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lol what a name
yeah that is about what they provide too 000 uptime
then if you get to many hits, they kill you for 24 hours
gosh the free hosting is horrid
Ok, so what's this about?
I could host it...
@TheX purchased a domain (TLD), so we are trying to find a free host to put a small splash page on
Oh, okay.
@GeorgeEdison basically we want to take 2buntu.com (which I own) and make it point to a splashpage or some sort, and then have that redirect to the 2buntu blog
That's not hard.
Who's hosting the 2buntu blog?
Is it Wordpress?
@TheX I'd host it :)
@Jacob hi btw
Okay, don't they allow you to specify a domain?
Then you can have it point directly to the blog.
@GeorgeEdison not without giving up your arm, leg, and possibly an eye, as well.
...no need for a splash.
@RolandTaylor Really? They don't make it easy?
@GeorgeEdison it cost 12 dollars a year to have them map a domain
so unless you have 12 dollars to donate :P
@TheX Forget it then.
@GeorgeEdison you have to pay, and currently I can't.
Back to your idea.
So @Jacob what are the details?
@Jacob yeah if you host it, can I point my domain to you?
@Jacob to it rather
@RolandTaylor What happens is that you create an A record that points to his IP address..
@TheX point toward my DNS
@RolandTaylor lol
...then you get him to have his web server respond to requests for that domain.
@GeorgeEdison sound like a plan
^wordpress btw
I don't care just tell me what i need to do to make it happen :-D
(not you guys)
I have no idea how to do it though... (except I do know how to set up Apache to respond to requests for a domain - but that's no help in this case).
@TheX point the Arecord toward
^--- That's the splash?
@TheX if you are doing the splash, you can use that image btw
Do you want a splash redirect, or just a redirect?
lets get this figured out first
@Jacob: I can set up the splash redirect...?
I can create a quick HTML page with a META redirect.
then we will figure out what to put on it
Splash redirect is safer, to keep with wp rules
@GeorgeEdison right
So I should do that now?
okay i added a "a" record to the ip you gave me
invalid hostname error now
@RolandTaylor That's good.
@RolandTaylor because I haven't set a host header for your site
@RolandTaylor yeah it make take some time to propogate
That means his server is replying to the request.
@TheX You can flush your DNS cache.
@GeorgeEdison make that http page and put it in e:\2buntu
@Jacob Okay.
@GeorgeEdison say what?
good stuff
@GeorgeEdison 16 people went to challenge.meta.so yesterday :)
@Jacob Okay, E:\2buntu is created. I'll stick the page in in a minute.
I guess I am supposed to go make supper or something
I'm hanging around (always looking to learn anything I can!)
So I will be back later
@TheX ahh aight, cya later dude and thanks a million ^^
yeah this is some technical stuff... I am not even sure what is going on...
I have a clue - but I've never had to set up on that level before :P
@RolandTaylor Don't worry, I'm a sys admin... :)
@RolandTaylor What's the final URL that it redirects to?
@GeorgeEdison 2buntu.wordpress.com
I'd guess?
@GeorgeEdison ^
Sorry I was in another tab for a second there.
@RolandTaylor do you want me to just host the blog?
just a small page
vs the redirect
you could host the whole thing?
(free? O.o?)
@RolandTaylor sure
@Jacob I got it in there now.
I think that would be pretty great, only I would have to find out how to transfer to your server
@RolandTaylor I'd need to do it, I'd have to dump the mysql tables and what not
I think a redirect is much more straight forward (we could discuss transferring eventually).
@RolandTaylor sure
BTW, slightly off-topic, but, you host for free as a hobby?
@Jacob Does the redirect work?
@GeorgeEdison standby
hmm strange
anyone get it?
Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
Not working for me.
@RolandTaylor hmm
I'm getting:
> "Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go to the Domains Upgrades page of your blog to use this domain. "
because it doesnt see your index
@GeorgeEdison flush DNS
@Jacob I did.
works for me now
@RolandTaylor Oh, good. Then my part was a success.
^^ gj! ty ty ty!
@RolandTaylor np
@RolandTaylor yeah, I have a job and a hobby, it's great!
Ahh! Got it :D!
You remind me of myself at your age, only I didn't have a server of my own. :(
Keep it up and you'll be rewarded ;)!
@Jacob: Does Windows Server 2003 work well for you?
@RolandTaylor Yeah, me too :)
@GeorgeEdison Yeah?
Oh, okay.
Just wondering.
Really is does?
I didn't get to work at my last job :P
Some day I might stick it on one of my servers... when I get one :P
@RolandTaylor Well, I use it for simple stuff
But that was partly because the guy who was supposed to be our expert was a con-man!
(Turns out I was more expert than he is)
@GeorgeEdison I know where I can get you a cheap VPS :)
@Jacob Lemme guess... Linode.
(Actually, that wouldn't work for Windows :P)
@GeorgeEdison nope I work for a cloud solutions company(but thats a bit expensive for you)
If you ever buy a server from like ebay you could colo it here :)
So Jacob, for further FOSS project hosting, I can talk to you?
@RolandTaylor Sure
ugh I always close out tabs..
heh, I know how that goes...
At least Chrome remembers what it was.
@GeorgeEdison true
is inspired
@RolandTaylor huh?
lol I mean I was inspired by an act of kindness (hence /me is inspired)
@Jacob @GeorgeEdison mind if I mention you in a post?
(a thank you post)
@RolandTaylor sure
@GeorgeEdison although thats not a 1/2bad idea.. you could get a 50 dollar used server off ebay, and I could host it here
I might consider that myself
I've got a system sitting here... when my business relaunches this year I'll consider that
(and possibly giving you a little $ for the kindness if possible)
@RolandTaylor Sure.
@RolandTaylor what kind of business?
I do web dev, graphic design (unofficially) and provide tech support
@RolandTaylor ah
(tech = (and I hate this) fixing windows problems/removing viruses and installing/configuring/fixing ubuntu (the part I love to do :P))
@RolandTaylor I have to use both Windows and Linux
@RolandTaylor I fix both Linux and Windows, so I run both
I used to be on both, now I only fix windows when people ask, but I don't run it anymore since I can't stay on long enough to keep vista up to date
@RolandTaylor I'm running Vista right now.
@TheX hey
we are we at with our project?
@TheX We're done.
It's all set up now.
I saw that...
but when i go to 2buntu.com
it doesn't work
are we still waiting for it to propgate?
@TheX I think so.
You can flush your DNS cache though.
how do I do that...
wiat don't answer that you will tell me destruction for Ubuntu
and I am in windows
@TheX ipconfig /flushdns
@TheX I'm on Windows too.
yeah got it
@TheX ??
as if it wasn't bad enough having my wife nag me, her sister is here!
@TheX :)
I had a nice stress free day (took a personal day) wife comes home from work stress increases to 50%, wife's sister comes over stress increases 150%
so how do i preview our splash screen?
@TheX DNS still not working for you?
Me neither :P
did i set up my domain right?
my = the
@TheX @Roland said it was working.
@RolandTaylor screen shot or it didn't happen
omg your sister in law O.O
k 1 sec
and no editing :P
gah hard to catch it :D
k wait
I was trying to use a ff addon to save it
but it redirected by the time I hit save as
I like... :D
me too :D
<3 @GeorgeEdison (in a perfectly manly way)
makes it feel even more legit :-D
yep ^^
and! the coolest part is, we can add anything we like to that one
including rebecca black (muhahaha)
as the other admin, I veto any references to rebecca black
@TheX Double agreed.
to bad you have 5000 tabs open, that screen shot would be great for you announcement
Shutter ftw! Gonna edit and post it ^^
awesome :D
You want to see 5000 tabs...
better yet, gonna use panorama to my advantage :)
@GeorgeEdison o.o
lol yeah actually that would be awesome
I currently have 15
My best attempt.
@GeorgeEdison lol nice
That's a nightmare lol!
@GeorgeEdison how slow is your puter now?
@TheX It's fine... those were all empty tabs :)
5000 memory leaks here we come!
There's 27, by the way.
I wish it would create 2 rows when there's that many.
I am not far behind then...
@TheX when you're done editing let me know (so I can add the screenshot)
like I said I have 15 open
lol there goes one of his tabs
@RolandTaylor actually I am not editing... let me see if I can find a tab that has it open...
nope, you should be good
k gonna add that screenshot now
That is awesome
I think i am going to do some netflixing...
16 hours later…
(kinda cool having a room of our own lol)
lol yeah
that is because marco thought we were creating to much "noise" in the other room
I think it was because he was jealous...
anyways I was thinking, we should put a tip jar, or at the very least, put the adsense on the 2buntu.com page...
I was thinking the same thing
I see no shame in subjecting our visitors to an add for 5 seconds, to help bring new premium features to the blog...
+1 on that ^^
But that is up to you, it is your blog...
I was thinking to put together a more extensive landing page too
the blog of itself should remain free of anything like that, but the .com can get whatever you want (it is your URL lol)
it's all in the spirit of community to me ^^
Yeah we can work on that, but lets at least get an ad on there
I agree the blog it self doesn't need any junk on it...
so you wanna add adsense alone then (on the splash)?
and if one small ad on the .com gets us some revenue that would be great
I am thinking like just under the you will be redirected in 5 seconds, just stick a little banner down there
nothing to big or obnoxious
I was thinking it would be a good way to pay you back for buying the domain actually
because I hate ads as much as the next guy
@RolandTaylor consider it a donation
I will write it off on my taxes next year
cool ^^
and they will laugh at me...
do you have access to the host?
not yet
I didn't work out those details with Jacob yet
oh okay... eventually we will probably want that...
yeah I was gonna do it last night but we didn't get the time for it
so we can make changes at will instead of depending on Jacob to do it
I'm honestly overwhelmed by the positive responses :)
it's touching lol
I like to see things succeed above and beyond their fullest potential and am willing to do what I can to help with that... even if its fullest potential is just the three of us...
I believe others will join soon
once the site shows up in the community promotion list and people start to check it out more
Yeah I agree, but no way to predict the future for certian :-D
we will just have to guard against people trying to use it to make a dollar or promote themselves, or spammers lol
Q: Very Frustrated!

kenI had to switch to classic mode, guys i've been with Ubuntu from the beginning this is sad i cannot figure out how to get to things using unity! 2 seconds in old gnome and i'm there or done. Once i switched back to classic i was finaly able to use 11.04 in a functional way. I'm spending way to mu...

(sorry off-topic - but LOL (and read my comment))
yeah I am willing to give back 100% of the ad revenue back to the blog, because I didn't miss it before, and I won't in the future... whether that is buying coffee for late night writing binges, or buying premium features, or compensating certain writers or whatever for their time
obviously no one is going to get rich
I don't want any revenue myself though O.o
I think we got a new reader
but then...
with you as the other admin that's no problem :D
puts all concerns behind him
you would take a cup of coffee or a can of beer if I bought you one though wouldn't you?
or whatever your preferred caffeinated drink is...
\o/ a new reader
ofc I would :D
(I like colas btw)
(especially pepsi)
elricl.wordpress.com just left a comment on my post
never seen him around before
same here
so that means new people are finding us somehow
I was watching the stats for a while
and I wasn't sure if the site was getting out there
but apparently it is
the stats are a great way to find topics to write about... too
because if you look at what people are searching when they find us...
that's true ^^
that shows you what they are interested in...
I found a lot of the links suggest people are interested directly in ubuntu as a whole
so I'm going to try to find ways to focus on the strong points of the OS as a platform
like today someone found us by searching for "is ubuntu 11.04 beta upgradeable to final"
or "alternative open source browsers for windows"\
both would be great topics
I'm going to try doing that as a kind of project for myself
which reminds me to write that post I promised for power users to upgrade
which one?
one that explains how to upgrade to Natty without using the update manager
it's a manual method, but it's potentially safer (if patience is used)
KOffice for windows??? Yikes...
yep there is (but don't install it unless you like tons of dependencies :P)
lol i am not gonna touch it
I ended up having to install about 250mb for digikam alone
So, how is your challenge going so far?
enjoying it or pulling your hair out?
actually it is has been rather smooth... I am worried about work on Monday though...
I am going to have to find a open source PDF editor...
that's probably gonna be a tough one
I might have to send the pdf to someone else and make them do it lol
there is a pdf import extension for LibreOffice, and it can save PDF, but I'm not sure how that will go :/
and I don't think pdf mod works on windows
basically what needs to happen is...
one of our schools releases a news document..
but when they send it to me, they send it in multiple documents///
it ranges from 2-6 pages
So I get 2-6 individual pdfs
so what I do is use acrobat to combine them to one document, then upload them to the webpage
there must be SOMETHING that does that on windows
(you could do it on linux using pdf mod)
@Jacob hallo
@TheX Hi
I don't know, I will figure that out Monday, and then go from there...
hai @Jacob
maybe it will be my blog post
Day 5: Adobe Pisses me off again!
@RolandTaylor whats up?
woot woot
@Jacob we were wondering if we could get access to the server (to edit our files)
@RolandTaylor sure,to edit the splash?
@Jacob yep
are we able to add other HTML/image files too?
@RolandTaylor this could work sourceforge.net/projects/pdfedit
it has a windows version?
I guess so...
I've used it once (only once) and that was years ago :P
ahh just source...
@RolandTaylor sure, you want to host a bugtracker?
@Jacob not a bug tracker, we would add adsense to the home page, and possibly information pages and links (like to OMG Ubuntu etc)
a bug tracker is not something I could keep track of so to speak :D
@RolandTaylor Well, the page just redirects, so there's not much point
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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