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@yo' Fair point :)
5 hours later…
Getting to learn about keeping Git branches up-to-date: work on biblatex means I need to keep up with what PLK is up to
@JosephWright well, I once or twice managed to conflict myself : )
@yo' I've not had to track multiple branches before, so it's 'interesting'
@JosephWright well, me neither, what happened to me were just errors :)
@JosephWright bet you wish it was svn
He should be wishing it was Mercurial.
@JosephWright How are you enjoying git?
@DavidCarlisle No idea
@DavidCarlisle Not done multiple branches in svn
@FaheemMitha Oh, fine
@JosephWright are you switching branches in the same local location (which seems to be the git way) or checking out two local checkouts of different branches of the repo (which would be the natural thing in svn)
@DavidCarlisle Locally: one of the things I find odd with svn is switching branches is such a long process (sorry, but you shouldn't have more than one checkout location from a remote)
@JosephWright depends what you are doing, if you are frequently comparing or switching then (especially with svn where you have no local copy other than the checkout) having two checkouts is much faster. I still haven't quite got hang of working the git way, you can do git tools for comparison, but as you don't have both branches to hand you can't actually look at both versions in an editor or do a build on both without switching branches and making the other branch vanish
@DavidCarlisle I guess it depends how you look at it: I'd never check out more than one copy as it would be structurally 'wrong' (files live in <root>/LaTeX/<package> and must be the full remote repo)
@DavidCarlisle If I need a reference copy of an other branch, I just check out, copy that file to my desktop then switch back: it's not 'live' so shouldn't be in a version control location
@DavidCarlisle You could clone the local repository to some other location and use the local repository as remote for the clone. (I do understand your problem. Sometimes one really wants to look at all differences, e.g. of a log-file).
@UlrikeFischer Of course
@DavidCarlisle You can have two clones side by side, and have them set to different branches.
Though I don't find this situation comes up all that often.
Maybe it does if you have long-lived branches.
@FaheemMitha yes sure, I was just asking if Joseph was doing that, or switching the same clone between branches, either have uses
I am trying to compile this example
Tikz example: but the examle fires errors, is someone able to compile it in the newest Mactex 2015 or other Latex distribution?
@hhh Look at the comments on that page. ;-)
@hhh I think TikZ has some pretty neat ways of graph drawing by now. At least i heard so, i am not a TikZ user.
I am just beginning to draw graphs in Tikz but even the simplest examples fire errors, not good :/
@hhh I tried with TL 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015: the error is the same. If I change the parentheses around vertex names, I get another error.
@DavidCarlisle Ok.
@egreg thank you so the example is just bad, what would be the best way to learn drawing graphs with Tikz? Any tutorials on that?
@hhh Standard TikZ. The manual has a tutorial and a special library for graph drawing.
I could find only:
I was abel to get the non-graph working but the graph fires error
Is "\tikz \graph" really correct? Copied from tcs.uni-luebeck.de/downloads/mitarbeiter/tantau/…
Hi there! I have a question regarding parentheses in biblatex authoryear-icomp style using footnotes. I see my issue partially covered in questions 39919, 30819 and 12254. However, I do not have enough Karma to comment on them and do not really want to post a new question. What do you suggest?
@Johannes_B The Tikz graph drawing requires Lualatex: that is not supported in OSX Textmate and not in LyX (taking forever to compile, lualatex not same as luatex).
Example to draw graphs with LuaLatex and Tikz graphs:

\tikz \graph [layered layout] {
a -> {b, c, d} -- e <-> a};
It works from the command line:
Ok I got a very simple example without Graph Tikz pkg and LuaLatex working, I think this is better option.
For draws in tikz
@lactea How much reputation do you need to comment?
@Johannes_B 50. I do have 47 now.
@lactea Are you sure?
@Johannes_B Thank you Johannes. Out of nowhere I have 10 points and can comment now :)
@lactea :)
@lactea :-)
@lactea Leave it to the voting squad
@egreg ooh the voting squad!
2 hours later…
@hhh LuLaTeX is definitely supported by TextMate.
@hhh In TextMate -> Bundles -> LaTeX -> File Preferences -> Set Typesetting Engine you can then enter lualatex or easier, add %!TEX TS-program = lualatex as the first line of your document. It can also be used with LyX: wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LuaTeX
Thank you, I got a simple example finally run in TextMate:

\tikz \graph {
a -> {b, c, d} -- e <-> a};
Is there any easy way to make this directed graph?

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=2cm, y=2cm]
\tikzstyle{every node}=[draw, circle, fill=white, inner sep=3pt,minimum size=18pt]
\draw (0,0) node(IN){IN} -- (1,0) node(1){1} -- (2,0.5) node(2){2} -- (3,0) node(OUT){OUT};
\draw (IN) -- (1) -- (2,-0.5) node(3){3} -- (OUT);
(without LuaLatex/graph pkg -- currently using LyX, not sure yet whether LuaLatex supported by it)
@hhh Yes LuaLaTex can be used with LyX (see other link in message above.)
@hhh The automata library should help with that maybe?
Q: Which package can be used to draw automata?

ChanI'm looking for a LaTeX package which helps drawing automata problems. I googled and found A package for drawing automata and graphs (Version 0.4). But I'm not sure is this package a standard one, or there are some better alternatives. Any suggestion?

@yo' I think James found somebody to update the sharelatex Learning Section. How do you like it? de.sharelatex.com/learn/Bibliography_management_with_natbib
How to rotate a big matrix in LyX?
@hhh There is a mailing list especially for LyX users with lots of people using LyX on a regular basis. I am not aware that any user here actually uses LyX. Your chances of a quick answer might be higher there.
Moved the question to
Q: How to rotate a large matrix in Lyx?

hhhI have a large adjacency matrix in LyX, how can I rotate it to fit the page?

@hhh if it isn't as easy as typing \rotatebox{90} then the "easy" interface of isn't helping.
@Johannes_B There are a few I think, though not among the most prolific answerers.
@TorbjørnT. I have it installed.
@JosephWright just built luatex again from texlive svn, it's still 0.89.4 but \choose is fixed (muskip still broken)
@DavidCarlisle Great :-)
@JosephWright math logs show a lot of differences in box shifting, I think visual effect is same but comparing is harder than in might be eg
! ...\hbox(7.5+2.5)x183.95538, shifted 161.04462

! ...\hbox(7.5+2.5)x345.0
! ....\kern161.04462
so classic tex uses a shifted box for displays but luatex is adding a kern to move inner box to same place...
so how compatible does luatex need to be....
\setbox0\vbox{$$ x \eqno (1)$$


237.73512pt ... 469.75499pt
@JosephWright ^^
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I know about this :-)
@JosephWright actually I think I did at one point as well, but it's going to make a mess of the test suite for amsmath
@DavidCarlisle Almost certainly
@DavidCarlisle Can't really normalise that one
@JosephWright no but I wonder if it's worth moaning on luatex list.
@DavidCarlisle STATUS BYDESIGN, I think
@JosephWright status design wrong ?
@DavidCarlisle You could argue Don's original approach is rather odd
I can see breaking compatibilty for new functionality but this just seems a change for change. (Yes agree shifted boxes are odd, but...)
@DavidCarlisle You can ask Hans, but I suspect he's going to say 'tough'
@DavidCarlisle I guess I need to sort out a team meeting
@JosephWright yes probably I won't bother, but still it's a pain
If I want to place two images side by side, what's a good approach for that? I've been trying to use subfigure, but I don't understand how I'm supposed to position the images.
@FaheemMitha \includegraphics{a}\includegraphics{b}
@DavidCarlisle Yes, but how can I place them side by side?
@FaheemMitha like that, graphics are positioned like letters, they come side by side unless you put a paragraph break in between
@DavidCarlisle Oh. Ok, I'll try it.
@DavidCarlisle Wow, that works.
But the PDF that is generated is letter size. Bummer.
@FaheemMitha ?
@DavidCarlisle -- ditto --
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, that was seriously missing context.
@DavidCarlisle I guess you might check this was actually deliberate, but it probably was
So, I've got a LaTeX file, which includes two JPG files, side by side. When I run pdflatex on it, this generates a PDF. Normally this PDF would be A4 size, but in this case, it is letter size.
Probably I'm missing something obvious. Should I post a question?
@FaheemMitha Add \usepackage[pass,a4paper]{geometry}
@egreg Oh, now remember someone saying that geometry forces letter.
Which is most unkind of it.
@FaheemMitha see that's such a FAQ that even @egreg knows how to fix:-)
@DavidCarlisle Speaking of being unkind...
@FaheemMitha He's less rude than usual, actually
Time to read the geometry docs.
@egreg Well, that's good.
@egreg sorry I'll try harder next opportunity.
Would anyone care to explain geometry forces letter? Or do the docs perhaps explain this unholy decision?
@FaheemMitha letter is the default latex page size.
@DavidCarlisle <mutters something about Americocentricity>
@FaheemMitha had you specified a4paper to \documentclass ?
@FaheemMitha it was developed in America:-)
@DavidCarlisle Nope. Do I normally? Let me check.
@FaheemMitha so you get letter size text block (on an a4 page) geometry (or graphics) set the pdf page size to match the declared latex page size which is letter unless you have changed it
No, I don't. Then again, I've been using scrlttr2.
@DavidCarlisle So, I should specify a4 in documentclass?
@FaheemMitha not sure what the default is for that.
Let me try both ways.
@FaheemMitha a4paper
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I know.
@DavidCarlisle On the "tell me y" table question part of the problem seems to be with IDEs that compile using nonstopmode and so new users don't actually understand that their code has errors.
@DavidCarlisle Right, sorry. I was abbreviating.
@AlanMunn I know, but I wasn't in the mood for "can you fix my code which has random undefined commands that I haven't said what they should do" (blame Hans:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I agree with you. It just struck me as weird given how bad the code was, but then I ran it in that mode and suddenly the output matches the question better.
Ok, now I remember that it used to be possible to specify A4 in texconfig. Is that still the case?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, a4paper fixes it.
The program 'texconfig' can be found in the following packages:
 * texlive-base
 * texlive-binaries
Try: apt-get install <selected package>
texconfig: command not found
@FaheemMitha You're not using a vanilla TeX Live?
Since I have both texlive-base and texlive-binaries installed, this is not especially helpful.
@AlanMunn Nope, Norbert's TeX Live packages.
@FaheemMitha which distribution? Looks like Ubuntu
I should perhaps say Norbert's endangered packages. Since they might go the way of the Dodo.
@yo' No, Debian.
@FaheemMitha that's the same (sorry I made a mistake the first time)
I mean, Debain's TL is screwed. Let's accept it.
Does texconfig exist in vanilla TeX Live then.
TUG should really make a statement about this. Maybe it would get things moving, TeX is not that unimportant.
@yo' There are corners of the net where them's fighting words...
@AlanMunn Huh?
@yo' Screwed? I hope not. I use it.
@yo' About?
@FaheemMitha yeah, but I mean, packaging is done together
@yo' Well Debian does the packaging. Or rather, the long-suffering Norbert does. Then Ubuntu uses it.
@JosephWright packaging TL for debain being almost impossible, with the risk of dropping it altogether.
Anyway, is texconfig in vanilla TL then?
@FaheemMitha texconfig is /usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-cygwin/texconfig
@JosephWright If you run the code on that question in nonstopmode it produces output that roughly matches the description of the title.
@FaheemMitha Yes (in Fedora at least):
[tohecz@toheshiba ~]$ which texconfig
@DavidCarlisle cygwin?
@FaheemMitha yep (but would be same in any vanilla texlive)
@yo' Oh. Balls.
@yo' I guess as long as Norbert is continuing, there is not so much to say (preining.info/blog/2016/02/debian-tex-live-full-update-20160223 looks positive enough)
@DavidCarlisle You use Cygwin then? You poor thing.
@JosephWright I think he's just barely hanging on. I fear for the future of those packages.
@FaheemMitha it's Ok really use it for everything, pretty much
@FaheemMitha Based on?
@DavidCarlisle If you say so.
@JosephWright And it's not uncommon that we see questions with code that should simply fail, but still produces something. nonstopmode should be banned from IDE defaults. :)
@JosephWright He wrote a fairly grim post not long ago. And he really is just one person.
@JosephWright ok, true. Missed that one.
@JosephWright And, as you know, Debian does not make it easy for packagers. And they are no respecter of persons.
(btw, cheese for dinner again. No English one, closest is Scottish unlless you think Dutch were closer)
@JosephWright also, he tends to react rather violently to bug reports, which suggests some internal stress.
When I (very occasionally) file bug reports on the TeX Live packages, he often (usually?) seems quite upset. So much so that I went and asked people about it. Was I somehow causing offense? But they said no.
Of course, some people just don't like bug reports.
I'm afraid to file a bug report asking about texconfig. :-)
@FaheemMitha there are two types of people: those who hate bug reports and those who call them feature confirmations.
(^^ @Paulo)
@yo' That sounds like an aphorism.
Possibly a quote.
@FaheemMitha it's a paraphrase of:
@yo' Ah, yes. I remember that one. Is that an actual quote?
@FaheemMitha well, @David says that people keep discovering features in his package all the time
texlive-base (2015.20150703-1) unstable; urgency=medium

* new upstream checkout
* fix tex4ht/pgf combination (Closes: #790018)
* don't install texlinks, it is not useful in Debian (Closes: #411288)
* don't install texconfig, it is not useful in Debian
(Closes: #411636, #568799)

-- Norbert Preining <[email protected]> Fri, 03 Jul 2015 08:17:22 +0900
I think it's a TeX.SX meme
Well, that explains it. I would ask him to explain how it is not useful to Debian, but I fear for his blood pressure.
@yo' How nice.
Somehow, I clung to the notion that texconfig was installed on my machine. I fear I shall have to discard this, along with my other illusions.
Question: do people actually use texconfig much? And if so, for what?
I recall using it to set paper size, but possibly not for anything else.
@FaheemMitha I never ran it; TL asks me for the default papersize during the installation
@FaheemMitha pretty sure I've never used it
@yo' @DavidCarlisle Ok. Thank you.
@FaheemMitha Never
@JosephWright Ok. Thanks.
@FaheemMitha I always set the paper size so it gets passed on properly (the kernel set up reflects a time before dvips, let alone pdfTeX)
@JosephWright Set it as an option to the documentclass?
@egreg did you watch the rugby earlier?
@FaheemMitha Yup
@FaheemMitha tex has no notion of paper size you can set the size of the text block but the paper size is just a function of the size of paper you put in the printer. so by default if you specify a4paper it sets up the text block but does not change the pdf page size. (which is whatever your system default is) but graphics and geometry already have driver-specific code so they set the pdf page size using dvips \special or pdftex primitives setting it to whatever size latex was using
@DavidCarlisle Thanks for the explanation, but that's a little confusing. How about if I'm not using either graphics or geometry? I still want it to be A4.
so in your original problem, you were using a system default a4 paper size but a latex default of usletter, by adding the graphics package latex inserted \pdfpageheight command to force the pdf page to match latex's page (which is USletter until you change it)
@DavidCarlisle I don't actually know if my system default is A4. How should I check it?
@FaheemMitha You stated that it was in the first comment in this thread:-)
And is that TeX Live system default? Or my computer's system default?
@FaheemMitha tl
@DavidCarlisle Oh. No, I have no idea.
I thought I had set it using texconfig but since texconfig is not longer installed on my machine, I must have had a flashback to previous TeX installations in the distant past. Ah, nostalgia.
@FaheemMitha yes you have, the only way your first comment works is if your default is a4 but when you added graphics package the page size changed to usletter.
If it's set to letter, then I should change it, presumably.
@DavidCarlisle Well, Ok. But is it actually set somewhere I could check?
I guess I could just set a4paper in documentclass all the time, anyway.
@FaheemMitha that's what I'd do, relying on local configuration just makes your document non portable
@DavidCarlisle I'll do that. Thank you.
@DavidCarlisle You made @cfr cry.
@egreg Oh I meant a different game
@DavidCarlisle Norwich supporter?
@DavidCarlisle Or perhaps Afghanistan?
@JosephWright don't we have any Irish representatives here?
@DavidCarlisle They got knocked out, no?
@JosephWright odd, Italy not listed.
@DavidCarlisle I know that some Italians were in Ireland for a beer tasting trip.
@DavidCarlisle Actually among them there's my brother, as physician for the U20 team.
@egreg he should have made them fitter?
@DavidCarlisle Not his task. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle He tries to repair them after some hard tackle.
@egreg More drugs then.
@egreg I'm sure the Irish are very kind and gentle towards visitors
@DavidCarlisle Like this?
I spent today outside on chilly fields and the fresh air overdose causes me to be sleepy. Good night.
@yo' Good night.
@AlanMunn Thanks
First biblatex merge conflict resolved: am getting the hang of things :-)
@JosephWright cool! And now I really go
please how to write this correctly $$
\varphi: E\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+
x\mapsto \varphi(x)= d(x,A)
@Vrouvrou Don't use $$ ... $$ in LaTeX, use \[ ... \] instead. (not an answer to your question, though) I assume you mean what is the 'proper' math formatting for this?
yes @AlanMunn
@Vrouvrou Sorry I can't help you with that. I'm not a mathematician.
@Vrouvrou \[ \varphi\colon E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{+},\qquad x\mapsto \varphi(x)=d(x,A) \]
@Vrouvrou No need to do awkward two-line alignments.
but is it possible to have two line?
to have something like this
Q: LyX-typed document exported to plain LaTex?

hhhLyX is nice for fast homeworks and fast prototyping but not for quality type-setting at least for now as a beginner so how can I export LyX-typed document to plain LaTeX to work on the document elsewhere such as Emacs and TextMate?

@Vrouvrou Yes
\varphi\colon E &\rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{+} \\
x &\mapsto \varphi(x)=d(x,A)
@Vrouvrou I guess Bourbaki popularized this notation. After some years of experience, I find it dull.
@egreg thank you very much
@Vrouvrou ^^^^^
@Vrouvrou I also find \mathbb{R}_{+} ambiguous: you never know whether zero is in it or not. I much prefer \mathbb{R}_{\ge0}
@hhh how are you marking paragraphs in the source (really your question is just so vague on most sites in the network it would have been closed by now)
@egreg ok

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