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Kit Z. Fox has unfrozen this room.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hey!
Look what I found!
dusts furniture
It's a bit old, but it will do.
tries really hard not to read the transcript
heh I was just doing that.
it's old. old old old
First, naturally, this is work-related so keep it on the DL. I know you know that.
I can't share the link because it's accessible only on our internal network.
I need to figure out if it's sending research area names in a way that is useful.
that link breaks because of chatroom formatting
I'm having trouble reading the results of the query.
And I can't remember if I can narrow it, or if I have to live with that?
I mean, for viewing purposes.
I feel like there was a tool that I could use to manipulate the data from the call.
That hostname gives me a "name not resolved" error. Maybe it's only on your vpn?
Oh crap. Of course.
Also if you want to take this to a hangout conversation to make it more private, feel free
Right. That might make more sense.
But hey! Look at this room, right!?
Yeah I forgot about this room.
I should probably delete it. But then Matt and I can still see it, so that just excludes you. And everyone else.
It's all the same to me either way
Let's chat in here for old times' sake. If it's too much, we can move it.
Um, OK. So I get a rather large object.
Not huge, but it's difficult to scan.
Ah, and you want to make it smaller?
I'd like to just pull out Name values or something.
Can I do that?
well, JSON is just a data format, like XML. It happens to be a subset of Javascript, so it works well for using the objects in JS environments.
But to use the JSON object you need an environment that understands JSON.
and to transmit it you need to understand the transmission.
I couldn't see how that query responded but I'm guessing it sends the JSON as the body and the content-type is "application/json".
I had some kind of thing with a rocketship icon that I used before, I think.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, I think so.
Oh. Postman. Found it.
Now, given an arbitrary JSON object, one could have a query language that lets you walk the tree or find nodes that match certain properties.
Oh! I made it work!
That's not a native feature of JSON.
OK. So I must have, ages ago, written some javascript that did that?
That's the most direct way.
Q: Is there a query language for JSON?

allclawsIs there a (roughly) SQL or XQuery-like language for querying JSON? I'm thinking of very small datasets that map nicely to JSON where it would be nice to easily answer queries such as "what are all the values of X where Y > 3" or to do the usual SUM / COUNT type operations. As completely made-u...

Seems likely. I think I did something with the bot.
That Q lists some examples of json query languages
oh, it's from 2009, so kinda old.
maybe some of those languages are finished and working now.
I'm not sure it's worth the effort for a bit of debugging.
Well, that question had an answer that reminded me that it can be dumped into Mongo.
And since that's where it's going to end up in this iteration...
And Postman formats it well enough that I can read it.
So. Cool. I think this will do for now.
It's like old times.
Glad I could help
Now I'm reading the transcript and embarrassed that it is all me asking questions.
Well, this IS the coding room
Oh btw I was inspired by your mentioning that your son saved up some money for a big Lego set to start giving my kids an allowance.
Oh! I have lots of opinion about that!
I brought them together and said "We're going to do a lesson. It will take years. It's called 'The value of money'"
I wish I could find the article for you.
I'm going to switch back over to the main chat and talk to you about it, OK?
I said it'd be a dollar a week and gave them each a dollar. Then I tried to explain how saving works. It was a saturday, so predictably, both kids came (separately) to me the next day and said "it's a new week, where's our next dollar?"

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