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@MattE.Эллен - Are all the nominees owners of this room? Will all of them get a ping even if they haven't visited the room yet?
no and no :)
Is that a problem?
although, I didn't check the first one...
@anongoodnurse I don't think so
How can we discuss issues if they don't get a ping?
I don't think making them owners will change that
will it?
they know about the room. they must do.
I think it will... I'm less certain than you are. But I remember from the last election that all the owners would get the ping.
If this is not the case, and they don't visit the room, the room is essentially useless, isn't it?
I think the general plan is to have a Meta post with questions anyway.
But not the type of question I asked @tchrist.
Alright, so I hear there's some concern about comments on the nominations
The election chat room last time was very productive for discussing things not in the list of questions. At least I thought so.
I'm going to start just from the top down in whatever random sort there is, unless someone wants to point me at specific posts to be looking at.
@GraceNote Hi Grace. I think there are too many false and disparaging comments under the nominees' posts.
Look at Centaurus especially.
@anongoodnurse If the candidates are regulars in chat, I think it'd be fair to just use the moderator ping to pull them in here at least once, once the election phase begins.
@anongoodnurse I'll start with Centaurus first
...either I'm a super bad or I'm not seeing a candidate by that name
@GraceNote That makes sense. It also makes sense to expect the room to become useful more in the election phase.
@anongoodnurse That really should have been a comment under his nomination post so that everyone can see it.
@GraceNote Sorry. He left inflammatory comments under several posts.
@anongoodnurse Room's only as useful as people are willing to make it. Some elections make strong efforts and are highly active. Others are quiet. I think it's healthy - this space is precisely, among other things, a way to engage with the candidates outside of the semificial Q&A
@terdon Do you think so? I think it's... inflammatory.
@anongoodnurse No, it's an honest concern you have with someone's nomination. Whether it's valid or not, I cannot judge, but if it concerns you, it is of interest to the voting public and the discussion should be had in the open not lost somewhere in a chat transcript.
@GraceNote - Is this the type of question that should go under the nominee's posting?
yesterday, by anongoodnurse
@tchrist: I have a question for you. You once closed a question as a duplicate which was [clearly not a duplicate](http://meta.english.stackexchange.com/q/6672/58761). It never occurred to me (as it did to the commenter) that it was done either in jest or in sarcasm.

Why did you close that as a dupe when it clearly wasn't? What does that say for your judgement in a position of increased ability to moderate?
You could post it there, it'd be fair.
OK, thank you both.
If the idea of the inquiry is to get awareness about the situation to all voters, nomination comment makes fair sense
If the idea of the inquiry is on a less public awareness note, then just grabbing them in chat or summat works well enough.
Thank you. I think it shows something that should be considered.
@anongoodnurse Don't worry. I'm a nominee, and I've been visiting this room from time to time. I imagine that the other nominees do as well.
4 hours later…
@anongoodnurse I'll answer today.
4 hours later…
Go and vote in the primary!
It's super effective
@choster @NewAlexandria @curiousdannii @JesseWilliams @sumelic @DogLover I don't see your names in this room's history! (Sorry if I missed you.) You should pop by occasionally to see if there are questions for the candidates.
@MattE.Эллен Hi! I've popped in a few times, but the room didn't seem to be very active. Thanks for the reminder; I'll keep this open in a tab so I can follow any new posts.
Me too. Hasn't been much happening here so far
cool cool :)
Sounds well. I think there are other great candidates, but if the community sees strength in having me, I will be sure to make this room part of my regular retinue.
This room is only relevant during this election :D the main room is where all the action happens!
Right, I've been here 3 or 4 times, but haven't seen much activity heretofore
@anongoodnurse As best as I remember it, that question was re-opened 4 hours after I dup-hammered it, so by the time I got back to looking things over again there was nothing for me to do. I must have reread your own famous question, and I was apparently going too fast.
More often than not when I dup-hammer something it comes as a surprise. As a moderator, whose every vote is binding, the situation is a little different. You get used to being careful instead of falling into the habit of going through review queues and just being one more vote out of many. Moreover, you have the power to fix it, too, so a close to the wrong duplicate is fixable by that same person, whereas with a gold badge, it isn't.
@tchrist Good evening. What do you consider a better policy for EL&U, to get 3 or 4 very good questions a day or to get 40 questions a day including the 4 very good ones? Is there anything we can do to encourage more questions from high reputation members? Is there anything at all that a mod could do to attract questions of a better caliber?
@Centaurus The second situation is preferable, because you have the same number of very good questions in both scenarios, but in the second you at least have a chance of bettering the question or a lower-quality question drawing a very good answer (which does on occasion happen, although rarely).
Without those, there's no chance of that.
There is only one proven thing that a mod could do to encourage more questions from high reputation users: lobby the CMs for quarterly hat races.
<insert smiley>
@tchrist What are the CMs?
The Community Management team.
The employees who are paid to deal with us. :)
@tchrist I see.
@tchrist Those who are best qualified to ask good questions do it least.
Really, hat races are the number one time for lots of questions from high rep users. Little else works. People get tired of . . . things . . . and pull away for a while. Some return, others do not.
Quality on the site is probably the top motivation for long time members.
If elected (I'm sure you will), what are your intentions concerning PL? Are you keeping both moderatorships ? (have to check if this word exists)
Yes. The PL appointment takes very little in the way of flag maintenance. There are more ELU flags in a day than in the last year at PL.
If you look at the traffic stats at PL, it is slowly going up as we build up enough Q&A over time. I talked to Joel (Stack Exchange CEO) in person about this when he was in Boulder a couple of months ago. He said that slow and steady wins the race here as we build up a library of good posts.
@Centaurus You should be able to see this link’s contents.
That's good news. Native and non-native speakers of Portuguese as well as those who are still learning it never heard of Stack Exchange. I believe the number of members will gradually increase.
I don't know why we haven't drawn more from PT.SO to be honest. ELU draws a lot of programmers from SO.
I've just taken a look. Yes, we can see a traffic curve moving upwards from April to July.
Slowly, but upwards
Yes, Joel mentioned how the other non-English language sites all went like this.
Well, I'm leaving now. Wish you the best of luck.
Thanks, and thanks for stopping by.

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