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@Sebastiano Non lo so. I'd need the full code.
3 hours later…
@Sebastiano Try:
\thechapter.\ #1\hfill \raisebox{1pt}{\large\textcopyright} Sebastiano\hfill}{}} % Chapter text font settings
\raisebox{1pt}{\large\textcopyright} Sebastiano\hfill}{}} % Section text font settings
3 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer Akira added that option to pdftex overnight:-)
2 hours later…
@JosephWright changes to pdftex file handling code, just to keep you interested:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
2 hours later…
You all should opt out of arbitration. Now. (It's not that much an issue for EU citizens as these are actually protected from arbitration abuse, but still.)
2 hours later…
After installing MacTeX 2018 and deleting the files of 2017, the TeX Live Utility will show no windows. It app starts, and it can be quit from the dock (thus it is responsive), but it shows no windows.
Is this a known problem? What's a workaround? How can I reset the app so it's usable again?
Now I'm stuck with the command line tool for managing packages.
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda When do you travel back to Brazil?
@DavidCarlisle -- a comment on this answer showing an end-of-proof marker overprinting the right-hand end of a one-line display coded with align* claims that this is an amsthm bug. i claim it's not, since align is intended to be used only for multi-line displays. but before i respond to the comment, i would like your opinion. (reactions from @egreg, @daleif, @yo', and anyone else welcome too.)
@barbarabeeton It's not a bug. At best, it's an unfortunate feature of align and gather that they shouldn't be used in place of equation. (I can reply to the comment this way if you don't plan to reply yourself.)
@yo' it's simpler than that actually:-)
@barbarabeeton it is not related to it being a one line align (you shouldn't use one line aligns but for other reasons) The issue is that you should not use \qedhere on the left hand side of the equation. add & before \qedhere
@yo' @barbarabeeton you get same over printing with two-line align:
 a + b = c \qedhere
@DavidCarlisle ah, so it is a bug, in a sense; \qedhere should be able to count the columns and add & as needed :-)
@yo' no users should not use align structures with no alignment points:-)
@DavidCarlisle well, I don't see what's wrong with align without & if you need everything right-aligned.
@yo' -- i've just realized that \[ ... \] works too, and am going to add that to the answer. as for responding, i think i'll wait until the further discussion here has run its course.
@yo' I do:-)
@DavidCarlisle I'm one big ear
(sorry, that's probably a too much Czechism, I mean I'm eager to see the reasons :-) )
@yo' by assertion, it's just wrong.
@DavidCarlisle assert(align and not '&' in wrong)
@yo' the english idiom would be "I'm all ears" but close enough for me to understand:-)
@DavidCarlisle ok, that's a funny one :-)
however, assertions sound a lot like dogmas, and these give me the shivers
@yo' people who have write access can be more dogmatic than people who don't:-)
@DavidCarlisle now you really sound like the TeX inquisition.
@yo' my three main weapons are are ...
@yo' but more seriously we have fleqn for flush left equations, we don't have freqn for flushed right ones but if they were needed, better to implement that than mi-use align with no alignment points
@DavidCarlisle -- but fleqn is "full-length" equation, not flush left. (see the documentation, both user doc and comments in amsmath.dtx file, or maybe in testmath -- the latter written by michael downes.) thanks for response to comment; i agree fully, but expect some blow-back.
@barbarabeeton no flalign is full length align, fleqn is flush left eqn
@DavidCarlisle -- urk. you're correct. (i'm leaving for vacation tonight. guess my brain has already left.)
@barbarabeeton but I meant the user error that you introduced, using align you can use qedhere as &\qedhere so that in itself isn't a reason for not using align for one line equations.
@barbarabeeton have fun
It's amazing @egreg isn't a metal head. @TorbjørnT must be. :)
@AlanMunn btw, that guy (Jakub Marian) is Czech :-)
@DavidCarlisle ^^^ i'm going back to visit this guy.
user image
and before i go, got another palindrome.
It seems that our local online news site has been reading my answer to how to substitute all "i's" with dotless versions...
@barbarabeeton v v v v v v v
@AlanMunn That's a curious thing to make a map of.
@FaheemMitha For many more great maps check out twitter.com/TerribleMaps.
@AlanMunn You mean, for many more terrible maps?
@barbarabeeton I'm no medic but your host does not look well.
@UlrikeFischer What is swimming in the cauldron? Ducks? Is that why the crocodiles are so happy?
@marmot Presumably poodles.
@UlrikeFischer -- charming. (there's a skull very like the one in the picture at the prague castle. the one there is allegedly the head of st. george's dragon. i can't claim anything so exotic for mine, but i do claim findership, and can even still identify the location where it (still attached to a very dead body) was found. the skin would have made a very nice briefcase.)
@FaheemMitha Some of them are truly great. This one, for example.
Where Syrian refugees are in the UK http://on.fb.me/1po2edM
@marmot not apples poodles. And the second from the left is saying ooh -- probably @PauloCereda in disguise.
@AlanMunn As in, there aren't any?
Is that actually true?
I know the UK isn't the most welcoming to refugees.
@UlrikeFischer I'm not convinced. Maybe @PauloCereda is swimming in there and has (for the first time?) a reason to say Ooh ;-)
@FaheemMitha I'm sure it's not, but as a commentary on UK policy, the map is brilliant.
@FaheemMitha -- not true. if you read the comments in the original posting you'll find it's a sterling example of "fake news".
@AlanMunn Fair enough.
@barbarabeeton That phrase is unfortunately becoming very popular, thanks to the Orange One.
@barbarabeeton I don't think it's fake news at all. It's social commentary.
@AlanMunn -- i do stand corrected. (sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, and getting harder.)
@barbarabeeton It's a confusing world out there.
@JosephWright thanks for the tlg update
@DavidCarlisle No problem
@DavidCarlisle Meanwhile, I'm thinking I really need siunitx v3 with all of the Unicode font stuff
@DavidCarlisle Re-implementing dcolumn again :)
@JosephWright you can't beat the original and best , that's what I say.
Is there any package that can produce the following document
Q: Attractive chapter titles and sections styles

EducI came across a website where i found this attractive design for chapter titles and sections. https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~leonardo.zapponi/leo_divers/Agreg/Matrices_normales.pdf Here's my attempt at reproducing it \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzstyle{a} = [text ...

@JosephWright meanwhile if I hide my local version and use the tl218 l3build to match travis, it helps to run tlmgr update first....
@barbarabeeton I plan to update and then to re-enable it. Following the shutdown request after upgrade shaming just took out the pressure. So I can work on other sites EU GDPR formal requirements first (before lawyers tackle sites).
@StefanKottwitz -- thanks for letting me know. (i find it's generally a good plan to avoid lawyers except possibly in exclusively social settings. some of them are actually rather interesting and nice people.)
please is there anyone here knows the name of package that can produces this PDF
Q: Attractive chapter titles and sections styles

EducI came across a website where i found this attractive design for chapter titles and sections. https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~leonardo.zapponi/leo_divers/Agreg/Matrices_normales.pdf Here's my attempt at reproducing it \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage{tikz} \tikzstyle{a} = [text ...

@Educ you just asked that 4 lines up!
yes because no one answer me I'm still waiting if there is package that can produce the style of title chapter and sections to looks like that
@AlanMunn Not so much actually.
Oh the things you see in life. A list of equations:
@Kpym In case you have an SO tab open ... I'm just updating my PGF installation to have a poke around at the pgfsys-tex4ht.def code to see how it works and whether or not it would be adaptable.
Ack. Can't update pgf from cvs as it complains about a lock file.
@PhelypeOleinik beautiful! Was it possibly due to some publication rules?
@Educ well just repeating twice a question that anyone will already have seen on site doesn't really make it more likely to get answered, but as the answer and comments in your question state your picture looks like standard tcolorbox examples to me.
@LoopSpace find . -name .lock and remove:-)
@DavidCarlisle I think the lock is on the server and it's preventing me updating. As I'm just trying to clone, I can't change anything on the server. To be honest, my days of using bleeding edge PGF are probably done and I should simply use the latest version in TL.
@yo' No, please, this is not mine.
@LoopSpace or use bleeding edge l3draw instead, then you can use git and pester @JosephWright
@yo' I was put in charge of creating the format of my postgraduate program's thesis format, so I was browsing the ones that exist currently and found this gem.
@yo' But yes, it seems to be a common practice to put a list of equations. I think that this is at least pointless...
@LoopSpace actually joseph pointed out a got version of the pgf repo the other day, you could use that
@DavidCarlisle Thanks!
@LoopSpace other things are available in git too github.com/latex3/latex2e/blob/master/base/ltpictur.dtx
@DavidCarlisle I've already cloned latex3 so that I could get my hands on l3draw.
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PhelypeOleinik Essential information! :-)
@egreg Oh, most certainly :)
@egreg It was made with Word (obviously) so there's even an equation that is not in the stated page (yes, I checked :P)

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