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Someone with money needs to buy NOW. And then point it to
Domains are expensive when no one has any money
Very. Even with mediatemple's $5/year for domains.
media temple is 5 a year?
for .com, .net and .org.
that's all they can register.
I will buy a domain for that
um, ok.
its mine...
but I can point that to the blog?
I have never done that before
yeah. give me a moment to find the exact record name.
I can't find my wallet
nevermind found it
Thanks for moving us here @MarcoCeppi. :P
You're welcome :)
17 messages moved from Ask Ubuntu General Room
we have been disposed from the general chat room :=P
We've been banished. XP
Oh well they can shun us... they just won't know what they are doing...
General rule of thumb I take - if a conversation about one topic involving a small set of people about a localized topic - make a new room. @lazyPower and I must have made about 6 rooms in the past to just discuss Javascript stuff :)
I wouldn't say banished, but light relocation
Oh, and I will always know - everything.
Narrows eyes
Have fun!
"Forgive them for they know not what they do" ~Jesus
Oh my. @MarcoCeppi knows everything. RUN!
@MarcoCeppi go ahead, and argue with Jesus, I bet I know who wins
@JamesGifford you have to pay 12 dollars a year to map your domain to wordpress?
@TheX um, what?
I didn't know that..
OH. That. that's so that we can have posts like
I'd just set up a CNAME record, which points to We'd keep the stuff
oh so the would just be the entry point...
I have no patiences, I don't want to wait to change the name server....
added a cname record pointing to
@JamesGifford hopefully that will do it
but I really don't know, as I have never done this before
Should work. Hope it'll work.
if not you owe me 5 bucks :P
I'll buy it off of you in June if it doesn't work. :P (June's my first paycheck)
So that means you have 3 months to make it work :-P
something like that. :P
well 2 and a half
nah its cool, if we can't figure it out, surely someone out there knows...
@MarcoCeppi why do I feel slightly afraid? O.o
Like if I have done something wrong O.o
@RolandTaylor Nothing wrong - just giving you guys a place to plot. It's all about Signal v Noise. In the main room this is a lot of noise, here it's a clear 5 bar signal
Give you guys a place to plot and plan the new blog :)
You are all welcome in the main room - so don't think you've been banished
@JamesGifford I am not so sure about buying, due to how close it would be to, but it is something I may consider doing in the near future
@MarcoCeppi lol cool :D
@RolandTaylor I already bought the domain...
@TheX wow
Thanks ^^
we just have to figure out how to point it to the blog
let me make you admin again
wordpress advised me against having more than one admin lol
1 sec
I need to clear up these tabs in ff
no problem
there we go
I didn't know panorama had live previews before O.o
yeah it's the tab grouping feature of firefox
wait, to redirect a URL for wordpress don't you need to pay for that?
oh yeah...
@RolandTaylor I think...
we can point to domain to the blog...
and it will redirect it...
so it you go to
and it takes you to
that's true :P
silly me
if you use their service it does;kadjsfasdjfl;adfjsadfj
or whatever
I am cheap and won
won't pay for their service
but we could get some ad support, google adsence or something
I'm kinda surprised/flattered/etc that you guys thought of that, and that you actually bought a domain O.o
I'm planning to put adsense on, would make a lot of sense (especially as I currently cannot pay anyone)
I think it is 12 dollars a year or something for them to map it
well hopefully, I'll soon be able to foot that bill ^^
I have an adsence account if you want to temp, use that...
I think I even have 50 cents on it... lol
that would be cool with me, in fact, you can take the rev from it (full)
now you are an admin it should be easy for you to set it up
if it gets enough revenue, we could possibly use their service for the mapping, or at least buy everyone a round of beer
oh wow, i have 3.16 that is half the domain right there
I'll be pushing some local business soon, so when I do I'll try to add some more features to the blog, and possibly monetize more ^^
I don't even know where that add is...
unless it is on one of my blogs...
must be a google bot "clicking" randomly
can't seem to figure out how to add it...
@RolandTaylor I can't get it to save my add
@TheX I've never had to redirect with CNAME, since I've always used free hosting so far with subdomains
we will need to call in the big guns!
@RolandTaylor that ai have to wat for...
could take up to 24 hours
(gonna be back in approx 20minutes)
yeah me too, gotta go get som emilk for the wife...
@TheX well, I guess that should be okay O.o
(about 24hrs)
@RolandTaylor are you there?
I was thinking, I'm gonna write up some FAQ, including a more proper explanation of what the blog is about (also gonna expand the about page) and what our contributors do, and whether it's a commercial thing or not (it isn't but just for the sake of clarity)
Sure :D
Just let me know if I am doing anything wrong
not that I know of :D
lol I will though if anything comes up ^^
I hope i didn't step on your twos or anything by buying the domain, perhaps I should have asked first... but you know how I get excited about things
I want 2buntu to be kind of like a blog/wiki - where contributors and editors (and us the admins) work together (including editing each other's stuff) to provide useful news, tips, reviews, documentation, etc
actually I was cool with that - my only concern was the "buying" part, cause I was like O.O someone else's money was spent
but then I thought about it and it was okay - cause that's part of the spirit of FOSS
eh.. 5 dollars a year is nothing...
^^ if it's cool with you, it's cool with me
wordpress seems to hate adsence
it won't work?
nah I can't seem to get it to work maybe you can...
here is the code
oh whoops
not that
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "ca-pub-8819445814870065";
/* 2buntu */
google_ad_slot = "8136290108";
google_ad_width = 200;
google_ad_height = 200;
<script type="text/javascript"
I don't see any problems with it; I wonder if wordpress doesn't allow it?
I'll have to look and see if that's a premium feature
I looked I didn't see anything...
but that is not to say I am not blind out one eye, and can't see out the other
what does that have to do with wordsense?
I mean adsense?
if you read the grey area, they say something about how it doesn't mean you get allowed advertising - inferring ads are not allowed :/
lol I just stumbled on that too
that's crappy
Not that making money is my goal or anything (it really honestly isn't), but myself or others should be allowed to run ads (at least the way I see it)
Well we should at the very least break even...
I mean not that I don't mind donating 5 dollars...
but if we could use adsense to buy more premium stuff
I will look into the option a little later this year, when I start to bring in some dinero locally
I think it would only be fair if for example yourself and other members can run ads/etc
I say we like I have some sort of ownership, it is YOUR blog :=P
@TheX true
hopefully an updated about page (working on it) will help clarify everything ^^
no javascript...
they really need to do better than that...
lol, so not fair
every page I open on their documentation seems to start with "We don't allow"
lol yeah...
any experience with
well the problem with is that we would need to host the site ourselves
that is not entirely out of the realm of possibility you know
man i forgot how expensive hosting is...
well, I'm pretty okay with running on for now
until I can pay for hosting and such
Yeah it was just a thought...
so, the domain you paid for, we can put a page on it?
like a splash screen kinda thing? or you would have to pay more?
the domain = url
what we could do...
and I thought of this on my way to get milk
is we could find some free hosting...
that we could put a splashscreen and then redirect it to blog
point the domain to the free host
time to hunt for free hosting
in fact, I'm gonna ask in general chat :P
I know of one but it is HORRID!
lol what would that be? (P.S. I knew one - they disappeared and took my content with them)
I think

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