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what if we took off the redirect, and made them click the logo to continue?
@TheX I still think its still not a great idea, have you been approved for adsense?
@RolandTaylor the sourcecode wouldn't be bad, except I would have to install closed source software (Visual Basic 2008) in order to compile it
@Jacob I have an adsense account
@TheX hmm
@Jacob for clarity, it's not a money making effort lol
and it's not coming to me either
it's more for if we have to add features to the blog or pay contributors at any point
it is just an effort to raise some money, to buy some premium features, such as the domain mapping...
probably more to just add features...
@RolandTaylor I doubt you'll get any clicks.. you can host the blog on my server so you don't have to pay for stuff..
How long does it take to transfer?
oh that is a though
@RolandTaylor it takes no time at all
and while waiting you would still have your other one
@RolandTaylor 1Hour>
the hard part is getting wordpress set up the way you want it
@TheX I can import all your setttings
I have never run my own WP before (meaning a local install) so I'd be a noob
but a lot of that @Jacob would have to do on his end sense he is the host
well sounds like a plan to me
basically @Jacob would have to set the intial wordpress install up...
then you.. or I would import everything from the other one...
But I don't know if it would import the settings or not...
we might have to recreate that...
I am guessing we would want to set up the user accounts before importing...
It has been a long time since I have done it...
@TheX the export contains everything... users
@Jacob k thanks
cool, well then let me know what to do
@RolandTaylor also we would have to maintian it.. installing new releases and stuff like that....
of wordpress that is
@RolandTaylor First I'd need admin to your panel, so I can export the data
@TheX my script keeps WP updated
@Jacob cool what is your wp email?
@Jacob cool
@Jacob how do I make it so when people go to www.2buntu.com, it goes to the page and doesnt error out?
@Jacob I googled it and read a bit about it, but it didn't really make sense to me...
@TheX it works fine?
2buntu.com works
but www.2buntu.com does not
@Jacob done
@RolandTaylor currently fixing something, I do it in 5
better make an annoucement that we have found our own home for a host...
that 2buntu will no longer redirect... blah blah blah...
you fill in the "blah blah blah"
I would wait though till we have all the bugs worked out...
BRB 15 minutes
@RolandTaylor what did he say I missed it
I'll be back in 15 minutes
Going to get some food
@Jacob that is fine, I was reffereing to the other chat room
4 hours later…
@Jacob how is the proposed project coming?
@TheX along.
I see
@RolandTaylor hi
hai @TheX
I got a coffee cup today in the mail with coupons...
for coffee creamer :D
@Jacob anything we/I can do to help?
I'm trying to find questions to answer - but all either have answers, are boring, or are too insane :/
why would you question answers?
its having a few DNS glitches
no problem
as I am sure @RolandTaylor would agree, we just don't want to be a burden to you..
So if there is anything we can do to help let us know
that was strange
I'm finishing now
@TheX my FW was blocking DNS traffic because it though VZs DNS server was a hacker
I see... not really, that is about as clear as mud to me... lol
I don't know what VZ is but I know what you mean
i am guessing a VZ is a virtual zone
@TheX, the Firewall was blocking the Domain Name Server because it thought (VZ?)'s Domain Name Server was attempting to break in (and steal his cookies)
@RolandTaylor in essence
I should have taken that honours track at college :P
(I only did web applications, not networking)
how could they dare even try to steal the cookies???
cause bad hackers do bad things like taking candy from children
I did networking, and programming... in college...
I have learned more working at the school district then I ever did in college
I learned more before - and after I went to college, than what I did while I was there :P
in fact the computer related courses were a breeze for me
(I wasn't a slacker but I used to do my programming assignments the night before - even when we had weeks to do them)
And I still came out on top, every time :D
I learned to Partay!!!!!!!
I never got invited to proper parties
only to stupid clubs (I hate clubbing)
me neither actually
I never went to a party... unless it involved someone else's youth group at a church...
so it is true that the odd ball out gets the girl eventually? and there is hope for me?
awesome! "youth group" "church" - I feel even less alone
(and now I trust you more :D)
would you trust me even more if I told you....
I teach sunday school?
yes, and no, and yes :D
I would trust "you" but not someone else saying that :D
(just kidding around lol)
btw I'm a "PK"
This is.... lets see...
my fifth year...
nice ^^
so you like it?
it was aright at first... but then I learned that HS kids are forced to be there by there parents and therefore have no interest and are stupid...
I know what you mean dude :D!
BTW i won't hold being a PK against you, and yes you will eventually find the lady that is right for you
I wish she would show up already :P
She will when she is ready...
:P I know I'm just lonely lol
ready to forgive your faults...
that is not to say you are a bad person...
oh I have lots of faults (other than trolling)
but that is a huge part in marriage. or having a relationship, being able to forgive each other
good advice ^^
I would say that is 90% of a relationship... finding a good wife that will forgive you... hahaha
and remember in arguments, she is always right...
you just have to ask yourself, do you win an argument, or do you want to be happy...
because you will not be happy if she finds out you were right and she was wrong...
lol I keep that constantly in mind: if a man is talking in a forest alone he's still wrong if a female parrot is there :D
I will keep that one in mind :D
I'm sorry honey, I was wrong, it is an HTMP file... as you say
the browser cannot find it because the browser sucks
looks over his shoulder for prying eyes
Yes of course honey... malware is a good thing for computers...
you may click the link to free credit on your facebook page, it won't steal your password!
Nah, all joking aside Marriage is a great and wonderful thing, you will find out in due time if that is what God has planned for you...
It was a stupid mistake
Sorry for?
things are moving along again
Did you... eat my cookies?
@TheX I'm waiting to see who and what is in store ^^
@RolandTaylor all of them
@Jacob O.O you.....
divides by zero
@RolandTaylor I am sure she will be one hot momma' because my God never disappoints :-D
@RolandTaylor the theme doesn't come over.. what is it?
I got it
@Jacob um I forgot :D
oh cool :D
@Jacob Spectrum by Ignacio Ricci
@TheX ;)
@TheX ahh thanks
@RolandTaylor done!
@Jacob man you're awesome!
it generates you all random PWs
I'll have it email you new ones
lol, chrome just crashed
@Jacob ahh thanks :)
@RolandTaylor I need your emails..
What level of editing can we do with this kind of install?
rolandixor AT gmail DOT com
Looks like we are going to have some cleaning up to do, but that is EPIC!
I'm impressed!
@RolandTaylor pretty much we can do whatever we want... we could even modify the wordpress code if we wanted
@RolandTaylor anything
awesome! :D!
got to go, gotta get ready for a dinner date....
let me know what my password is when you get them :D
@TheX 1234
aight ^^
cya later dude
both of you
Change it now please
1234? that is not secure :-P
@TheX whats your login?
where is the login link?
joshuapbell I think
@RolandTaylor 2buntu.com/wp-admin
oh yeah :P
silly me
@TheX jbell
oh lol
and my script is updating it
please change your PWs and update your user info
the migration didn't keep any of that
did the pwd change
@RolandTaylor ok
I can't log in
k I'm done updating
@TheX user jbell
@TheX I fixed it Jbell
ok in
okay gotta go thanks for everyting @Jacob
cya @TheX
@TheX np
@RolandTaylor want to go ahead and update the blog?
how do I do that?
I'm not seeing any options to edit/add anything :P
@RolandTaylor huh?
@Jacob I can only edit my profile currently
thanks again Jacob ^^
do we get the option to access our folder for uploads etc?
@RolandTaylor umm
I'll setup FTP in a few
@RolandTaylor can I get a small add on the site?
@Jacob of course
I had suggested that earlier lol
so long as it's nothing objectionable it's fine with me :D
Want me to add it to links?
I'll make sure to mention you quite a bit
@RolandTaylor yes
and maybe a inclusion in a post
I will do a post shortly
@RolandTaylor did you get a email about google analytics?
I would have to check
I'm adding some links to your site
@RolandTaylor ok, I attached you to my analytic account, so you can see viewer ratings
and your gmail account is your login
Links are added! :D
I'll add more as I go
@RolandTaylor ok
k I'm gonna get some stuff ready for tomorrow
so I might be back and forth
@RolandTaylor ok
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