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@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen The representation should make more sense.
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: ghostscript: {  resolution: 166  , device: png16m, allpages: true}

Object Date     North  East  Wight Vol  Dens   ImageLeft  ImageRight
1        2020.08  51.2   49.1  55    120    0.65   name1         name2
2        2020.09  61.2   59.1  66    121    0.75   name3         name4
3        2020.11  71.2   69.1  77    122    0.65   name5         name6
4        2020.08  81.2   79.1  56    120    0.65   name7         name8
Note that
\includegraphics[scale=0.5, angle=90, page=<number>]{example-image-a4-numbered}
allows only numbers 1,2,...,12
     +------- TikZ -------+
     |                    |
     |                    |
     |                    |
 tcolorbox           +--- ------+
                     |          |
                     |          |
                  pgfplots    pgfplotstable
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen @Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Always use useful tools.
I rember there was a package for ASCII-art tree-diagrams, but I forgot the name....
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz @Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Baically none! :) I only know 'TeX/LaTeX' which somewhat comes close to a 'programming' language, and even LaTeX I don't know well, as many of you know by now. :)
@cis Very exciting @cis Very much looking forward to look at this in detail later this week. I have a small paper to write before that.
@TeXnician Whatever will make my life easier, when trying to make the first 'software', because I have no experience. Welcoming any of your advice.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Do you advise Tk or GTK then, for a newbie? Does that easily integrate with .tex documents?
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen Well, then you should expect the user to have a TeX installation because bundling one is not easy (although this requirement will drastically reduce your potential user base, I guess). Then your program only needs to do shell calls to the appropriate tools.
The background is not 100% clear to me: there are 2 images per "object". Otherwise the heading line doesn't make sense in this form.

But in principle you should be able to adapt the table to your needs.
@JosephWright You are online ;-)
@TeXnician That sounds good to begin with. Do you know of any easy way to make such a shell-calling GUI with a couple of buttons, cross-platform? Or at least, let's begin with 1 platform Mac then, to keep it more easy. Are there any pretty-out-of-the-box tools currently, to make such an app?
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen Unfortunately, I have no idea about such tools, especially not for Mac. I have experience with GUI frameworks but none of the ones I use are exactly easy without programming experience. But Tk (as mentioned by @Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz) is easy to integrate with Python, so maybe have a look at guides like likegeeks.com/python-gui-examples-tkinter-tutorial/…
In my case, I have 32 pictures per object. 16 per object orientation. There are 2 orientations: for the first orientation, the object is rotating around its small axis, for example. For the second orientation, the object is rotating around its lengthy axis.

But the layout on your first page looks good. It quickly communicates to the user that there are multiple images per object, in different positions ... so if the file stays in .PDF, this would be a good overview. Very neat.

The reason why I think it is better to print a picture of each orientation next to eachother, on 1 page, is becau
This guide looks really fun. Simple code and a wysywig gui output. Love it!

How would I package this ("Python GUI examples using the Tkinter package") as a Mac app easily?
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen As I said, I have no clue about Mac. I have not touched one in 6 years and have never done development for Mac. But probably a quick search online will yield something useful.
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen @VincentMiaEdieVerheyen It should be easy to incorporate this into the input data table.

Is there a "m-column" for vertical centering, that does not need a width measure, like m{2cm}?

I do not know the column widths in some cases, I only want vertical centering.

Is there a package which provides such a column?


a & b & c &\\[2ex]
0 & 0 & 0 \\

Q: pgfplotstable: Vertical centering / alignment

cisWhat is the correct way to get vertical centering of the cells? BTW: I do not know the width of some columns, so sth. like m{2cm} is not so good. Is there a general way? \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{pgfplotstable} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \pgfplotstableset{ every even row/.style={af...

1 hour later…
@ ImageMagick

How to get same quality / solution in montage.png ?

montage n1.png n2.png n3.png -tile 1x montage.png
That's a bad resulution:
Maybe I have overseen it in imagemagick.org/Usage/montage
@cis try to set the density parameter
Seems it is:

montage -mode concatenate *.png -tile 1x montage.png
@VincentMiaEdieVerheyen Not as Dia-Show.
Mmmh, the page-order.... whatever....
@cis I did not follow the hole discussion, but is there a reason to convert the pdf into raster a graphic? Why not place the pdf pages in such a grid?
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz I do not know how to "upload" a PDF here, so....
Of course, we also plow all the secondary construction places. :)

@PauloCereda Has arara maybe a smart counter for,
say 001, 002, 003, ... (instead 1,2,3,...)

Because I have the following problem:
If I run
% arara: ghostscript: { allpages: true }

I get (from main.pdf)
main-1.png, main-2.png, ....., main-10.png, main-11.png, .....

there should be 'leading zeros' like
main-01.png, main-02.png, ....., main-10.png, main-11.png, .....

Could you help me with that rule. I am sorry, I was out since arara 4.0
Q: arara: How to fix ghostscript.yaml due to arara - version 4?

cisI have the arara rule ghostscript.yaml written by @clemens and @esdd and some lints added by myself, which converts pdf-files into graphic files, like png, using ghostscript. I set up TeXLive 2018. My old arara rules do not work any more. I tried the rule converter rc.jar without succes. What ...

@cis It's not related to arara, I am afraid, but with the underlying Ghostscript call. You probably need to replace the -%d placeholder by -%00d (untested) in the rule...
@cis Do you want to upload them as gif? I sometimes do convert -density 300 .pdf XYZ.jpg --- and then after that you can compile them into a GIF? Or probably in 1 command?
I already uploaded a (animated) gif, as you can see above.

Now I want to ubload a montage.png which contain all pages. For that I need to fine tune the arara-rule ghostscript.
@PauloCereda Yeah!
· It is "%03d" for one or two leading zeros
· It is "%04d" for one or two or three leading zeros

That works fine.
@MarcelKrüger Did you see tex.stackexchange.com/q/561821/2388? I'm not sure what is going on but it looks as if the letter spacing gets larger if you \unhbox a box:












@DavidCarlisle a broken tabularx because of etoolbox and the end-of-env hook: tex.stackexchange.com/a/561850/2388
@UlrikeFischer also even if you reduce the number so it fits in that column, you still get a space at the start of teh next column
@UlrikeFischer not my fault?
@DavidCarlisle sorry? which number?
the letterspace setting, if you put it down to 2 it looks like this
@UlrikeFischer I'm mostly offline today so can't really trace
@DavidCarlisle it looks like a luatex problem anyway.
@UlrikeFischer That's an interesting one. The issue is that we never check if we lready applied letterspacing there, so we reapply it and it adds up. Normally this could be fixed by just checking if the glyphs are protected but the letterspacing runs too late and at that point everything already is protected. . I'll have to see if we can run that earlier, otherwise we probably need a property/arttribute/... as a marker.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ooh
@MarcelKrüger oh doublespacing ;-)
@UlrikeFischer o o h
@UlrikeFischer I've almost got DeviceN working for the basic part. The next question will be mixing: I think you'll need to declare colours in the DeviceN space to allow mixing. I'm worried about e.g. black!50!foo where in colorspace terms, fooshaded exists
@UlrikeFischer Also, for foo!50!black, I probably can manage something: worth it?
@PauloCereda oh, Sperrsatz.
When will the new hook mechanism be part of the stable kernel instead of the dev-kernel?
@JosephWright I would say, only if the math code is straightforward. I would have to reread the spec to say something decisive but my general hunch is, that whoever uses such colors, shouldn't do wild mixing but carefully declare everything.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz next latex update, begin of october,
@UlrikeFischer ok, for some reason I thought it would make it into September's update.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz latex-dev announces the date: LaTeX2e <2020-10-01> pre-release-8. Until then we upload only dev versions.
@UlrikeFischer hm, perhaps I should
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ooh a German word
@yo' oh no
@UlrikeFischer It will be phase two
Hi everybody, I am looking for the setting to be tweaked that pushes floats on float-pages to the top of the same, instead of centering them vertically. As far as I remember, @DavidCarlisle mentioned this somewhere, either here or on the main site, but I cannot find it right now.
@UlrikeFischer Thanks a lot, Ulrike!
hi @samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz
I was wondering why the p = are not aligned in

\textsc{Zeros}(x) = 0 && x &= 1, 3, 5, \dots &\uncover<2->{p = 1/2}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 1 && x &= 2, 4, 6, \dots &\uncover<2->{p = 1/2}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 2 && x &= 4, 8, 12, \dots &\uncover<2->{p = 1/4}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 3 && x &= 8, 16, 24, \dots &\uncover<2->{p = 1/8}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 4 && x &= 16, 32, 48, \dots &\uncover<2->{p = 1/16}
just the p = 1/16 in fact
@Anush They are right aligned, aren't they?
the p = 16 is not straight under the p = 1/8

\textsc{Zeros}(x) = 0 && x &= 1, 3, 5, \dots &&\uncover<2->{p = 1/2}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 1 && x &= 2, 4, 6, \dots &&\uncover<2->{p = 1/2}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 2 && x &= 4, 8, 12, \dots &&\uncover<2->{p = 1/4}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 3 && x &= 8, 16, 24, \dots &&\uncover<2->{p = 1/8}\\
\textsc{Zeros}(x) \geq 4 && x &= 16, 32, 48, \dots &&\uncover<2->{p = 1/16}
@Anush ^^^ If you want them left aligned
oh thanks ! I think I just didn't understand &&
(are you sure that small caps are a good choice? The mixture of sans serif and serif is a bit .... unusual)
@Anush the columns are alternating left and right aligned. Add enough && to get into a column with the alignment you want :)
thanks! I am not sure about small caps... it was just as idea for how to make function names really clear
one more question
@Anush You could look for a font that has small cap sans serif
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz that's a nice idea
is it possible to move the number line slightly to the left in bpa.st/WYTA without having to recalculate everything else
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz \printbibliography{heading=subbibliography} should use a section command.
@Anush If you promise to not show this code to anyone: \hspace*{-0.7cm}\begin{tikzpicture}
@UlrikeFischer Nice idea! But how to change the font size to chapter?
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz I hadn't read so far. ;-) You can always define your own heading with \defbibheading but imho if you do such tricks (section but with chapter font) it indicates an unclear structure and layout.
@UlrikeFischer Thanks! I'll test with bibheading
@UlrikeFischer Does the bear already have plans how to celebrate tomorrow?
@ Tables

Is there somewhere a m-column without <lenght>?

@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz :-D
1 hour later…
@yo' Someone with a suggestion for overleaf: stackoverflow.com/a/63798176/2777074
how can I save a copy of a listings, eg.
\begin{lstlisting}[ mathescape, name=tidemark, basewidth = {.3em}]
Choose random $h:[n] \rightarrow [n]$
Set $z = 0$

if @\Proc{zeros}@(h($a_i$)) > z
set z = @\Proc{zeros}@(h($a_i$))

@\Proc{Output}@ $2^{z+\frac{1}{2}}$
so that I can use it in different places
maybe so I can call it with \tidemarkcode and it would put the listings there
Do rules in my local arara folder override equivalently named rules in the global folder?
@AlanMunn Yes, they should, provided that they are referenced in either a global or local config file.
@PauloCereda Ok. I'm trying to get the latexmk rule to work with the -dev versions of the engines.
@AlanMunn oopsie, we forgot to add the branch thingy to latexmk. Apologies. Will fix in the next maintenance (or major) release.
@PauloCereda Is there a branch version for the plain lualatex rule? Maybe I can just use that.
@AlanMunn Yes! All engines have IIRC. :) Just add branch: developer and you are in -dev mode. :)
% arara: lualatex: { branch: developer }
@PauloCereda Although for production documents I really like latexmk because it resolves references automatically. Is there now an equivalent arara rule?
@PauloCereda Great! That will work for now.
I've already hacked 50% of the usual way of creating tables in LaTeX ...
Everything that appeared on the subject of the table did not meet my needs.
@AlanMunn not yet, but version 6.0 might have something in the drawing board. :)
@AlanMunn just for completeness, the default behaviour is % arara: lualatex: { branch: stable } which is... stable. :D
@cis Yikes...
@PauloCereda Do you know off hand if the -lualatex flag remains the same for latexmk whether you're running the -dev engine or not? (So that I can modify the latexmk rule myself.)
@AlanMunn hmmm no idea. Will check. I think we probably need to rely on injecting Perl code... Gimme a minute.
@PauloCereda I.e., in the flag component of the engine directive I would add 'lualatex-dev' : '-lualatex', not 'lualatex-dev' : '-lualatex-dev
@AlanMunn Just a minute, let me try something.
   1   │ % arara: latexmk: {
   2   │ % arara: --> engine: pdflatex,
   3   │ % arara: --> options: [ '-e', "$pdflatex='pdflatex-dev'" ]
   4   │ % arara: --> }
@AlanMunn ^^ don't need to add your own rules.
As I suspected, we need to inject the proper engine into the corresponding Perl variable. This code does it.
There is $pdflatex, $lualatex, and $xelatex.
@AlanMunn would you like a custom rule? I can write one for you that incorporates this... hack. :)
@PauloCereda No worries for the moment. I'll just use the lualatex rule for the moment. Will you update the latexmk rule anyway?
@AlanMunn You gave us a reason to. :)
@UlrikeFischer My first test with tagpdf are encouraging. But I don't understand most of what the preflight errors are. E.g. Compressed object streams used or PDF/A entry missing or Device object color used but no PDF/A Outputintent. Then it becomes hard to fix since I don't know enough about any of this stuff.
@PauloCereda I suspect the suggestion I made is correct, but I'm not sure.
@AlanMunn We will work on it. :)
@cis you don't want it. If you have multiline text, you need a length. And if the content in only on one line, you don't want center alignment, but base alignment (to use pgf terms), you wouldn't want TT, yy and xxx to hobble around, but to be on the same baseline.
@AlanMunn you can sent me examples and I will look, but please small example, so that one can tackle one problem after the other ;-)
Yes, but I don't like the setting m{4 cm} to "4 cm" once and for all.
So I measure out the width of all cells of a column and take the maximum.
Only the individual correction of the heights doesn't quite work.
@UlrikeFischer I'm happy to read stuff, before sending things to you, but I'm not sure where to look. Any suggestions?
@AlanMunn "quacks in despair" works for me :)
@AlanMunn well you can find a few questions on the main site. You can also look in the pdfx code, which handles most of pdf/A requirements (but the use is not recommended! It will quite probably clash somewhere). The pdf reference contains info, and verapdf also documents a lots of rules.
But beside this: tagpdf is mainly currently about tagging. But naturally we will also have to do something about pdf standards and a collection of good examples about how to handle requirements is very usefull, and you are helping us to extend the code, if you are asking such questions.
@AlanMunn Instead of convincing arara, you could also use a local .latexmk file to switch to the dev version
@Anush There are several possibilities. You could save it as file and then use \lstinputlisting or you could place this into a savebox or ...
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz I'm just trying to minimize new things I have to learn.. :)
@AlanMunn ooh Alan is in airplane mode :)
@UlrikeFischer Yes, I do understand this, which is why I don't want to bug you quite yet with a document. But if other things unrelated to tagging aren't done, (like the errors I mentioned) then I'm wasting my time playing with tagging it seems.
@AlanMunn Understandable approach :D
@UlrikeFischer So it seems that I save the document as PDF/A-1a from Acrobat, and it fixes the problems so that it's conforming. So the question is how to eliminate that extra step.
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz let me try a savebox
@AlanMunn well "not done" is not really the problem. I mean pdfx can create pdf/A (without tagging), and I can create pdf/A too, it is more a question of sorting the code, documenting it and finding errors. compressed streams e.g. sounds as if you checking against the wrong pdf/A version, if I remember correctly only pdf/A-1 disallows them (but I can't check now).
@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz hmm... failure
it gives a syntax error but I am not sure why
@UlrikeFischer All of this could be true. :) But the versions a dizzying. How do you know what you should be adhering to?
is there something wrong with the syntax here?
\begin{tcolorbox}[top=0pt, left=5pt,right=5pt, colback=blue!5!white, text height=5.5cm]
\begin{lstlisting}[ mathescape, name=tidemark, basewidth = {.3em}]
@AlanMunn well I would use pdf/A-3XXXX unless someone force me to use something earlier, as it allows more ;-) Btw: here is something about the outputintents, one only need to translate it in "pdfresource syntax" (which I naturally couldn't do there). tex.stackexchange.com/a/551291/2388
@UlrikeFischer Well that helped a lot. But the linked answer is essentially code-copying voodoo ;-). I did it, but I have no clue what I'm doing at that point. But at least now I have some magic incantation I can \input into my documents to make them pass muster. :)
@AlanMunn well you shouldn't use the primitive \pdfcatalog along with the pdfresource code. Use something line \pdfcoredict_gput:nnx{Catalog}{OutputIntents}{/Type ... } without the << >> and with the right numbers of expl3 ~. (Untested ... so typos possible.)
@UlrikeFischer Should I be using the splitting branch of pdfresources too?
@AlanMunn yes. That is currently the head (I started it because I wasn't sure if the "splitting" of some code will work out, but now it is rather sure that it will stay (not unchanged, but basically), and I adapted tagpdf to it.
@UlrikeFischer Hmm. Now I can't compile anything:
% !TEX TS-program = arara
% arara: lualatex: { branch: developer }
Maybe this is the problem @JosephWright was alluding to earlier/
Error is Missing \begin{document} l.142 }
@cis m isn't that useful and certainly you never want to use it on single line entries as it juts disturbs the baseline spacing. so what would you want m to do (I suppose you could use tabularx with the X column set to use m layout (but I would not do that)
@AlanMunn yes, I think so it compiles fine for me with the l3-code from github. But I wonder why @JosephWright didn't sent l3backend to ctan yet, l3kernel has been updated already.
@UlrikeFischer Now I know why they call it the bleeding edge. Only a flesh wound...
@AlanMunn yes, but the error hasn't actually nothing to do with "new" code, only that we decided to split the pdftex backend code and the luatex backend code into two files (previously there were in one "pdfmode") and then a \exp_not was forgotten ...
What a disappointment ;-( filehook got updated, but then it was only the catalog entry.
tabularx wants me to set the entire width of the table. I may not even know this yet.

I can handle the m column if I measure the widest cell in the column.

I just can't do it for the height:
every even row/.style={after row=\hline, before row=\hline},

a                              b       c
{\tiny a}                   b     {\Huge C}
{This is a content.}   2     {\rule{56.7pt}{12mm}}
a                              b       c

@cis do you really have a b c all different size and want them vertically centred? If so just center then as you would in a paragraph, no need for measuring or m columns.
@cis something like


\z{\tiny a} & \z{b} & \z{\Huge C}\\


2 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle Aha, looking hot with math-mode and vcenter. I wonder, why there isn't a column type for that.
@cis you could use raisebox or a nested tabular comes to the same thing. It is very rarely required for text which almost always looks better on the baseline, and for vertically centered images you can use raisebox or simpler valign key from adjustbox. I don't think it would make sense to have a general table column type for that

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