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MετάEd should be a mod as well as tchrist
3 hours later…
@KitZ.Fox Looks like you'll get all the mods you need :) .
@Lawrence Well, that will happen regardless. I'd like to see more candidates.
@KitZ.Fox Yes, of course :) . I was referring to the quality of the candidates, not the number to be selected.
2 hours later…
should probably be linked from here.
Even though it's in the tag line.
7 hours later…
@KitZ.Fox redundancy is good.
sometimes hard to find things.
WHat's with all the comments on the nominations? Is there an expectation either way to be rooting at this point for particular candidates? I'm finding some of those comments a little judgy.
I agree, but I'm trying to stay hands off.
quantitative statements thinly veiling a personal vendetta
@KitZ.Fox that's why I came here.
sort of meta-election commentary
Is it me, or being american or the times or something else, but I've noticed that people shy away from telling their boss they're wrong?
lots of people do that
(this is somewhat relevent, not entirely irrelevant)
you mean you think I'm wrong?
ha ha.. no not that relevant
no it was more relevant to about politeness in general, and how some people feel they can say things and other people surely have strong opinions but just don't say them.
I was talking with somebody who had worked in Japan and they said the expected overgeneralization that 'Japanese people never say no'
And that is my preconception too (but most of the things I know about people and personalities comes from fiction on TV)
But I was thinking about the Japanaese thing, and my own experiences (as an employee, boss, friend/colleague of employees/bosses
and I thought, hey, people here don't say no to their bosses either.
I say no to my boss, but mostly because she encourages that sort of behavior.
Boss makes decision, you pretty much grumble and do it. People rarely give negative feedback in a supervisor/supervisee situation
@KitZ.Fox right, wouldn't that be the Spock-like thing to do, the employee may know more about a situation and a better judge. But Even in american culture, people tend not to say no.
anyway, I don't think it's the right time to be complaining and promoting or demoting candidates, that that is more for the 3rd stage. (maybe second?). But I'm not gonna say anything. I'm too Japanese-like i guess.
covers mouth while laughing
aren't you charming?
covers a large american guffaw
while eating

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