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Heya, whats going on?
I don't know whether you understand because text is so poor at conveying things
and I'm not a mod or anything, so I don't actually have the right to dictate that people behave certain ways
I'm pulling this out of 2nd because I wanna sort-of explain in detail without disrupting the rest
Personally, I don't like hanging around in negative areas - places where people are hating on each other.
Yeah, sure good idea. Regarding the recent discussion of meta more discussion should be encouraged tostay in 2nd and alt rooms.
But I can understand the countersignalling that occurs in a group of tight friends - insulting each other for fun, but not as hostile act
A problem then occurs when people assume they're friends enough to pull such a thing, and the other person didn't think so
e.g. you think it's okay to make such a remark, it's friendly ragging, the other feels offended.
Which is why in some cases I'll ask people to clarify what they're saying
You suggested the use of /s or smilies
and they're great for that sort of thing
to then say something like
in The 2nd Monitor, 8 mins ago, by N3buchadnezzar
@Pimgd Congratulations =P /s
Is diluting the value of that signal.
I am thus pulling you into a private conversation like this to confirm whether or not you understand why I ask you to use those... I dunno, indicators?
to use them to make a joke moments after I thought we just agreed that they can be used as a "not-actually-being-mean" flag of sorts
kinda pisses all over the idea of them being such an indicator
Regarding the last comment, it was a direct reference to our conversation just prior. I tend to do that a lot referencing to earlier conversations, and things in a joking matter. The problem is that I do not say anything with ill-intentions or ill-will ever. So I feel like I would have to use those indicators with every sentence I say, as most of the time I write them with a smile on my face (and mind).
Although as you know this is impossible to see just through the text.
The thing I'm personally noticing is that you're doing most of the ragging but you're not getting a lot back
so from an outsiders point of view, you're being offensive, and the other person is being tolerant?
Now I can't actually demand you to cut back on the offensive comments - I'm not a mod, and even if I was, that seems to be placing my needs over the others
Any idea why? I could think of a lot of reasons, but it is hard to see from an insiders point of view. Usually in my friends gang as you say it goes both ways. Sometimes I am am a bit better at pinpointing at the clever responses. Another reason might be the environment, and a third might be not giving enough to bite off. It is hard to know.
and I can't demand that you use some sort of indicator all of the time or some of the time or...
@N3buchadnezzar you're new-ish so obviously less of an attack surface (so to say)
and not everybody is the snarky type
So... yeah... if you could make an effort in that area, that'd be great.
I'd appreciate it
I feel the snarky comments can sometime bring an extra dimension to a conversation, and s you say "friends" tend to use them a lot. Do you want me to cut heavily back on them, or is it rather a clearer notification when they are used?
clearer notification; self-censorship is ultimately not going to work because if you feel restricted then you'll feel like contributing less
at least, self-censorship has that effect on me
sometimes, I post it anyway
but then I delete it afterwards
Great =)
oh and snark that scores stars is always great ofc =D
Good you did not feel my messages were too harsh, I try to balance on the line of funny comments. But I can see the intention being unclear
well you're implying offensiveness which is far less hostile than just calling someone stupid the straight way
@Pimgd, could I ask another completely unrelated thing?
Been trying to draft up a meta post, or at least an idea of a meta post. But as you have pointed out I am not the best with words =p
As you have posted quite a few answers yourself; do you feel that you are repeating yourself in parts of your answers?
Yes, but ...
... either my review is more like a lint tool output
... or it's custom tailored to the asker
So not both?
In the first case it could really have been copy pasta'd
but in the second, it's important how you word the thing
explaining magic numbers is something I'll do for an absolute beginner
but otherwise "can be extracted to a constant" is all you'll get
Right, I agree.
Basically... this, right?
in The 2nd Monitor, 12 hours ago, by N3buchadnezzar
What about the same for short answer bits? The idea is not to encourage copy-and-paste answers. However there are some themes and principles which occurs over, and over again. To have a short list of such codebits could speed up the answer progress.
That's what you're asking about
Yeah. Basically it would cover what you said about lint tool ouput.
The thing is, people really ought to run a lint tool
Doesn't that fall into the same thing as "doing your research"?
but otoh I wouldn't copy-paste answer bits
The idea being to have a some short sentences which would be paired with examples from the posters code. So that I could focus on writing the custom tailored part of the question.
@Pimgd Still they do not, and there are common practices both language specific and generic which a lint tool does not cover.
I dunno, I feel that this devalues an answer somehow
special purpose entity, DRY, you do not need it. For Python Pep8 would be another one
@Pimgd That special fuzzy feeling of uniqueness?
Yeah but, taken to its maximum,
How many who ask questions will plow through similar questions before or after asking their own?
you'd have an answer that goes like 2: 5, 7; 6: 23; 12-16 & 45-49: 3;
If they actually had done that, more likely than not there would not be a need for question.
of a line: issue format
and even if you replaced it with english
I don't see the benefit
I think the human lint-tool output makes a decent answer
but it's not great
The benefit would be not needing to repeat yourself for every answer you write, pinpointing to the same generic principles being broken. This would make that part faster, more streamlined. So that one can focus on the deeper problems specific to the question.
... and you're missing support?
the numbers thing, that's what you're proposing, right? Except with words.
No, english is hard :p
Here at line 2 <snippet> you've got extends Object but that's not needed
Okay; I mean to say that you're proposing partial answers that could be compressed down to line numbers and issue keys
much like a compiler issues you warning 11043 for line 4 of a certain file
Think of it as a two step process. First step is what you are talking about ^ snippets with code from the user. This is what would be more streamlined. The second part is the handcrafting part, changing parts of the code and explaining why the changes are good.
Implementation aside, I think that it's lacking supporting arguments for why this is wrong
And the text is different for various levels of understanding
    Your main method is responsible for too many things. The main method is
    meant to be an entry point into your program, rather than the program
    itself. As a general principle try to let each function serve a single
    purpose ([Single responsibility principle](
    It would be better to extract some of the code into
    [routines/methods/functions/classes and continue with OP code and examples]
Yeah, I totally see that point. I do think that this would work the best at those entry level spagetthi code questions where everything seems wrong. They do seem to turn into Zombies because nobody find the motivation to start answering them.
I think you should go for it but I personally prefer writing it in my own words
@N3buchadnezzar those are easy to shoot if needed
pick any spot
wound it
and done
But yeah, the reason for me not posting in meta is that the idea is so hard to convey..
Nah the zombie issue tends to be more questions that, well, are either in obscure languages
or are ... lacking in context
random zombie
Q: Implement two level caching using spring's cache abstraction Cache and CacheManager

shrewquestDetails about spring's caching framework are here. When I was reading this link, I thought the composite cache mentioned there was one that used levels of caching based on the order given to the constructor. On reading the documentation here, I realized that it was not so; this was so that differ...

@Pimgd Been thinking about killing this… one for a few days.
Okay so when I look at this question (the java one) all I can think of is
that's a boring question
and I think there's not a whole lot of meat in there
It's pretty long but it doesn't really do anything
And what it does, it does wrong
def die(why):

    """Kill the program."""

    print "{} Exiting..".format(why)
It's not really good; there's a few things I'd complain about if I wanted to (comments?)
For example in the python answering snippets one of the snippets would be about quit()
@N3buchadnezzar this one is offensive and pretentious to me
I have it downvoted and don't feel like gracing OP with an answer
Yeah.. I guess that is why it is still a zombie.
if I did write an answer it would boil down to "your docstrings are useless and do not help programmers."
@Pimgd "Your functions are useless."
"Your program is useless"
But that would be a bit too harsh
no, just the doc strings
Well the functions really are useless
But the idea isn't
The idea of printing things wasn't wrong, it's just too low level to be useful
@Pimgd And the idea of adding docstrings is good.
There I'd argue he just wanted to tick boxes
Gotta add docstrings to have docstrings else you will not have docstrings and thus no documentation
= just ticking boxes
Gotta have functions because a single function is bad check
Anyhow, wrote up a new attempt. Still not happy with the wording, If I was able to convey the proper meaning. Hopefully it is fine to post it, even if you will not use it.
I'd disagree there, those long strings can be disruptive to the even more massive code
also, reduce of duplication?
@N3buchadnezzar ooh nice.
yep, you could post that
I think
I am more afraid of posting things on meta than on here though. I feel like if I post something wrong I will forever be cursed by the mug.
@N3buchadnezzar you're not allowing answers that disagree with your idea
they'd get in the way of the supportive answers
recommend you rewrite to indicate that this is an idea,
not that you're doing it now in this question
Right I can change that, gimme me a quick fix. I tried sorting that out in chat beforehand, but I see that it is better to have an open discussion about it first.
also, this sort of thing is GREAT when you have links in there
as 2-3 sentences of text can be typed, but searching for a link takes at least that much time
Yeah, the idea was to bombard the snippets with links.
@Pimgd Second attempt?
@N3buchadnezzar missing paragraph ending @ paragraph 2 under background
Yeah. I also changed the "improvements" to "documentation".
this post
Documenation was a really the word I was looking for. As they are neither code bits, or answers.
I was referring to not making it a question to be "this post is THE PLACE to put the answers with the general comments"
but this is my idea, what do you think about it, the idea is that we will have a question like general comments which... blah blah blah
I just removed that part. It is really not neccecary
"The idea is somewhat controversial, and hence would like to start an discussion on the matter before doing something more drastic."
@N3buchadnezzar yep that sounds good
Let the downvotes rain
meta downvoting gets you a question ban @ meta at worst, I think
maybe not even that
and you'd have to post some REALLY bad stuff for that
I dunno, maybe take your post,
and instead of suggesting generic answer snippets,
suggest we close down the whole site instead
I'm gonna go home
I just read your last three lines by mistake:p
Thought you were suggesting I do that instead, haha. Or that doing that would be better than my suggestion.
If you want downvotes
that'd be the way to do it
spam gets deleted too fast =D
@Pimgd Have a nice trip home, it is getting quite late.
@N3buchadnezzar What it is and what is is not.
also, it's still saying "this post" which means you're not providing a space for discussion
but oh well
I has fixt
please see the tiny diff
Did you change it? I really thought I had fixed it, must have missed a spot or two.
Really want a discussion though =)
I missed a comma, added that too
now I am leaving
Have a safe trip home, and thanks for the fish.

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