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i always thought that all C standard libraries are completly made of C keyword , then i found out some were implemented using compiler-specific stuffs
oh you mean "inline asm" for neoscript
no , for example functions for sys calls , graphics , string proccessing , memory and stuffs
no that's bad idea - forget about it
since neoscript will be transpiled you can for example create a function in JS and then transpile Neoscript code to JS and use this function
JS code: function jsfunc(s) { alert(s); }
Neoscript code: jsfunc("Hello, World!")
idea : adding handlers
yes , for example : variable a is a handler for state s , state s changes via a
like file , graphica window etc
no that's bad idea
it's not a bad idea
but it can be imlemented simply in neoscript
because it destroys neo's embedablity
like this:
oh no nvm
Observer pattern possibly
i think you should have some "policies" about how neoscript must be ...
for example : Neo must be ... for example ... small
for now ive been focused on the parser
what's your idea ?
honestly, idk
i've never contributed on any coding project upto now , maybe i can help you with implementations
obviously you can
Thanks :) (though github is made for this purpose..)
i am starting to work on a transpiler
what is that
google is not my friend in this case ...
it's to convert from a language to a other language
hmm ...
idea : function return values are stored on a stack
for example a neoscript to js transpiler tranform func a n = n * n; to function a(n) { return n * n; }
@GLASSIC stack on stdlib, yes, implicit stack, no
no , i mean just a push-pop stack for functions only
BTW how to set function args ?
for example a(b)
fun a = ret b*b
func a b = b * b;
(ret is implicit at the end)
func a #s = s * s
# pops from stack
only accessible to functions
i think more like func a s = s * s; a(#) for a stack
for making implemetations easier , we should add some vague function-return systems ...
replace "vague" with "complex"
a(b()) work
which is "simpler" in implemtation
@TùxCräftîñg what you mean by that
what do you mean by vague function-return system?
oh neoscript dont have comments
what is a good syntax for comments?
C style is the most popular
/* */
@TùxCräftîñg i'm leaving chat ... BTW i'll think about some "policies" to see how to complete this language . i think world lacks a good scripting language which is very small and handy ... like (perl+speed+easy syntax - complexity) implemented as small & fast as possible ....
see you soon
1 hour later…
i have commited
@StackExchange ;_;
oh i should wait
TùxCräftîñg has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
huh the transpiler is borked
5 hours later…
@GLASSIC i have implemented your 'return stack': expression& to push and # to retrieve
and the syntax for comments is ($ comment $)
example for the return stack:
10& ($ Push 10 $)
#&& ($ Pop and push 2 times $)
console:log(#+#) ($ Print the sum of the two items on TOS, here 10 + 10 $)

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