@RavenDreamer Yes. It turns out that I initiated a close request too early, and rather than have others continue to close, I thought I'd just have the chat comments deleted. I seem to have attracted a lot of attention by doing so, though. :-)
@vanabel, "I don't know" and "yes" are two possible answers to those two questions. Make a working example and ask on the main site, it would be easier to help.
@N3buchadnezzar No idea about those packages wrapping multicol, if you stuck a MWE with the right package includes , perhaps it needs to go in that before field (it certainly needs to be set before multicol starts)
In French legal citation, one is supposed to refer to "professor X" or "Dean Y" when referring to an author in a sentence. Using biblatex and Biber, this would mean that \citeauthor{key} should prepend the right academic title (if any) before each author.
The idea would be to have a separate dat...
@DavidCarlisle Np, I am thinking of perhaps switching to something cleaner and easier as well. Not quite sure what though, I am not that experienced in latex yet...
I know that this issue mostly arises when you use the draft-mode. However, I am not using the draft-mode. Throughout my paper I use the following code to implement figures:
\subfloat[\textit{caption1}]{\label{fig:pic1} \includegraphics{pic1}}
@PauloCereda Egreg has only 10 minutes for the test to finish. :) He's very tired to be here just in order that the students don't talk too much with each other.
Dr. Ravi Vakil's Algebraic Geometry notes use fonts that I really like; I was wondering if anyone knew off hand how to implement them. I could not find any source tex files unfortunately.
Thanks a lot!
@DavidCarlisle It just struck me that your answer was better-informed (LOL) than mine, and that \mbox{} is so much simpler. I think I'll remove it.
@DavidCarlisle BTW, I only just twigged (reading TLC2) that tabularx was your work; what a blessing -- thank you. I would have nightmares about coding something like that in (La)TeX.
I prerer Tabulary myself, although it's probably 10 years since I actualy wrote a document in latex so either way:-) glad you find it useful. Although about half the TX questions I see here should be answered by "don't use tabularx for that:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I only just discovered tabulary, too. The trouble is, I'm discovering so much "new" stuff in TLC2 that (a) I have a problem keeping track of stuff I've got to investigate (aka "play with"), and (b) there aren't enough hours in the next thousand days. Well, TG for todonotes LOL
@N3buchadnezzar I even managed to procrastinate with a typewriter
@DavidCarlisle TeX is a bit like Perl in that way -- there are N ways to do anything you want, and somewhere between N-1 and N of them are either wrong, mystical, or both.
I'm trying to use biblatex and I want to cite something but if I use \cite{key} or \footcite{key} the author and title is not printed but the key itself is printed.
bibtex says there are no \citation commands
\documentclass[11pt, nochapterpage,bigchapter,linedtoc,longdoc,colorbac...
@BrentLongborough Not being a crossword solver or having ever played Farmville, I'll take your word for it. :-) The big difference between Word and LaTeX for thesis writing is that with Word, the frustration comes at the end and with LaTeX it comes at the beginning.
@PauloCereda A bronze badge for properly balancing braces and a silver badge for using \[...\] instead of $$...$$. A golden badge for using \ensuremath and \xspace when they are really useful. :)
I work with a lot of word documents. I want to make some of these look better with LaTex, but it's almost impossible to manually extract images/equations and put them into a .tex file and then convert them to LaTex.
I know I might be asking for too much, but is there a nice, free way to do conve...
@N3buchadnezzar sorry, but there is no useful application of eqnarray ... it is there because it can't be taken awaybecause of compatibility, but it is just A Bad Thing
@N3buchadnezzar eqnarray is supposed to align equations but it is implemented as a 3-column array which means that the spacing withing the formulas is all wrong
@N3buchadnezzar if you want a matrix, use "array", why not. If you want horizontal lines when aligning formulas, specify the spec of what is wanted and then one can see
I have a funny idea of asking a question about how to quickly answer tex.sx questions (since people are getting serious here and already use various techniques). Would this be on-topic on the main site or meta?
Reading this site for the last nearly two years I've learned a lot about LaTeX3 (which I had previously understood to be a defunct pipe dream) and LuaTeX (of which I was previously totally unaware). As I have said before, TeX itself is a bad programming language, though a good typesetting engine...
@JosephWright I know. But the answer is a little bit longer (not only one sentence) and I think an expert of LaTeX3 should be answer this. The circle becomes smaller and smaller.
@MarcoDaniel Oh of course. I want to do l3kernel to the same standard as everything else. Next week, I'll look at the *nix versions. I've been meaning to do this for ages.
Reading this site for the last nearly two years I've learned a lot about LaTeX3 (which I had previously understood to be a defunct pipe dream) and LuaTeX (of which I was previously totally unaware). As I have said before, TeX itself is a bad programming language, though a good typesetting engine...
@JosephWright @Joseph @Paulo ... That question on Lua viz LaTeX3 is extremely brought and I'm not sure that anybody answering it would be able to do it justice ... but for a start I don't think even that the question does the subject right as it mistakes expl3 for LaTeX3
One of the aims of LaTeX3 is to provide a well defined set of programming tools; once these are available, their internal implementation is something that doesn't bother the programmer. If the "system calls" are implemented in TeX or in Lua is, for the LaTeX programmer completely irrelevant, as long as they work as advertised.
Of course one can always go in the basement and make some low-level trick with the pipes to get something that the LaTeX developers didn't think to and maybe is realizable in Lua. But so doing one loses portability. Maybe in ten years we'll all use LuaTeX and the problem will be solved.
@egreg that's what I meant when I said he is comparing apples with pears: a) he talks about expl3 not LaTeX3 and LuaTeX is an engine that at best is something replacing pdftex+expl
@egreg even if we all use Lua in 10 years we are no step closer to, say a complex pagelayout algorithm that deals with float placement more intelligently that what is currently available. And that kind of thing is what I'm interested in, the programming layer is only to have a solid base
@egreg that is why I want a stable base now and not a moving target that has no implementation base ... that might of course change over time and I'm quite happy that Lua happens, but that doesn't mean I need or want discuption in several places at the same time
@FrankMittelbach And this links with what I said: the programming layer can be realized in LuaTeX, if one wants to. Probably in a faster and extendable way. But it's another thing.
Of course this has a big drawback: we'll all depend from the Lua team. If they change some important function, well, ...
@egreg full agreement (and for something like regex I wouldn't ever have attempted on top of etex, but Bruno proved me wrong and showed that it is possible), so one day if things stabilize ... fine
@egreg for the same reason the first kernel we build was on TeX not e-TeX and I still believe that the approach sound
@egreg that's the point of not opening several fronts at the same time. It is a different focus, e.g., algorithmic ideas on page makeup or designer interfaces do not depend much (if at all) on the underlying engine. Yes the engine has restrictions an some that I think can't be overcome sensibly with TeX ... but if they are overcome by adding a scripting language into the engine I doubt it
Only if the typesetting algorithms are slowly replaced as well (not augmented)
@FrankMittelbach I fully agree with you too: having a solid base spinned an incredible development of LaTeX packages. How many were they when LaTeX 2.09 was superseded by LaTeX2e? How many are there now? Maybe too much, actually, but that's not the point. :) Having a solid basis allowed to produce solid and useful packages.
And now for some completely different. Yesterday I raised on meta.stackoverflow the problem of the pages that continuously spawned a refresh; just to discover that there were already two threads on the same issue. Probably I was able to point to the right direction and this morning the problem had been solved. Great guys around here!
The indentation after the date specifications in pages like "Nice/Good/Great Question Badge" is somewhat too small, so that date specifications including (previous) years nearly touch or overlap the question names. The effect varies depending on the different SO/SE sites. Here's a (not too bad) e...
I'm using TeXLive 2011 via MacTeX, and I keep my packages updated. I'm trying to start simple with tkz-graph.
When I use the following code, copied directly from the tkz-graph documentation: