A: Does the order of playing the single player or co-op campaigns matter?

Thomas McDonaldNope. The two campaigns are independent of each other, with different characters, different 'storylines' (although the storyline in co-op doesn't show through so much) and different endings.

I tend to disagree with this, they are indeed independent to a large extent. However, the characters (GLaDOS, Atlas and Pea Body) are shared and SP tells you were they are from. The MP story line comes after the SP story line (as the robots are introduced near the end). If continuity doesn't really matter then there's yet another reason why SP should be played first, and that is to learn the various materials and playing styles. Although friends can teach you that in the MP...
@ThomasMcDonald: Apparently, he specifically mentioned spoilers. Which there indeed aren't... :)
Ah, he also mentioned "plot, player training" which is the continuity and the learning & playing styles.
So, are you planning to improve your answer to mention part of it you agree on or should I add in another one? :)
Just want to help out with correctness of things, someone rolled back my correct statement here too:
And I don't feel like putting up a new answer for just that, I don't care for reputation on Gaming.SE. Don't know enough different games... :)
I'd disagree with SP being played first to learn about the game.
I felt co-op holds your hand the entire way through
It instructs you, but doesn't show you how it works. My sister had a random online player that started MP and didn't have a clue how those things worked until she showed her. I guess it would be more annoying if you have two such players working together.
But well, they can still learn it by experimenting with it in reasonable time I guess. I'm not saying you are completely wrong, I just tend to for a bit. It would be interesting to mention the SP - MP connection and the resulting order in time (spoiler tag) and that MP assumes you know SP but is playable none-the-less...
I'll try to add an answer later without spoiling too much (like: if you want to know where the robots are from, you need to play SP), thanks. :)
@TomWijsman Heh. :)
The main thing I got from the question was that he didn't want one campaign to spoil the other, which they don't.
Hence the rather short & to the point answer.
No problem, just checking what your thought about improvements where. Next time when I suspect conflicting thoughts are most likely I should just put another answer. :)
Small spoiler in above text, but he just left when he read spoilers I guess... :)