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@DamkerngT. Hullo! Welcome
Um, thanks! But what's this room for?
Hmm, so . . . um . . .
How can I . . .
I'll just head straight to the main deal.
You remember Arrowfar @Dam?
@DamkerngT. How do you feel about him, after all that happened?
Imagine this is one of those English tests that say "Describe Arrowfar in X words".
What is wrong with my internet?!
@TIPS I'd better skip that question. :D
He's not here, anyway.
Well, enough with the sugar-coating and introductions, @Dam. I created this room because I promised Arrowfar I'll talk to you about him. He wants to come back, and badly.
He's regretful of his actions.
But he's too shy to come and ask you.
Oh, well...
I guess he could just come back.
I wanna see your response.
He thought it was impossible after what went on between us.
It was never impossible. I'd never tried to make it impossible for him (or anyone). I'm more concerned about what may happen the next time.
If it won't happen again, there wouldn't be any problem, imo.
He promised me not to overreact again.
I promised him I won't make any remarks that'd come over as offending, but that problem is out of the way. I'm not the MAR of last year.
@DamkerngT. Cool response. I'll let him know.

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