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Does any one have solution for this question?
Q: What does manyfoot do to multicol that footmisc does not?

user62977If I use the footmisc package for paragraph footnotes: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[para]{footmisc} \begin{document} \begin{multicols}{2} \lipsum[1] \footnote{This is a test.}\footnote{This is a test.}\footnote{This is a test.} \footnote{This is a...

@UlrikeFischer Seems like moderncv got an update on github. After just over a year.
Guten Morgen! I got stuck with my Lua-Compilations and do not understand why. As I am not too sure on how to explain the error, I try asking here first. Maybe there has been some change in the last time which I did not notice.
I cannot use fontspec with LuaLaTeX anymore.
font not found errors. The error pops up from fontenc.sty. Which is quite strange.
Seems as I am using LuaTeX Version 1.0.0 from MiKTeX 2.9.6100. So everything up to date.
When running luaotfload-tool --upgrade I get a fatal error telling me taht I need a Luatex version higher than 0.95.0. So there is something clearly broken.
I have updated and rebuild all formats in MiKTeX and now I do not know how to proceed. Does something of this sound familar to you or should I open a new question?
1 hour later…
Guten Kartofel!
@UlrikeFischer thanks for the link. At the moment, I have kicked MiKTeX from my computer and trying texlive for Win for the first time. I will see, if this works. A reinstallation of MiKTeX some minutes ago had so many errors that I am chosing a new approach now. We'll see.
@PauloCereda haha. Same to you!
@LaRiFaRi Ein Bier und ein Mineralwasser, bite. :)
@LaRiFaRi No need to kick it from the computer if you have enough space -- I have both and so can test the new luatex which will be in texlive only in 2017.
@LaRiFaRi: don't forget the duck contest. :)
I've finally given up with endfloat. Is there an alternative way to insert lines between paragraphs that read, "Table x about here"?
> Microsoft announces Visual Studio for Mac will launch in November
In a current scrartcl you can use \documentclass[12pt,a4paper, egregdoesnotlikesansseriftitles]{scrartcl} to get serif headings. — Ulrike Fischer 14 hours ago
^^^ This actually works! :D
@HenriMenke LOLOLOL
@PauloCereda There is even LaTeX for Visual Studio Code!
@egreg Oh my!
@HenriMenke Didn't you trust me? ;-((((
@UlrikeFischer I know, but somehow I got other problems here. Could not update with the new installation... I dunno. Just kicked ot for now. I will reinstall later, I guess. But a good possibility to test TL16 on Win for now. Hopefully this works.
@PauloCereda With this German you could survive over here. That's for sure.
@LaRiFaRi oooh
Hallo, Ich bin ein Ente! Ein Bier und ein kartofel, bite! Heute trinke Ich zwei Coca-Cola!
@HenriMenke Best option name ever!
@PauloCereda Hallo Ente. Es heißt "bitte" und "Kartoffel"! Double consonants, when pronounced quickly. And due to our biggest virtue, our modesty, we write "ich" in lower case. The rest was perfect. Are you taking classes or learing Pub-German on business trips to Germany?
@LaRiFaRi ooh :) I took a few German classes back in 2007, but I had to give up because of time constraints. I don't know anything, just a few random sentences. :)
@PauloCereda yeah, it's a really difficult language. But don't give up! Add \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} to your preamble and you should be safe to go! :-)
@LaRiFaRi awww <3
@LaRiFaRi One of my motivations for these particular classes was the teacher, she was really cute. :)
Puh, tex live is a big package... installing and installing... well. I will test in the afternoon. See you later guys. Thanks for the help.
@PauloCereda haha. Yeah. Sometime even happening for Germans... But I guess there are more cute brasileiro teachers around and still I do not speak a word...
@LaRiFaRi :)
@PauloCereda gonna go. Keep practicing! See you later.
@LaRiFaRi See ya, pal!
2 hours later…
Would it be possible to generate a microdot using LaTeX into PDF? I.e., hide some text into some full stop in the text of the PDF?
@wilx You can make a shaped paragraph and scale it
@wilx Remember the text will appear 'as is' in the raw PDF stream unless you make it into an image
@JosephWright I see. I know. This is not something to be actually secret. Just a fun thing to think about. :)
@wilx In that case, perfectly doable: I guess the issue really is getting enough greyness in the dot
@TorbjørnT. Thanks. Indeed.
3 hours later…
Moin moin. I have a short question. It looks like in Komascript \subjectname is for Betreff or Subject. But I need to write my letter in French. And now subjectname is concernant. But I would like to change it to l'objet
How do I change the content of subjectname, please?
@Gudrun unless your french babel option has changed it for you already just \renewcommand\subjectname{l'objet} probably works
I found: \renewcaptionname{french}{\subjectname}{L'objet}
Page 280 in Koma script
@Gudrun oh a manual, didn't occur to me to look in one of those:-)
Really? I thought you know this manual by heart!
How do I do French babel?
I have
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@Gudrun yes that's what I meant. That changes many \***name macros to french (eg for table of contents and all other fixed strings that it knows about), but it can't know about all strings in all packages, which is why I wasn't sure (as I don't normally use komascript or French)
Dear CEO,

(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this email affects you, we are very sorry, please ignore this email. Thanks)

We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in China.
We received an application from Huayi Ltd on November 6, 2016. They want to register " arara.name " as their Internet Keyword and " arara.name .cn "、" arara.name .com.cn " 、" arara.name .net.cn "、" arara.name .org.cn " 、" arara.name .asia " domain names, they are in China and Asia domain names. But after c
Yes, but subjectname is changed to "concernant" , but I want "L'objet"
So I had to change it anyway
Apparently, I am a CEO!
@Gudrun the renewcommand would work but you need to do it after begin{document} as babel will set it to french using its version at that point, however the proper babel way is to declare to babel what string to use for \subjectname, @PauloCereda is probably more familiar with these things (I don't use babel much, being English...)
@DavidCarlisle ooh hold on
\addto\captionsfrench{\renewcommand{\thingyhere}{Le thingy ici}}
@PauloCereda your French is as fluent as your Portuguese, I see,
@DavidCarlisle I is smart. :)
@Gudrun what @PauloCereda said ^^^
@PauloCereda WTH?
@wilx I opened my email and found this jewel in my spam. :)
@PauloCereda you shouldn't believe everything you read in email
@DavidCarlisle so I didn't win the Nobel in Physics? :(
@PauloCereda you would, if you submitted your thesis (and it was about physics)
@DavidCarlisle also, my thesis had to be written bah physics. :)
@PauloCereda How much of it do you have done?
@wilx a... fair amount? :)
@wilx duck counting pages 0,1,many
@DavidCarlisle ooh I like it
@PauloCereda have you got to "many" yet?
@DavidCarlisle yes! :)
@PauloCereda should be enough then, call it done.
Q: How to use both English and Greek (Tex Live & pdflatex) and even Hebrew easily in one document

JermainAfter looking around for a while, having checked the Not-So-Short Introduction to LaTeX 2e (2.5.5) and even after having found some sources on the internet, I still could not get this to work. I have been fighting with the problem for a while and it almost seems futile to continue. It must work t...

@DavidCarlisle ^^^ 'You can't' ;-)
@PauloCereda, I think you could easily hide the TikZ duck in the middle of your Thesis as a full stop using the question @TorbjørnT. has linked!
4 hours ago, by Torbjørn T.
@wilx Slightly related: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/152532/how-can-i-replace-a-full-stop-with‌​-an-image
@GuilhermeZ.Santos ooh :)
@JosephWright meanwhile I rebuilt luatex (random number generator still wrong :( )
@DavidCarlisle but... but... it's random!
@PauloCereda at least Oxford gets named correctly:
@PauloCereda no it's very un-random gives a missing number error each time....
@DavidCarlisle oh
You’ve just been upgraded to Firefox Nightly 53!
@DavidCarlisle oooh
hi .. can someone tell me how to install a .sty file in latex? (I'm on ubuntu 14.04)
Have a look at the bottom image of the OP and the text just above it. latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=97198#p97198
@r9m normally your package manager does it for you, but if you just have a one-off .sty just put it in same directory as your docuemnt it doesn't have to be installed
@DavidCarlisle it's in the same directory as my document but my editor can't compile it .. idk why
@r9m then you did something wrong or perhaps your editor is running from a different directory, first just check it works from the comandline, cd to that directory and type pdflatex filename where filename is whatever your document is called. if that works your problem is editor configuration, if it doesn't then the problem is with tex setup
hi @egreg, @JosephWright and all friends, gd evening
@GideonEbelebe Hi.
@DavidCarlisle sorry .. not working :( guess there's some trouble with tex setup as you say ..
@r9m what error do you get
@DavidCarlisle things like Metric (TMF) file not found.
@egreg: Harish sends his best regards to you. :)
@r9m oh if you haven't got the fonts, a package to make the document use the fonts won't work....
@DavidCarlisle I used sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended .. and the problem is fixed now! :D Thanks for your help!!!
@PauloCereda Please, tell we miss him.
@GideonEbelebe Ciao!
@egreg Sure thing!
@PauloCereda Had a message?
@JosephWright Yes!
🦄💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖🦄 💖🌈🦄🇺‌🇳‌🇮‌🇨‌🇴‌🇷‌🇳🦄🌈💖 💖🇨‌🇴‌🇳‌🇸‌🇴🦄🇷‌🇹‌🇮‌🇺‌🇲💖 🦄💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖🦄 @LordofLezzies https://twitter.com/LordofLezzies/status/739903692309069824
@PauloCereda www.unicorn.org ?
@egreg I was thinking you could make bgroup fail if \hline was followed by & and get the balance/master counter stuff wrong but probably you're right for \halign it's it really needed
s/it's it/it isn't/
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle Probably for uniformity with other cases.
@egreg yes when in doubt with a table macro add a \ifnum0=`{ makes your code look impressive if nothing else.
@DavidCarlisle It adds several hidden features
@DavidCarlisle And some rep points for me
luatex is fixed:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@JosephWright What documentclass do I use for submission to RSC?
any idea how to import an image in sharelatex and center it right in the middle of the page? I tried every way, but nothing seems to work...
@Canageek article but they have a template
@JosephWright Looking for it, all I've found it chemstyle so far. Is it on CTAN?
@Canageek No, on their website: it's a hacked up version of article/some stuff I did (no credit)
@JosephWright any idea?
@Hiro \begin{center}\includegraphics{example-image}\end{center} would make a centred image 9for example)
@DavidCarlisle It still doesn't center the image
@Hiro well you did something wrong (or the image is bigger than the text block) if it doesn't work, make an example that demonstrates the problem (a complete small document, you can use \includegraphics{example-image} as we all have that)
@Hiro if the image is wider than the page the extra width always goes to the right margin (and tex will warn in the log) if you get no warning then the image would be centred by the center environment.
Thanks for the help, my problem's resolved :P
@Hiro :-)
@UlrikeFischer any miktex users around?
@FranzHuber23 windows access permissions are a black art that I'm not trained in:-) Anything's possible but I'd have thought in that case pygmentize simply wouldn't run, but it looks like it ran and made a prettyprinted output, but using tex commands not defined which is... odd. I suspect you need someone to pass by who can test on miktex. I'll ping the regulars in chat ask a miktex user to look... — David Carlisle 1 min ago
@FrankMittelbach you're not usually here:-)
@DavidCarlisle I tried and had no problems.
@UlrikeFischer thanks
@UlrikeFischer sorry didn't mean to make you have to install pygments if you didn't have it already:-)
@DavidCarlisle oh I was looking for an opportunity to try minted anyway -- and it took me only 5 minutes after looking at the docu.

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