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@JosephWright That's a different argument, though.
@AlanMunn I meant tokens as individual votes and types as votes by user, I think. But it could also be e.g. local voting patterns as tokens and sets of voting patterns per user as types.
@JosephWright It is only the reasoning given as stated that bugs me.
@JosephWright I should warn you that parts of it may be dull ;).
@egreg Like Yertle?
Can anybody help? Out of my depth:
Q: Control error messages made by commands defined with \NewDocumentCommand

Hood ChathamThe \NewDocumentCommand command uses a clever trick to make better error messages -- if the arguments of \mycommand are messed up, it would be undesirable for the resulting error to be something like "File ended while scanning use of \__xparse_grab_D:w", so whenever xparse is going to grab anothe...

I know some of the stuff which shouldn't be done here, but ...
Or I think I know ...
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright @egreg ^^
@cfr The starting assumption is wrong. As simple as that. ;-)
@PauloCereda Another episode of “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” series.
Q: Center vertically within \left and \right in math mode

Antoine BolvyI trying to vertically center what's inside a \left and \right, but it keeps centering with what I imagine is the baseline, even if what's below the baseline is much bigger, for example a sum expression, see example. I currently have this minimal working example: \documentclass{article} \begin...

6 hours later…
@cfr Yes, I've seen that: context-dependent definitions are still something to think about (in general LaTeX doesn't 'do' them, but there are places where you need e.g. and expandable version of a command)
2 hours later…
Joseph Wright has added an event to this room's schedule.
@DavidCarlisle github.com/josephwright/csquotes/issues/10: I don't think it's by-design as it stands as the switch provided to change the behaviour doesn't work!
@JosephWright yes, I think you should change it anyway.
@DavidCarlisle Doing it now
@JosephWright the install instructions for the luatex-harfbuzz thing look very mac-centric:(
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@DavidCarlisle I was hoping for something I could just download and try
@JosephWright I note that it says that for at least some of the ways you need to compile from source anyway. I suspect in the end the thing to do will be to compile luatex and harfbuzz at same time statically linked into the same executable (like xetex) cross platform, cross language dynamic linking is possible and interesting and too close to the day job but tends to be something requiring commercial level support:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes: more-or-less what I've felt is needed from the start, but of course at odds with Hans and co's view
@JosephWright yes but if you are just compiling luatex sources more or less unchanged, but with a different final linking step that isn't necessarily the end of the world.
@DavidCarlisle Yes, entirely agree and something that is likely worth trying to get some traction on: one for the team list and then raise formally with TL/MiKTeX/TUG/whatever?
@JosephWright plan to watch that githib for a bit, and if the issues surrounding the interface to lua and tex from hb look like being resolved reasonably well, I may try building something. If it builds on cygwin it should be buildable anywhere.... No point going to TL etc unless something is working.
@DavidCarlisle Yes true what I was thinking is to get real testing for those of us not wanting to set up a build system we need people who do make binaries to at least be aware of it: not 'immediately into TL' but 'do some serious development testing for an active set of macro-level programmers'
@JosephWright which translates to "Akira would you mind making a windows binary, please?" :-)
@DavidCarlisle Thinking along the lines of trying to get a formal 'working group'
@DavidCarlisle Also Mojca for the Mac!
@DavidCarlisle I wasn't just thinking about binaries but that there are some policy things to actually get decided: it seems clear to me that this is the best way to go but that will need to be agreed more generally ...
@JosephWright perhaps, although if luatex had waited for things to be agreed more generally we'd still be at 0.01 by now. Alternative approach is to get something working, and then if it does work just ask it be distributed.
@JosephWright last time the user groups had a formal working group for tex extensions we ended up with NTS.....
@DavidCarlisle I'll drop you a mail: perhaps what I'm getting at isn't coming across :)
@JosephWright probably wise:-)
@PauloCereda just looking at "exercise 0" of a python guide someone recommended and I read this, can you believe it? If a programmer tells you to use vim or emacs, just say "no."
@DavidCarlisle I think tex.stackexchange.com/questions/351862/… is for you: The source of the problem is a clash between luatexbase and cleverref. Both define \@gobble@optarg but with different meaning. One can resolve it by loading cleverref later but imho someone should look at the problem for a more general solution. (The problem came up with microtype some days ago already).
@UlrikeFischer I saw the heading but hadn't looked at the question yet, I thought I had seen those two packages recently
@DavidCarlisle Just saw that in the older question Robert already found the clash ...
@UlrikeFischer not sure what else can be done really apart from mail the package authors and ask them to prefix internal commands with a package prefix?
@UlrikeFischer oh except one of the package authors is me @JosephWright I'd forgotten about that... why is luatexbase getting loaded...
@DavidCarlisle Just wanted to point this out ;-). The pgfplots code says before loading luatexbase "% I need \newcatcodetable". microtype probably has a similar reason.
@UlrikeFischer yes but \newcatcodetable has been in the format since 2015 no need to load a package
@UlrikeFischer and is it right that I still need to add RequirePackage{luatex85} to the OPs test file, or am i missing a pgf update somewhere?
@DavidCarlisle pgf tends toward being entirely independent of formats, let alone format versions, so they will probably keep this dep for ever
@JosephWright could load ltluatex.tex instead
@DavidCarlisle Perhaps the package author don't know this ...
@egreg tex.stackexchange.com/q/351868/101651 Eliminazione di Gauss!!!
@UlrikeFischer they will by end of the day:-)
@DavidCarlisle It works fine for me without luatex85 (after I changed the loading order of the packages). What error do you get?
@CarLaTeX EG
@UlrikeFischer ah fixed thanks. (old local pgfsys-def in path in the tmp directory I use for testing...:-)
@DavidCarlisle I know this problem ;-). The -recorder option is very useful to find such things!
@DavidCarlisle: regarding \clearpage. You are right, that \end|document} calls \clearpage. I was regarding the \pagebreak-command of the OP
Unfortunately, the comment is to small to fit everything. :-(
at least, there is no change, we only can guess
@egreg :):):) One day I have to learn how it works, I'have done an exam about Econometrics, I think I can understand it!
@CarLaTeX It's not really difficult. It's like expressing the first unknown it terms of the others, then doing “simultaneous substitutions” in the following equations, which can be done in a very efficient way.
@egreg I'll read your lecture notes :)
From a conference template:
“Please use \jsection or \section*
@DavidCarlisle Good.
$ grep -l -r "ckage{luatexbase}" *
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer I just posted an answer suggesting \expandafter\def\csname [email protected]\endcsname{} for now.
@yo' yeah, the 'this page left empty' things always bothered me. That's why I did this for the second page of my thesis:
@DavidCarlisle oh my, nonsense.
@egreg oh my!
Still trying to convince IT support at work that I need to be able to run programs beyond those installed 'from above'!
@JosephWright I don't think general management has noticed my Linux PC is not under their specific control .... all the power ....
@daleif Years back at my astrophysics Institute I hijacked the only Linux machine there ;-) It was a very sophisticated computer at that time, with a SCSI raid etc, and incredible 1GB RAM. The other colleagues had no idea of Linux and worked with those dreadful SUN Ultra Sparc stations
@daleif I have a range of plans in mind
@daleif Linux would be possible for some of my work (am considering for my own laptop), but I still need a Windows set up for some tasks: doable using a VM of course. I know we've had some locking down of Linux and OS X systems, but don't know the full detail.
@JosephWright I have several of our official Windows installations (7 and 10) running as VMs. Just as long as the Linux has enough power, it works just fine. As long as management does not come wanting to add their own software on my system, then I'll be fine. Of course I have no backup of my files, but that is my own responsibility (I have important stuff in subversion, including my Emacs setup, which has a repository of its own)
@daleif I remain hopeful that common sense will prevail ... time will tell
@JosephWright so can they really stop executables running that are in your own area?
@DavidCarlisle Yes: they installed a program called AppSense which only allows execution of binaries installed by an Admin account: you can't even run portable or 'doesn't need installing' programs
@DavidCarlisle Frankly the error message you get is awful
@DavidCarlisle Messes up some things you wouldn't expect: I'm pretty sure I can't get a couple of Thunderbird add-ons to work due to it (can't be 100% at the moment: may do some testing on my own laptop at some stage)
@JosephWright Something like \seq_new:N \l_user_programs_blacklist_seq \seq_set_from_clist:Nn \l_user_programs_blacklist_seq {progA, progB, progC} ?;-)
@JosephWright I don't suppose booting off a CD with a linux kernel would be popular either:-)
@DavidCarlisle No, though I do have some other ideas on what I'll do if I really can't get permission to at least run stuff from my own area
@JosephWright a Windows VM inside Windows?
@DavidCarlisle I'm told our computing department are semi-independent and do their 'own thing': I'm not surprised
@PauloCereda Something like that, yes
@PauloCereda It's all a bit silly: it's not like I want to do anything particularly radical, just actually do things I need for my job
@PauloCereda buy a new laptop:-)
@JosephWright do their own thing -> they want to be as restricted as possible in order to drastically reduce their work, so they can browse YouTube videos and other important things. :)
@DavidCarlisle no, those purchases are for serious business, e.g. gaming. :)
@PauloCereda I mean computing department as in 'School of Computer Science'
@PauloCereda The bit of UEA @nicolatalbot is associated with
@JosephWright Oh my
@JosephWright ^^ look at the bloke they put in the front page...
@PauloCereda and writing theses?
@DavidCarlisle uh-oh
@JosephWright I can see why this is relevant in some cases (like student lab PCs), but when it interfers with staff, then hell breaks loose. This IS a university, IT would be lynched if that happened here. People need to get their work done.
@daleif Here, the plan is that we all log what software we want and it is made available by App-V. That works if the latter is kept up to date and if you don't routinely need to use odds and ends: much of the university can cope, it's largely bits of science that are problematic
So... I just discovered I got a "User was removed" with a whooping -1199 reputation. What the...
@Alenanno only 1199? you were lucky:-) see the starred comment on the right
@JosephWright Same here, Science is special. We usually use other stuff than just a browser and the MS Office package.
@DavidCarlisle Which one?
Ah ok found it.
Ah no, I didn't.
@PauloCereda :D ahah
@DavidCarlisle How much did you lose?
@JosephWright egreg said the starting assumption is wrong. But isn't \let\macrodefinedwithNewDocumentCommand\some_macro: ...? It just looks wrong, I guess .... But I don't really understand any of this, so that doesn't mean much.
@PauloCereda Cwac!
@PauloCereda Love that movie :D
@Alenanno <3
@cfr Quack! <3
@PauloCereda Something similar happens in Il mio nome è nessuno. :D I remember that one. This one I don't remember the last time I have seen it now that I think about it.
@Alenanno 2814:-)
@Alenanno The film in which Henry Fonda is always looking like he's thinking “what am I doing here?”
@Alenanno Nice movie, by the way.
@egreg I know which one it is, just don't remember myself seeing it :D
@Alenanno egreg's helpful comment on my loss:
yesterday, by egreg
@DavidCarlisle This makes for a good start of my day! :-D
@DavidCarlisle Kind as always :D
Do we know who is the user? :P Just curious
Q: Who is the user removed yesterday?

karlkoellerDoes anybody know (a moderator?) who is the user that has been removed which yesterday night caused to many of us a great amount of lost reputation? I don't think he is Harish Kumar, who had a very high reputation, because the rules say: This removal occurs whenever a user is deleted, unless...

@DavidCarlisle Thanks!
@cfr: ^^ I am trying to work. :)
@PauloCereda That's quite cooperative: not on your keyboar; not sitting in front of the screen and not pawing you asking to play.
@PauloCereda the screen image is a bit blurry but it looks more like tex.sx chat than a thesis source
@DavidCarlisle uh-oh
Hola' everybody
@egreg Dearest how are you? By a two days I connect chatting after nearly a month for many school commitments. I hope all is well in your part. I deleted immediately, my answer after your message. I thank you very much for your invaluable help. Always available. When you're made to feel. Even a hello I'd love
@ChristianHupfer Holllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' Christian
@ChristianHupfer Good evening prof.
Anyone: when you create a local texmffolder from scratch is there also a need to run mktexlsr? I don't think there is, but someone just edited an answer of mine to say you need to.
@AlanMunn hmmm I don't know the answer, but I'd say yes.
@AlanMunn it depends on the configuration but imho TEXMFHOME doesn't need a ls-R file, kpathsea is doing file search in it.
@Sebastiano Quite good here! Weren't for the 243 students booked for Tuesday's exam.
@PauloCereda The waiter did a refill to my glass. ;-) And the train is on schedule.
@egreg oooh :)
@PauloCereda An old friend of mine, who was chief referee instructor, used to say that one should always be friend with the gym's guardian. I do the same with the people in charge of service on the train.
@egreg True words. :)
@Sebastiano I am no professor...
@PauloCereda When I was young and I was studying with a book open on the desk, my cats slept on my book in the same way!
@PauloCereda ... and is Trinità known also in Brazil?
@AlanMunn it depends
@AlanMunn you need to add the directory to eg TEXMF if you prefix with !! then you need ls-R
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle So in this answer is it needed? I guess it can't harm, but I haven't checked if it's necessary.
@AlanMunn no as that's adding it as texmfhone and the default setting is TEXMF = {$TEXMFCONFIG,$TEXMFVAR,$TEXMFHOME,!!$TEXMFSYSCONFIG,!!$TEXMFSYSVAR,!!$TEXMFLOCA‌​L,!!$TEXMFDIST} so TEXMFHOME has no !!
@AlanMunn and the comment below that line says that adding a ls-r file will do harm:-)
% Where to look for ls-R files.  There need not be an ls-R in the
% directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.
% By default, this is only the !! elements of TEXMF, so that mktexlsr
% does not create ls-R files in the non-!! elements -- because if an
% ls-R is present, it will be used, and the disk will not be searched.
% This is arguably a bug in kpathsea.
@JosephWright -- the "double backslash" question -- Double backslashes disappear from code -- in meta keeps getting additions. can't anything be done? at least some indication that the "powers" have noticed it?
@barbarabeeton I raised it but got nothing back, sorry
@JosephWright A user just pinged me. Seems like some links on your blog (in this case about CVs) are dead. http://www.texdev.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/cv.zip
@Johannes_B Quite possibly
@Johannes_B I'll have to do a bit of work to get a source more-or-less as described in the post (I've adjusted a bit in the interim): hopefully I can sort that tomorrow
@JosephWright Don't feel hurried. You have other stuff on your list :-)
More important stuff :-)
@Johannes_B It's not too hard: I have all of the comments in my CV, just have to get the length about right

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