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@MarcelKrüger Change checked in (@DavidCarlisle)
@JosephWright Thanks
4 hours later…
@JosephWright thanks, just got in:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle I'm writing articles for Karl and @barbarabeeton, then will start on the peek business I think
@JosephWright -- thanks. (i'm editing what we've already got at this very moment.)
@barbarabeeton One incoming very shortly ;)
2 hours later…
Any idea guys
Q: Image alignment of a Poster on Latex using tikzposter

L.K.I a trying to write a poster, I have almost finished it but I am not able to finish the last part where I have to align images. I am using \tikzpicture alongwith \minipage for multiple images but it's not giving desired result. My minimum working example: \documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait]{...

@L.K. the mwe doesn't compile here, some of the graphics are missing.
@UlrikeFischer Those can be thought of as random pictures for the time being. Else I can provide them, like pictures of birds or animals. Just to make it work. It's my first poster, already took lot of time and effort :(
@L.K. If the file doesn't compile without error I can't adjust the alignment. You don't need to provide pictures, use the one from the mwe package.
@UlrikeFischer Ok, let me remove all the errors. So that I can get help from you regarding alignment. Many thanks in advance
@UlrikeFischer I saw the only error coming was missing images, at least in my system. Is there any specific you got except that? I will try to resolve it
@L.K. i didn't try. I stopped at the second missing graphic.
@UlrikeFischer Ok, I think random images will do the fine of say square shape, they are around that middle ring figure connected by directed arrows. I can proceed from hint also, just lack of time made me to post it here ;)
1 hour later…
@L.K. you can use example-image as the image (it is available for such tests) you can adjust the size with width=...,height=... so it shows whatever effect you need.
@Skillmon are you around?
@DavidCarlisle By setting height and width I could set dimension but not alignment, unfortunately. And to get that figure do I need to use separately tikzpicture and then use it as a single figure in the tikzposter?
@L.K. I meant in your example, no one can run your example or see the problem as example-image-A1 just gives missing image errors, use example-image or example-image-a so it works for everyone, but if that image is the wrong size to show the problem adjust the scaling
The problem with talking at TUG2018 is you have to write articles afterwards
@DavidCarlisle Thanks I will change that.
@DavidCarlisle Now I have made all the changes. I hope the alignment problem can resolved now
@UlrikeFischer Fortunately, I could correct all the errors now. Let me know your views regarding alignment :)
@JosephWright -- tsk. but at least what you write can be understood by a normal human being. for which i'm grateful.
@barbarabeeton surprising really, since normally he talks to chemists
@DavidCarlisle -- well, somebody taught him good spelling and grammar.
@barbarabeeton can he even spell "teh" correctly?
@DavidCarlisle -- as a matter of fact, yes!
@barbarabeeton ooh as @PauloCereda might say.
@JosephWright ... or have a good excuse for not doing so :)
2 hours later…
Hello all! I was wondering if someone could help me out. I am using the package systeme and I have to use the command \sysdelim{.}{.}\systeme{system1, system2, system3,...,system n} a lot!! Is there a some command I can enter in the preamble that can make this process easier? For example can I use the \newcommand{\sys}{\sysdelim{.}{.}\systeme{}} in the preamble? I am unsure due to the fact that the systems are the parameters
1 hour later…
Does anyone know mate?
@manooooh -- assuming you are referring to what i learned as "yerba mate", yes. it can be obtained quite readily in new england from shops that specialize in tea, although it's not related to tea. (i've never had the pleasure of drinking it from a container like the one you show in the picture. just from an ordinary tea mug.)
@barbarabeeton nice! Have you tried the mate with cold or hot water?
@manooooh -- hot, like tea. i've never tried it cold. is it prepared cold directly, or steeped first in hot water, then chilled?
@barbarabeeton directly cold water is used. When it is prepared like this (yes, there is a whole ritual of preparation!) mate is called tereré, which is the same as mate but with cold water. In this case it can be served with orange juice and many other combinations more
I ask it because the mate could be confused with tereré, although they are very different drinks
@manooooh -- oh, that looks quite pretty! i'll have to learn how to fix that. (when drinking it hot, around here, we treat it like tea, and strain out the 'leaves" before drinking.) i don't know tereré at all.
@barbarabeeton study it! These drinks are great for talks in an office, in a square, with friends and family. To heat the water we use a kettle (electric or gas) until it boils, like tea, but then the yerba must be added to the recipient and put sugar (there are those who do not), and it is drunk by sharing the matte bulb. You can also add other weeds but this is the traditional mate

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