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A: 1-D Graph in Mathematica

YoungClearAll["Global`*"] G = 0.01; β = 1; ωc = 50; j = 1; ϕ = 0; θ = π/2; integralgamma[ω_, τ_] := 4 G ω Exp[-ω/ωc] ((1 - Cos[ω τ])/ω^(2)) Coth[β ω/2] integraldelta[ω_, τ_] := 4 G ω Exp[-ω/ωc] (Sin[ω τ] - ω τ)/ω^2 δ[τ_] := NIntegrate[integraldelta[ω, τ], {ω, 0, 70000}] γ[τ_] := NIntegrate[int...

Please check my last comment in the comments above.
Your code gives me the error Set::write: Tag Times in f \[Tau]_ is Protected. >>. What could it mean?
@JunaidAftab You need to clear your variables or restart the kernel
Yep, figured it out. Yeah, I'll upvote and accept it. Do the same if you think the question was worth the hassle. Thanks.
@JunaidAftab Done, thanks!
As an option? Plot[..., {PlotPoints->100}]?
By the way, I'm still getting an empty plot using your code. You define additional functions for gamma and tau and don't run nested commands? What could be the issue?
After I run the code, I get an empty plot. No error but the graph shows nothing. What could be the issue?
@JunaidAftab recopy the answer
I get the most bizarre graph. Probably, I am doing something wrong. I'm taking this to chat.
`G = 0.01;
\[Beta] = 1;
\[Omega]c = 50;
J = 1;
\[Phi] = 0;
\[Theta] = \[Pi]/2;
\[Eta] = Exp[I \[Phi]]*Tan[\[Theta]/2];`
`integralgamma[\[Omega]_, \[Tau]_] :=
4 G \[Omega] Exp[-\[Omega]/\[Omega]c] ((1 -
Cos[\[Omega] \[Tau]])/\[Omega]^(2)) Coth[\[Beta] \[Omega]/2];`
`integraldelta[\[Omega]_, \[Tau]_] :=
4 G \[Omega] Exp[-\[Omega]/\[Omega]c] (Sin[\[Omega] \[Tau]] - \
\[Omega] \[Tau])/\[Omega]^2;`
\[Delta][\[Tau]_] :=
NIntegrate[integraldelta[\[Omega], \[Tau]], {\[Omega], 0, 70000}];
\[Gamma][\[Tau]_] :=
NIntegrate[integraldelta[\[Omega], \[Tau]], {\[Omega], 0, 70000}];
f[\[Tau]_] := - (1/\[Tau])
Log [(Abs[\[Eta]]/(1 + Abs[\[Eta]]^2) )^(4 J) *
Sum[Binomial[2 J, J + m] * Binomial[2 J, J + p] *
Abs[\[Eta]]^(2 m + 2 p) *
Exp[- \[Gamma][\[Tau]] * (m - p)^2 ] *
Exp[- I * \[Delta][\[Tau]] * (m^2 - p^2)] , {m, -1, 1,
1}, {p, -1, 1, 1}]];
Plot[f[[Tau]], {[Tau], 0, 2}, PlotPoints -> 100]
you didn't recopy the whole thing

G = 0.01;
\[Beta] = 1;
\[Omega]c = 50;
j = 1;
\[Phi] = 0;
\[Theta] = \[Pi]/2;

integralgamma[\[Omega]_, \[Tau]_] :=
4 G \[Omega] Exp[-\[Omega]/\[Omega]c] ((1 -
Cos[\[Omega] \[Tau]])/\[Omega]^(2)) Coth[\[Beta] \[Omega]/2]

integraldelta[\[Omega]_, \[Tau]_] :=
4 G \[Omega] Exp[-\[Omega]/\[Omega]c] (Sin[\[Omega] \[Tau]] - \
\[Omega] \[Tau])/\[Omega]^2

\[Delta][\[Tau]_] :=
NIntegrate[integraldelta[\[Omega], \[Tau]], {\[Omega], 0, 70000}]
\[Gamma][\[Tau]_] :=
NIntegrate[integralgamma[\[Omega], \[Tau]], {\[Omega], 0, 70000}]
I seem to have everything. Wait, let me send pictures of my notebook.
Still missing somethigng?
gamma tau calls integraldelta instead of integralgamma
Thanks so much for pointing the error.
Silly me.
no problem ... glad to help
You could probably delete your comments on the answer ... just to clean things up ... it's up to you
I have been running the amended code for about 12 minutes but it isn't showing the output.
Any way to speed things up?
I have make quite a few such graphs and 3D plots.
oh and use Method -> "LocalAdaptive", MaxRecursion -> 15 in the NIntegrate
use PlotPoints -> 80, MaxRecursion -> 0 in Plot
takes 43.8051 seconds on my machine
Code and graph.
Why is the peak so above now? I made two changes that you suggested above.
What's going on? -.-
I'm wary of making my own graphs now because the replication of the graphs gives this awkward result.
MaxRecursion is 15 for NIntegrate and 0 for the Plot
\[Delta][\[Tau]_] :=
NIntegrate[integraldelta[\[Omega], \[Tau]], {\[Omega], 0, 70000},
Method -> "LocalAdaptive", MaxRecursion -> 15]
\[Gamma][\[Tau]_] :=
NIntegrate[integralgamma[\[Omega], \[Tau]], {\[Omega], 0, 70000},
Method -> "LocalAdaptive", MaxRecursion -> 15]
Plot[f[\[Tau]], {\[Tau], 0.01, 2.01}, PlotRange -> {0, 3},
PlotPoints -> 100, MaxRecursion -> 0]
Works amazingly now.
Thanks so much.
No problem
I need to go now
I'm basically learning Mathematica for the purposes I need it for, and I have no idea about these common trics: increasing computational speed etc.
Thanks. :)
Also, up for discussing a Mathematica problem? I don't know how to tackle a numerical problem.
thanks for the link
up for discussing a Mathematica problem? I don't know how to tackle a numerical problem.
you can post your question here
or on SE and I'll work on it
Okay, so in the previous code, the function in the Log has the function of being a probability.
Call it h.
Now I have another such function, of a probability.
Call it g.
The difference is that if you see the code for h, I have specified the values of theta and phi.
For g, I won't specify any value.
I want to calculate value(s) of new angles, call them chi and alpha,
which maximize the difference g - h.
Before running an optimization problem, I want to do the following.
Make a 3D plot of g -h, chi and alpha.
But note that g - h evolves with time, tau.
So I'll have to specify a time for it.
Ideally, I think we should do the following: at each time, optimize and find the values of the new angles for the new state. Or make a graph and see the values that max the diff. The value that we choose for tau would determine the instantaneous optimal values of the new angles. Not sure if its possible to do in Mathematica.
There are an infinity of times in an interval!
Is there a way to go about it this problem rather than having to specify a SINGLE time
and then doing the analysis.
Any other computational method that comes close to what I want to do.
I'm not sure if there'd be a utility of plotting the graph at a fixed time? More so, at which fixed times? I'm tempted to plot it for times at which the two peaks take place,
I'm not sure I completely follow, maybe it's best to write it out as a question for the forum
but I'm not so sure. Still trying to physically/qualitatively reason it out.
Take it another stab. Too tired to write up a question for now. Will do in the morning. If you can contribute over here,
fell free to do so.
Or anyone else for that matter.

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