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300 votes.
Probably another 70-80 to go... who knows though.
Votes on the answers represent "We can't currently create the Q&A in a vote-locked place because we do not have the means to lock a post on votes alone, and we're just using Meta for this at the moment". In an ideal scenario you wouldn't be able to, or need to, vote on them but people still do because they can. As for including links to the responses in the main post, that's a fair option to do, one I'm considering just including in the base template moving forward. — Grace Note ♦ 9 hours ago
@snailplane Unfortunate
It's always interesting seeing SE staff voting on our little site's election
who does Pops want to win? and why?
(or hairboat for that matter)
Me, obviously
@NathanTuggy I guess they look at candidate stats, and vote for the most hardworking one.
Part of me wouldn't want to win in this election. There are at least three candidates that deserve the place more than me.
I have a slim chance anyway, but you never know who the mob voted for.
Maybe even our desperate friend NVZ.
Heh, yeah, it's a bit ... interesting ... waiting for the fickle mobs to settle and knowing there's not much more any of us can do.
It seems that people vote for whoever they had a positive experience with.
That's probably pretty accurate, yeah.
They don't really consider whether that particular candidate can hold the mop well or not
Screw democracy
I want dictatorship
3 hours later…
@DEAD It's a strange feeling having to think about voting for yourself. I usually don't do something unless I want to succeed at it, but I can't say I would be all that disappointed if any of the candidates participating in chat here walked away with it instead.
What's creeping me out is that I choose three people and two will be elected.
So why am I choosing the third?
In case no-one else votes for your first two choices
You still get a voice even if your first and second choices are unpopular
I know, but it's still weird
It's a different kind of voting system, but I think it better reflects the will of the community.
Unlike, say the US elections, you don't have to vote for someone you don't like just to make sure that someone you like even less doesn't win.
Wow that's a whole lot of negatives in that sentence. Maybe I can be more positive after another cup of coffee lol
Anyhow I'm 3 minutes late getting out the door for work so I have to scoot :)
Yes, I'm familiar with STV.
Meek STV is really effective.
1 hour later…
@ColleenV @DEAD @NVZ I know, but choices got harder now :)
However, I am open to bribery.
I can re-cast my votes, but for a payment(a badge, or some cash [points])
so PM me, if you are rich!
@Usernew Lol, I should have baked some cookies to give away for my campaign!
I even have a recipe for gluten free deep dish chocolate chip cookie pie that everyone can enjoy :)
2 hours later…
Hello, I am afraid to say that I am very late. I am very confused about "Election". I actually don't know what this is. May anyone like to tell me about it please?
1 hour later…
@Idon'tknowwhoIam. After this election, we'll choose two moderators. The community chooses two other normal members of the site to become a moderator.
Do you know who a moderator is?
2 hours later…
319 badges awarded
@DEAD How are you figuring that out?
1 hour later…
@ColleenV just counting the badges
On the badges page? I tried doing a query but it appears the data isn't out there yet.
After about 12, I think the computer should count for me :P
@ColleenV I think each page of badges has 60 badges on it.
I would vote for @snailplane and @DEAD, but I don't have enough rep, lol.
So I count 5 pages and 25 badges on the 6th page, for 5×60+25=325 badges awarded.
That is a very difficult sum.
Thank you, I worked very hard to calculate it.
I see Stoney has over 100k on ELL, nice.
Ah, I had better not clutter this election chat with useless comments. Poof.
@ColleenV this is what I spend my youth on
@snailplane Ah, see that's where I fell down because I know you count per page, but 60 is way more than 12 and I couldn't figure out how to get the computer to do it so I stopped and spent a few hours writing a script to do some menial task that takes me about a minute to do by hand :)
I'm a special kind of lazy...
@ColleenV Programmers amirite
@ColleenV In my day we called that a 'trivial' program, which was insider (i.e. hide it from the client) jargon for a task with no algorithmic challenge at all but requiring 10-20 times the programmer hours it was worth.
I've just been checking over at 538, but Nate Silver isn't calling this election.
@StoneyB Computers are really good at doing certain things, and really bad a doing some things that a person can do while sleepwalking. I still think that it is worth the effort to force them to do tedious work so that people can be free to do the things no amount of programming will be able to make a computer do.
At least until we're smart enough (or stupid enough depending on your perspective) to make an artificial intelligence who will make us do all the "tedious" things like moving rocks around while it does all the "fun" things like solve faster than light communication and such :)

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