don't know that a sleepy meta is a bad thing.
A lot of times an active meta means a lot of people griping and carping :-)
@J.R. It's not that bad
It's just much better to get stuff done with meta.
Anyway, I'll be back to check in 5 hours or so.
The slate of candidates was long and strong. This will be good for ELL.
Except mine. I talk too much
And do nothing
Although I've promised myself to do something after the election whether I get elected or not.
I already started doing something on Chem.
2 hours later…
@J.R. Amen to that. I think it is a testament to the ELL community that we don't have too much that needs to get sorted out on meta.I think our active chatters help with that too.
I'm putting my money on sailplane and Nathan. I think enough votes are in that I can start speculating
Ugh and auto-complete once again helps me to look like a terrible typist
@ColleenV Only two hours left :-)
Test incoming...
2 messages moved to Trash
And it works.
Oh, just an hour?
Should I be excited?
@ColleenV Yup, this is more likely.
You have a good chance too.
That's the kind of thing that annoys me about ELL. Apparently "Ends in one hour" means "Ends in one hour and fifty-nine minutes". Hmm someone should direct TPTB to an English Language learning website or summat. Grrr .... :D
@Araucaria But is it really a math or programming thing? Or maybe we should send them to User Experience
I share your annoyance with it :)
@Araucaria Yeah, known bug. It just doesn't round right.
The relative timestamp algorithm is designed to work referencing the past; it's not optimized for future dates.
@ColleenV, @undo Harrumph. Back in an hour then ... ;)
I miss the UTC clock in the drop-down in the old top bar. I never know what time it is in UTC, but the site always gives me timestamps in that time zone.
@snailplane It's still there, look in the achievements dropdown
@snailplane Yes, it would be good to have utc clock on the page somewhere ...
All this time, and I never knew. Maybe because I don't look at the achievements thingy.
If you're on Windows, you can put a second clock in another time zone in your tray
I'll have to think of it as the Achievements And Also A Clock drop down.
Thank you :-)
Now I can see we have 42 minutes left!
Probably in other OSes as well I keep local US/Eastern, and UTC up
Which the site tells me anyway, but.
@ColleenV I use my phone to see what time it is in other time zones. I have it set to show the time in San Jose, Chicago, Bangkok, and Tokyo, I think.
And Tabriz.
Not Tabriz? :(
I should get rid of Chicago to make more room. I can figure out Chicago time in my head :-)
I think your correspondence is more interesting than mine lol
@DEAD For you, I just swap A.M. with P.M. and call it close enough.
Chicago is easy for me since I'm in US/Central
@snailplane Yay
ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃︵┻━┻
It's 12:24 P.M. here, so it's 12:24 A.M. in Ekaterinburg, and 11:54 P.M. in Tabriz, I think.
My clock is in a VM, so I'm probably a couple minutes off :-)
2 precisely
Although I thought it's called Yekaterinburg
That's an alternate romanization.
So the real question is can I fool around in the breakroom long enough to see the results or will someone catch me slacking
It's like Yeltsin.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jul 13 at 19:53, by balpha
@JonEricson nice try, I'm reporting you to your manager anyway
That's harsh. I guess I should go work for 20 mins and try again
Not that I'm not enjoying a possible mod's company.
We don't have any pollsters so I had no way to convince people I could make good on my quid pro quo in those backroom deals.
And an upvote on someone's post doesn't buy as much as it used to ;)
@ColleenV Yeah, everything costs too much these days.
Especially now that we are out of beta!
I don't feel anything has changed since beta.
Except perhaps me aging.
Thankfully getting maturer, not weaker.
I lost the ability to edit tags inline, hence the need to run for moderator
I lost 10k tools, hence the need to run for mod.
Who am I kidding, I even considered withdrawing.
There is absolutely no need for me in this election.
There are great candidates with good chances of winning.
I think you will do better than you expect.
It's not about doing better.
It's good to have real choices
There isn't much to be done better regarding a bunch of flags.
The thing is, you guys deserve the place better than me.
Of course mod work is sometimes tough, but if you volunteer for it, you deserve the spot more than me.
Wait a sec
Oh stop it.
I think that mod work can be tough but most of it is mainly redundant.
Election ends in 4 minutes
@Catija IKR, it's like reviewing
My breath is actually bated
@ColleenV Stop what? I'm not being modest or depressing. It's just a fact.
From an outsider POV
It's not about deserving really
and stepping up to give folks a choice of candidates is something nice to do for the site
> election ends

in 1 minute
I really hate having to pick from just two obvious choices. I love SE voting because I can always make my first choice an underdog if I want to
only 370 voters... interesting. I wonder if that's a lot.
that's out of 2148 eligible, so I guess that's not too bad.
The winners are Colleen and Snailplane!
uh what?
Someone pin that please
Congrats! Woohoo
Oh wow, I didn't even prepare my acceptance speech
because I was so sure Nathan was a shoe-in
Wow, it was so amazingly close...
@DEAD I can do that :P
Congrats @snailplane and @ColleenV!
in Language Overflow, 2 days ago, by DEAD
Now you're just showing off
@ColleenV You two were so close and it looks like a lot of his votes went to you, which pushed you over Jay... that's amazing.
Woo hoo! :-)
@NathanTuggy Thanks!
Wow, that was close.
I want to say thank you to everyone who ran, with a special congrats to Nathan and Jay, who gave Colleen a run for her money.

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