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nice turnout
I created this room in response to a flood of NC comments that started to crop up in the following question
A: Software rewriting alternatives

maple_shaftBefore making any decisions about what approach that you would like to take, I always feel it is important for the development team to always consider the option of a complete rewrite as a possibility, even though many think it is nearly always a bad choice. Take some time to write up some high ...

thats my answer...
Q: Software rewriting alternatives

westonWe have a legacy system to bring up-to-date because: It uses an unpopular (amoung our users) non-sql database (Btrieve) Provides only a text interface Is written in Turbo Pascal (but compiled in free pascal) which is hard to recruit/retain developers to maintain it To give you an idea of the ...

Converting a non-SQL database to a SQL one is usually an extremely stupid idea. Move to another nosql DB, if you like, but stay away from SQL! – SK-logic 1 hour ago

@SK-logic Many would argue the opposite... – maple_shaft♦ 1 hour ago

@SK-logic Specifically the non-sql (not no-sql) is Btrieve, I don't know if it's more replaceable with a no-sql db, that an sql one but don't get the wrong idea, it's not a "no-sql" db as it stands, it's a record based ISAM db. – weston 51 mins ago
Who is paying for the rewrite? i.e. how much budget do you have? – JBRWilkinson 46 mins ago edit
I think Sign has it right
Nobody wants to come argue databases it seems?
@JNK sorry I was editing
didn't realize so much white space got copied in
> a trendy SQL stuff.
Since when has SQL been trendy? What is this the 80's?
Yeah the opposite is true
> Relational systems are not very efficient in general
^^^ I will concede this...
Not necessarily true
EVERY single time I have seen that argument, it's been from someone who doesn't know a lot about optimizing RDBMS
It's like me saying "Rowboats are slow" because I am a crappy rower
Relational databases are extremely efficient at dealing with sets of.... relational data
It's kinda hard to argue either way because we don't know how much data is in the legacy DB or the type of data
Now your boss comes in and asks you to give him a breakdown of all visitors in a suspended status that visited facility 2 in April 2011, and I want to see a comparison for the previous 4 Aprils.
you have NoSQL schema
how screwed are you?
also good point
@Kev that is the whole point though... he made a blanket absolute statement, based on little to no information and with no valid arguments
>We even attempted replacing the low-level DB code with code to convert to SQL, and while it worked fine, it was too slow because the code is still accessing records one at a time generating far too many SQL statements than it would need.
and therein lies another problem, not understanding the way SQL works
There might also be data they store that lends itself to SQL, and other data that may be better off stored in a NoSQL store, nothing wrong with a hybrid solution either.
damn...we're all too rational, might as well put away the popcorn :)
@Kev I actually was interested in learning NoSQL to see if a hybrid solution will help in our current new project
does anybody have any good use cases to share that are ideal for a hybrid solution?
@Kev yeah, I agree, we need more NoSQL fanbois in here, because this is becoming less of a brawl and more of a bromance
@maple_shaft I worked on a project recently where we used Mongo to store some "difficult" blobs of data that were hard to model in SQL, worked out just fine.
@Kev when you say blobs, do you mean like binary documents?
@maple_shaft nah, just deeply hierarchical data
@Kev hmmm... is it because it is n-deep?
even then I can think of a good relational model to handle such a thing
it would be a lot of views joining views to select on it though...
perhaps this is the reason? deeply heirarchal but highly performant
@maple_shaft - I have another project where we have a bunch of health and safety forms (around 60 of them - all different and new ones being thought up all the time) where it's just not practical (or cost effective for the client) for us to build a fancy form builder and all the DB paraphernalia to support this. so we knock out a quick html page then just json'ise the form data and throw it into Mongo. there's some common metadata/fields that we store in SQL, but the form fields are no-sql'd
it's a workable compromise and means the client can afford to have the work done and we get paid
profit all round
No NoSQL experts here? I was hoping to learn a bit about how to design for it - all RDBMS experience here.
@Kev We had such a project that sounds very similar....
unfortunately it fell through with the client for whatever reason, but their situation would have been similar... thousands of different types of training documents for different schools and hospitals, we needed to give them the ability to build custom forms with dynamic fields
we then needed to categorize these documents into common types and perform business logic based on which documents exist for which students
I sometimes wonder what planet some of these NoSQL "advocates" come from. No everything is "webscale" and most SME biz data still lends itself to Relational SQL just fine. also show me admin and reporting tooling that is as good as what I have with MS SQL [puts on fireproof coat/heads for door]
Such a bummer that we have 10 people in this room and not one of them is a NoSQL advocate willing to speak up
@Kev Not everyone needs to scale to infinity either. In fact many enterprises don't, as their apps are in-house.
@MichaelK I have said this once and I will say it again... if you have so much user demand that you need to scale to infinity, then this is a Good Problem to Have ™
Bad Problem to Have ™ - Product is a complete failure, users are not coming, VC is drying up, boss is losing his mind and SCREAMING at every body because they are printing too many color documents... sits alone in his office staring blankly at the wall in the dark.
@MichaelK exactly, was gonna tack on that in the real world most folks are building apps that are supporting real world revenue generating businesses - they're not in that ycombinator reality distortion zone building "omg must scale for anything" fantasy nonsense.
yeah being in a sinking ship is not fun.
@Kev Yep. In my opinion scalability follows maintainability. You should worry that your code is high quality first. A loosely coupled architecture will naturally scale, because you can easily swap in new components as you identify where the stresses are.
@MichaelK ^^^ THIS.
1 hour later…
NoSql has its place in the world.. The issue is not more Saleable vs Less Saleable. You need to look at the complete set of requirements. Take Google Search for example NoSQL works for them because of their business requirements.
Take Google Search for example NoSQL works for them because of their business requirements. Their business rules state that 2 people running the exact same query are allowed to get different results. Their business rules state that when indexing updates are made across servers, It’s OK for those servers to be out of sync for days at a time..
You try telling you accounting dept. to follow that same play book in the name of performance... Good luck.
2 hours later…
@Morons Quite true...none of the places I've worked at would tolerate search indexes being out of sync.
I wonder what large retailers like Amazon do? They have the problem of rolling out products to multiple indexes on multiple nodes.
@MichaelK I suspect the nuts and bolts of Amazon is probably very trad. Some big name ERP running on top of IBM big iron, DB/2
Not DB2!
A: What types of Technologies does use Internally

Eran GalperinAmazon's internal infrastructure, from Linux Oracle C++ Perl Mason Java Jboss Servlets

This guy says Oracle.
@MichaelK damns, shoulda added Oracle...but close :)
Prefer Oracle to DB2. So far when I've heard DB2 it was a financial type company running iSeries mainframes.
I bet those Linux instances are running on big old IBM z's
I imagine Jeff Bezos leaves nothing to chance there, despite the cleverness of EC2 and the like
@MichaelK back in 1998, the company I worked for (TeleCity) was a tenant in the Bank of Scotland data centre in Edinburgh. We had a fenced off area in one of their modules. Their staff asked us to help move an IBM mainframe (or part of) across the DC floor, apparently this thing was worth about a £1.5 million back in '98. Most expensive thing I've ever touched/pushed/sweated on :)
@Kev Nice. I worked with an iSeries, but never saw the thing. It was in a server room somewhere, I think.
Hell even Rob Conery seems to be back in SQL love again after what appears to be a rather brief NoSQL love-in -
MySQL 5.6 will provide a NoSQL API via memcached, backed by InnoDB. Same for MySQL Cluster.
@YannisRizos Neat!
now if they can only figure out referential integrity then they will be a great database ;-)
@maple_shaft Haven't played around with it yet, but it certainly looks promising.

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