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@egreg happier now?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, but I added my blockarray free version. :)
@egreg your time would have been better spent giving me points towards that gold badge
@DavidCarlisle Of course I upvoted yours. I'm sure you won't upvote mine. :P
@egreg of course!
@egreg just gone midnight, I'll have to wait a bit....
@egreg I voted, just to prove you wrong
@egreg did you like my in-depth knowledge of latexmk ?
@DavidCarlisle Profound. Much easier than spotting a missing %
@egreg it was quite hard in the original version of the question, spotting the difference between two things, neither of which were shown.
@DavidCarlisle Excuses. :)
7 hours later…
@Dr.ManuelKuehner Takes a while for me too :-)
@Dr.ManuelKuehner I really don't care if the question is too broad or not. I am worried about the current state. We have Nicolas nice books, we have lshort and the unofficial ref manual, there is a wikibook that needs some attention. Sharelatex wants to improve its own LaTeX documentation, generating a possible new layer of confusion. A starter is left in a flood of documentation and misleading information.
Consider a student attending a LaTeX introduction at a university getting his code reviewed at the monthly regulars table and being told that almost everything is rubbish. Stuff like that happens if the guy giving the introduction never have systematically learned LaTeX and just read a few passages of the wikibook and other suspicious sources. That is what i am worried about, not only because i saw just that case.
Guys, i need help. I have absolutely no idea what the guy is talking about: latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27110
@Johannes_B totally unclear. I assume /usr/local/bin/mal is some wrapper for a compiler/tex binary?
@ChristianHupfer Absolutely no idea.
1 hour later…
@Johannes_B Read the documentation: there is a prepressor named mal involved which transliterates the "roman" input in something the package can handle (similar to devnag for devanagari).
@UlrikeFischer Thanks. I was looking in the coompletely wrong place. I'll have a look.
@Johannes_B but I think that neither in miktex nor in texlive the bash-script is working directly (there is no exe or something like this), actually I think the script is not installed at all so one will have to install it manually.
@UlrikeFischer Looking at the doc right now and was asking myself, if everything is on CTAN or i really have to go to the project page. Now checking.
@Johannes_B There is a bash-script on ctan (in the bin/mal folder).
But it seems to use some hardcoded pathes (mmdir="/usr/share/malayalam/cfg") which naturally can easily break if the pathes are different.
@UlrikeFischer oh dear
Anyone have an idea as to what this message during indexing means:
ERROR: READ: input stream #<CLOSED INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER #P"/var/folders/70/92ft8q5j4gd1phvhrn2767yw0000gn/T/QyoAeDeOlz" @451> ends within a string
@PeterGrill It's gone wrong :-)
@PeterGrill It's an error on a Mac system! :)
@PauloCereda Yep on Mac. Using divide and conquer to narrow it down...
@PeterGrill woohoo :)
@Peter: which program are you using?
@PauloCereda imakeidx: sample at:
A: Indexing with Binary Units using siunitx package

egregAs usual, it's an expansion problem; when the write happens, the error is that \bit is not defined, which it isn't unless we're processing \si or \SI. I'm not sure why the declaration seems to need being required also in the preamble, but you get a better setup if you avoid expanding the index e...

@PauloCereda you wouldn't get that on windows
@WillRobertson you've got mail:-)
@PeterGrill Oh!
@DavidCarlisle: waiting for you to blame @egreg on imakeidx, although it's the makeindex program that's causing trouble and not the package. :)
@PauloCereda seems to be related to double quotes.. now to make MWE
@ChristianHupfer Did you upload the wrong file? latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=93459#p93459
@PauloCereda Seems that if the last parameter of the solution at the above indexing question contains a pair of double quotes causes this problem. Wondering if I should post a new question? There are no other questions on this site that I found with that error message.
@JosephWright good morning. Just noticed something. Pls point to another post, if this has been discussed already.
You cannot use a dot in a unit like in:
% arara: pdflatex


I owe you \SI{1000}{SFr.}.
@PeterGrill That's probably Xindy
@PeterGrill Uh-oh.
As "SFr." is kind of a unit in my eyes, I would like to do a feature request. Would be nice to have this handled correctly. Especially for the 'double-dot-case' I just have shown.
@Johannes_B Where shall I upload to?
@egreg Ok, have added tat tag as well to
Q: Strange Error Message "CLOSED INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM CHARACTER" during indexing

Peter GrillI am using the solution from Indexing with Binary Units using siunitx package. This not only solved the specific problem that I had posted but seemed to resolve a numerous other problems as well. However, it appears that there is some difficulty if the there are double quotes in the unexpanded pa...

@LaRiFaRi Interesting. Using \DeclareSIUnit{\SFr}{SFr.} seems to work though.
@LaRiFaRi the dot is product sign.

I owe you \SI[inter-unit-product=.]{1000}{SFr.}
@DavidCarlisle Opps -- did I reply to Murray and say that didn't work? (I'm operating on very little sleep today). I thought I tried it (setting those symbols that accept VS1 to \mathalpa) and it didn't work, but I must have missed something.
@LaRiFaRi No, as they are not abbreviations (also the syntax in SIstyle and taken forward as literal mode uses . as a unit separator)
I really hate the interface here on an iPhone. I can't believe they don't have a decent mobile site for the chat area :-(
@WillRobertson well VS1 is tricky as the base is typically \mathop so getting spacing but é worked better than I expected.
@WillRobertson isn't it big enough to use the standard site?
@ChristianHupfer To the forum post. If you want, i can make it go to the template repo. With attribution of course.
@DavidCarlisle No, all the buttons are far too small, and when you zoom in all the elements resize poorly with areas overlapping. Hard to explain.
@Johannes_B I've posted the structure.tex yesterday already in my first reply to the O.P.
@ChristianHupfer seems to be main.tex
@Johannes_B Ooops, apparently something went wrong
Oooo turns out there is a button to manually switch to a mobile friendly view!
@WillRobertson my devices are an old 10in tablet where the main site works well enough, probably better than the mobile view and a phone with a screen small enough that it's best to use as a phone and forget it has a keyboard:-)
@Johannes_B: Added structure.tex
@ChristianHupfer Wonderful. :-)
@DavidCarlisle There were times when cellular phones were only phones and not a portable database/music player/video player/game console ;-)
Oh no, I have to use Hoare's logic! Help!
@ChristianHupfer :)
@ChristianHupfer I've got a separate phone, GPS, camera and music player. But I'm about to change this :-/ (maybe)
@yo' Well, I don't like taking photographs with my cell phone and apart from having my calendar and 'tasks' app I use my phone ... well, as a phone ;-)
@ChristianHupfer that's my plan: Calendar, e-mails, public transport connections, and as you say, a phone :)
@yo' Oh my, there are smartphones that can be used to phone with :-P
I always get an empty page between end of one chapter, and start of next chapter, in a report class. Is this common? I can't figure how to get rid of the empty page. Here is a screen shot:
@ChristianHupfer but I'm aiming quite high, I don't like making compromises. However, I may happen to have to, since my provider is not willing to join my 2 SIM tariffs into 1 SIM, and dual-SIM phones are of lesser quality in general.
@Nasser is it always that the chapter starts on an odd page?
@yo' I see that the chapter ends at page 16, then an empty page at page 17, then the next chapter starts at page 18. Here is the latex code which loads the chapters....
@Nasser that's strange indeed
\chapter{Class notes}

\section{real analysis, Jan 21, 2016}
The empty page is between the "class notes chapter" and the "handouts" chapter.
I wish there is a way that Latex will tell the user WHY it is generating an empty page., I guess I have to go look at each of the 10,000 lines printed on the screen to try to guess why :)
@yo' dual SIM? Phone SIM and internet SIM?
It might be a side effect of using the standalone+import pages. The first chapters is separate document (standalone), then I load it using import into the main document to make one book.
@ChristianHupfer exactly. I've got a very old phone tariff which is very cheap but enough for me. And a 2-year-old special offer internet tariff with LTE and 20GB FUP
@Nasser could be the problem, yeah. I'm afraid that this needs either someone with a good knowledge of the import mechanics (I'm not sure there's someone like this in the chat), or a proper question on the site.
@yo' FUP????
@ChristianHupfer Fair Use Policy (data limit, after which the speed goes to epsilon)
@yo' it is ok., Right now, my solution is to go though the PDF each time, look for empty pages, then delete them manually before I print it ! Easier than having to figure what Latex is thinking about when it does this.
@Nasser but then the page numbering goes crazy, doesn't it?
@yo' 20 GB per month or in total?
@yo' yes. There will be missing pages, but those are empty, so it is ok :)
I just have to add a note at the start of the book: "Warning, missing pages are empty" !
@ChristianHupfer mnhtly
@yo' I've 500 MB FPU only (per month), that's sufficient for my phone
@ChristianHupfer well, I know people who are not ok with 2GB. Since I plan to use it as a WiFi hotspot occasionally, it could be tough...
There's a good offer with 3GB from one virtual provider, I may go for that...
@yo': It would be extraordinarily expensive to have a mobile rate of 20GB with Deutsche Telekom (but they've got the best connection quality, in my point of view)
@ChristianHupfer as I said, this was a special offer back then, with 20GB for €20
@yo' Well, I am paying 29 Euro for combined phone/data SIM, without extra costs for phone connections (regardless to which net).
by accident I figured why the empty page was showing up ! This is amazing. But may be this is how Latex works. The first page in the next chapter was an image. The image was too large. So Latex made an empty page and pushed the chapter and the image to the next page for some reason. Here is before:
\chapter{Class notes}

\section{real analysis, Jan 21, 2016}
Here is after:

\chapter{Class notes}

\section{real analysis, Jan 21, 2016}
@ChristianHupfer ah, I could pay about €25 for 3GB data, 50 free SMS and then something like €0.07/min and €0.07/SMS
now I'm off for lunch :)
Now the empty page gone! I do not understand the logic. But at least now I know why.
@Nasser Good :)
@Nasser well it's odd that chapter starts on page 18 you'd expect it to through a blank to get on to an odd page
@Nasser if that is the reason it would have screamed at you in the log that the image did not fit.
@DavidCarlisle it is report class. Not book class. But I do not understand why making the figure smaller in the first page of the next chapter solved the empty page.
@DavidCarlisle The log has many screams. I never look at it, it is pages and pages and pages of screen texts. I only look at errors, not warnings.
@Nasser that's probably a mistake, certainly no point in complaining that you have to "Right now, my solution is to go though the PDF each time, look for empty pages" if latex is in fact reporting every page that is bad.
WHat I mean, why Latex makes an empty page, then push everything to the next page? the image size did not change. so what is the point?
@Nasser what do you mean image didn't change, I thought you'd made it smaller? (hard to guess what is happening as you haven't shown a usable example)
@DavidCarlisle one gets Overfull messages all the time. I am not sure many ignore these. Are you saying one needs to fix each one of these messages?

Overfull \hbox (55.84827pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 871--871
etc... I have thousands of these.
@DavidCarlisle I mean, before I made it smaller. Latex made an empty page between the chapters.
@Nasser LaTeX tries to place something (in your case the chapter title and the image) on the current page, sees that it doesn't fit and push everything to the next page in the hope that it will work there. When this doesn't work either it gives up, places everything and complains ...
@Nasser yes 55pt is rather a lot!!
@Nasser overfull hbox are lines (you should check them) but they will not affect pages, but overfull vbox are always something one should look at.
@UlrikeFischer "sees that it doesn't fit and push everything to the next page in the hope that it will work there. When this doesn't work either it gives up" Ok, thanks. Now at least I understand the logic! But if it gave up, why not restore things back? Instead of keeping an empty page?
@Nasser tex can never go back each page is gone from memory once shipped out (memory constraints of a 1980's machine)
@Nasser tex can't do this, a page that has been output has been output.
@DavidCarlisle Where's a timelord when you need him? Oh wait, you have one in the L3 team. Shipping l3timeywimey in 3, 2, 1...
This strange. Does not Latex uses temporary variables? it can make a page, keeping the old one. If it does not work, it keeps the old one. some of you experts should fix this in Latex please !
@Nasser should is a strong assertion, don't you think? :) You could start checking your warnings in the meantime. :)
@PauloCereda If I knew how Tex work, I will fix this. But it is beyond my limits.
@Nasser but even if you don't mind text sticking into the margin by 2cm then it is absolutely wrong to ignore warnings, TeX only warns if boxes are worse than limits that you set. If lines that are 2cm wider than their specified area are OK, set \hfuzz=2cm and then TeX will only warn of lines that are worse than that.
@Nasser You could start learning TeX. :) Better: /could/should/
@Nasser not even remotely fixable in TeX, you would need to use a different system.
@DavidCarlisle Lion's mouth?
@PauloCereda Word
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle Could you arrange to hold the content of each box255 in memory and only really shipout at the end of the run (or at some pre-determined point)?
@JosephWright well in some cases (I posted an answer here the other day that interleaved odd and even pages from two input files by holding al the boxes and shipping out at the end, but that's easier as you are not changing the page breaking just the page shipout to reconsider page breaking you need to undiscard discaraded items and preferably re-consider line breaking at the paragraphs and....
@DavidCarlisle Yes, fair enough
@JosephWright can you take a mod view on what to do with this question? I don't want to answer it as if you need to ask the answer can only be don't do it but OP keeps coming back in comments
so your lualatex.fmt file does not match your luatex binary presumably you made a new binary and not remade the format. I can only suggest you revert to a clean texlive 2015 and use fmtutil-sys --all to remake all the formats, the current test luatex releases are absolutely not in a state where it is sensible to describe how to build them on a general forum like this. luatex 0.8x releases are for testing only (0.88 is already obsolete, I'm running 0.89.1 for example) If you do make a format, the latex packages currently known not to work include graphics, hyperref, amsmath, ifluatex, — David Carlisle 5 mins ago
@DavidCarlisle Hmm, as a general question it's OK I guess: the problem is that the issue here is not just 'how to build formats' but 'how to build them for a very different engine to the one the rest of the set up is for'
@JosephWright yes I don't think it was unreasonable to ask, but I'm not sure what a reasonable answer is:-) I feel a bit responsible as he got into that mess as I commented on a luaotfload github issue saying something worked for me (using 0.88) but he saw that and built the engine and....
@DavidCarlisle I'll comment
@DavidCarlisle Perhaps one could do something in this special case where an a full page is pushed and empty page is produced? (one the other side as people ignore log-warnings it is perhaps good that an empty page show them that there is a problem.
@UlrikeFischer not without some pain, it's not like floats that are more that textheight high were latex is in control and can warn and force the issue by resizing the box, here latex isn't explicitly deciding to ship out an empty page it is just a consequence of a box/glue/penalty calculation
@PeterGrill fair enough. Interesting indeed. I will go this way.
@barbarabeeton thanks for pointing that out. This works and seems to be the correct interpretation of that problem. As Joseph stated afterwords, the dot is already in uses as "inter unit separator".
@DavidCarlisle See comment
@JosephWright If it is able to use \DeclareSIUnit{\SFr}{SFr.}, I guess it should be able to escape the inter-unit-product behaviour for a single usage... but well, does not matter. The problem is solved for me.
@JosephWright yes thanks.
@JosephWright But why do you say, this is not an abbreviation? It clearly is. SFr. is the official form to declare "Schweizer Franken".
@JosephWright And I guess I am not the only one who likes using currency symbols with your package, as I think that those are units as well
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright Adding new formats to fmtutil.cnf is not so difficult. But as the new luatex needs also some other new files I would (if I had the time which I don't have so I'm waiting for the 2016 pretest) copy the texlive2015 to e.g. texliveexp, exchange the binaries and all the files that needs to be exchanged and then change the PATH.
@UlrikeFischer @UlrikeFischer yes but building a format (which requires new ini files) is only the start of his problems, luatex nolonger defines \pdfoutput or most of the other \pdf... commands so by default pretty much nothing works. Joseph and I are trying to get things sorted before texlive 2016 but "don't do that" is only advice that can give for anyone who needs to ask how to get started.
is indexing math with a neg thin space a known issue: $\mathbf{A}^{\!n}$?
@PeterGrill oh I thought you meant as in makeindex to start with:-) yes.
@DavidCarlisle I meant using egreg's solution from tex.stackexchange.com/…, with\AddIndexEntry[Name]{Matrix}{Power}{Power $\mathbf{A}^{\!n}$} results in a \AddIndexEntry[Name]{Matrix}{Power}{Power $\mathbf{A}^{\!n}$}.
oh you did mean that sort of index
Yes. :-)
@PeterGrill question link not working, but your comment says foo results in foo, isn't that expected?
A: Indexing with Binary Units using siunitx package

egregAs usual, it's an expansion problem; when the write happens, the error is that \bit is not defined, which it isn't unless we're processing \si or \SI. I'm not sure why the declaration seems to need being required also in the preamble, but you get a better setup if you avoid expanding the index e...

It works fine if I remove the \!.
@PeterGrill what index style are you using? ! is a special character to makeindex as often as not...
The MWE there is what I am using. Haivng the negative thin space results in Missing $ inserted.
@PeterGrill try \mskip-\thinmuskip
@PeterGrill texdoc makeindex page 6 para 3....
@DavidCarlisle Yep that works, But the last parameter is being passed through a \unexpanded
@PeterGrill \mskip-\thinmuskip isn't expandable anyway so makes no difference
@PeterGrill or use a makeindex style that uses a character other than ! as the subindex separator. It is currently assuming a use such as \index{tree!Californian!weird}
@DavidCarlisle Not sure what character I can use that won't cause a problem at some point. I guess since I am auto generating this my script can replace any ! with an "!, that should work? Or are there other special places in LaTeX where a ! is used to mean something else?
@DavidCarlisle: Isn't there a named macro equivalent of \!?
@Johannes_B: Did you upload the new 'structure.tex' already?
@PeterGrill \"! might work but I didn't suggest it as I'm not totally convinced that everything occurs in the right sequence to be quoted but then be the correct command when needed. I'm pretty sure no one ever tested makeindex-quoting a symbol used as a tex command name.
@PeterGrill \let\foo\! yes \foo.
Nope, \"! did not work
@DavidCarlisle Isn't that what \thinmuskip is?
@PeterGrill no \thinmuskip is a length (actually a muskip register) \! and \foo are \mskip-\thinmuskip like differece between \baselineskip and \hspace{\baselineskip}
@DavidCarlisle Ok thanks. Will use your \foo macro then.
Might change the name though :-)
@PeterGrill \bar ?
Yep that was exactly what I was going to use. :-)
Suggestions for including a table in landscape. :)
@PauloCereda sidewaystable ?
@DavidCarlisle ooh is there a package named like this? Let me check. :)
@PauloCereda rotating package, that's the environment
@DavidCarlisle Thanks. :)
@David: How's Robin, by the way?
@Johannes_B: Yet another Orange Book aficionado ;-)
@LaRiFaRi siunitx is for units, which have symbols not abbreviations
@PauloCereda not seen him for a couple? of years when he came to a uktug meeting.
@PauloCereda He's still about: I talked to him by phone just before Christmas
@JosephWright I hope my spamming luatex and xetex lists is understandable:-)
@JosephWright Cool.
@DavidCarlisle Oh.
@LaRiFaRi I would never put a dot behind such a currency code, I would write 10 SFR or 10 CHF or 10 EUR ...
@JosephWright fair enough. Thanks for your replies.
@barbarabeeton but "Fr." is the official way. I am writing "10 € are 11 Fr. or EUR 10 are CHF 11"
I am trying to strictly separte between ISO or German currency style. For the old German currency it would have been DEM 10 or 10 DM. For the US currency I would write USD 10 or 10 $"
that's why I do not like "10 SFR". You can see that in some places, but it is not consistent IMHO.
@DavidCarlisle No blockarray. :P
@egreg not even xspace
@DavidCarlisle But the tick goes to Knuth's \bordermatrix. :)
@egreg who's he?
@LaRiFaRi But only in German, if even. For example in Czech, it is wrong to write "EUR 15" or "$ 15", the units have to follow the amount, as in "15 EUR" or "15 $", or "15 SFr."
@yo' In my personal opinion it's wrong to write EUR 10, but it's used that way and allowed by DIN 5008 :-(
@ChristianHupfer Convert to dollar. :)
@PauloCereda Nope :-P
@DavidCarlisle -- is it possible to tell that a page is totally empty? if so, in the case where it's not an even-numbered page maybe an error message could be added to the underfull warning.
@ChristianHupfer Of course i didn't make any changes yet. I need your permission.
@ChristianHupfer it's the only way how to nicely use the 3-letter codes
@Johannes_B Permission granted! Go ahead
@ChristianHupfer How about attribution?
@Johannes_B How does attribution 'look' then? My name? My bank account to make transfers to it? ;-)
@barbarabeeton it depends how empty it is, the example just showed it was white but in general there can be glue coming from the user or the output routine making it not underfull, or perhaps the user wanted a blank page and did \vspace{10in} to paste in a picture later, hard to say anything is an error with -that_ page the error is the image is making the next page overfull and overfull box warnings are warnings not errors, if users choose to ignore warnings they may ignore errors as well.
@PeterGrill -- applying a negative thin space to improve the appearance of superscripts in some situations is a known issue, but nothing automatic can easily be done about it. see example in the texbook, p.169: $\Gamma_{\!2}+\Delta^{\!2}$.
@ChristianHupfer I don't care. I would leave a comment in structure.tex above the changed part => switch by Christian (last name if you want, title if you want) or a link to the LC post. Whatever you want.
@ChristianHupfer it's better to write £7.82
@DavidCarlisle Not for me -- looks weird in German
@barbarabeeton That's what I thought @PeterGrill meant originally but he meant that the \! messes up makeindex as ! is a special character there, see following comments.
@Johannes_B Well, full name then, but no title
@ChristianHupfer I know, we agree to stay in the EU, and you switch to the pound.
@DavidCarlisle UK staying in the EU sounds like a menace :-P
@DavidCarlisle 7.82 £
@yo' Now you are mixing the currency code and the currency symbol. The code is EUR, the symbol is €. So "$ 15" looks really bad in my eyes. I am trying to distinguish between codes and symbols by using the code first. e.g. in tables... but actually I dislike them. But let's say, in Switzerland, you have FR. or SFr. and CHF for the code. I think it would not be logical to use both the same way. That's why I put CHF in front as in DIN 5008
@ChristianHupfer All right. Seems the ping-plonk is malfunctioning once again. by the way, i just commented on the Thesis.cls including wrong headers question.
@ChristianHupfer Thanks for pointing to the DIN... Thats absolutely what I was referring to.
@Johannes_B ???
@LaRiFaRi No problem -- for me the DIN is actually no DIN, since both versions are allowed
@ChristianHupfer yes, like always. That's annoying...
@LaRiFaRi @ChristianHupfer Ever read ISO 690?
taking a look into the Duden makes you even more sad (talking about standards, not about currency symbols...) :-)
@Johannes_B Ah, that one -- with the unambigious Thesis.cls
@LaRiFaRi the point is, you need to distinguish $, A$, C$, ...
@Johannes_B No, I want to stay alive :-P
@Johannes_B no, don't have it... fun?
@ChristianHupfer @LaRiFaRi ISO 690: Very enjoyable read, very precise with a nice typography.
@yo' for sure. If needed in some document where more currencies are appearing. In normal writing I would say, 10 $, to someone not from the US, I would refer to 10 US$ (which are both correct symbols for the US currency) and in some report about the different kinds of dollars in the world, I would use "USD 10".
"This International Standard does not prescribe a particular style of reference or citation. The examples in this International Standard are not prescriptive as to style and punctuation."
@yo' never put £ at the end:-)
@LaRiFaRi ^^^^
personal taste, I fear. But prevents me from writing something like "10 € are 11 CHF" which is a mix of different things.
@DavidCarlisle we do, in Czech documents :-)
@yo' stick to the euro, you clearly can't do pounds:-)
@Johannes_B I do not have the document, but knowing DI-norms, I fear you are talking ironically... I will not buy it, though...
@DavidCarlisle damn... there was something with that pound symbol.
@LaRiFaRi I will not buy this ISO - Norm -- it is scratched @PauloCereda ;-)
@DavidCarlisle hehe.... I will stop discussing. (and wait for DIN to get everything right :-) )
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle @yo' and yes, we Germans write £ at the end, too
@DavidCarlisle @yo' and yes, we Germans write £ at the end, too
@DavidCarlisle -- just catching up, and now i see that it's interaction with makeindex that was intended with "index". so \muskip-\thinmuskip is what is needed; for text, that would be \negthinskip.
@barbarabeeton did you see my mail to xetex and luatex lists?
@LaRiFaRi -- i'm a bit confused here. where did i refer to "Fr." or something about how to render it? (i may have, but the past few days have been totally disrupted by heavy snow and inability to escape from home.)
@LaRiFaRi Really, not worth the money. And honestly, i don't understand how that business works.
@ChristianHupfer :)
@DavidCarlisle -- no, not on either of those lists. i did see the mail to murray and the subsequent fallout. (nice to have you explaining the problems in that forum. and nice to have asmus as arbiter.)
@ChristianHupfer "% A switch to conditionally include a picture, implemented by Christian Hupfer" How does it look?
@Johannes_B Nice -- I expect a lot of groupies ;-) (Thanks, of course!)
@barbarabeeton here, and also same text to luatex tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2016-February/026376.html
@ChristianHupfer I wonder how many people actually look at structure.tex. I bet not many.
@Johannes_B /sob ... well, it should be explained what \ifusechapterimage does, of course
@ChristianHupfer I set the default to true and added in main.tex wile first occuring %\usechapterimagefalse % If you don't want to include an image, use this to toggle images of.
extra f just added.
@Johannes_B That's good, thanks!
@barbarabeeton sorry, I pinged you instead of Ulrike... don't know why.
@barbarabeeton and I thought that one was for you :-)
@DavidCarlisle -- not when it's messing around with unicode characters ... not yet, anyhow.
@ChristianHupfer Commited and PR. I leave the merging to Vel.
@barbarabeeton I'll add some words in a bit but answer in place.
@barbarabeeton I could fix that while fixing dots handling for luatex .88 it's more or less in same place, if I were allowed to do the latter:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- i have nothing against that, but i'm not the boss in this situation.
@barbarabeeton no, Hans is:-)
@DavidCarlisle -- you know what i mean ...
@Johannes_B PR?
@ChristianHupfer pull request I assume, we modern people can speak git as well as svn
@barbarabeeton but that one was a pdftex question not luatex/xetex with unicode math.
@yo' Eeek, please no!
(Of course, a cultural thing: to those of us from the UK currency symbols always come before the value)
@ChristianHupfer Yes, pull request :-)
@JosephWright Which was done for avoiding forgery.
@egreg Possibly, I can't say (for 'old money' one normally omits the symbol below £1 -/-)
@egreg we write out the amount or prepend the amount with an "equals" or "sim"
@yo' Cheques have it written out too, but I guess @egreg is thinking of bank stubs and the like
@JosephWright yeah I know. We use the fillers there
@JosephWright Receipts or bills, mainly.
@egreg That's what I meant by 'bank stubs': Giro receipts (for when you pay money in, or at least what you used to get)
@Johannes_B @DavidCarlisle: Ah, this stupid git stuff ;-)
@Johannes_B which is the github repository?
@ChristianHupfer hidden, you won't see it. Sorry.
@Johannes_B No worries -- mine are hidden too :D
@ChristianHupfer Mainly to not get overflooded with "i need math equation lign on equal" which has nothing to do with a template, and for me it is a convenient way to just clone a repo and not have to face all that buttons for facebook and google and twitter and ...
And of course, i don't have to personally mail him pieces of code with instructions on where to put them.
@Johannes_B As I said -- no worries. I don't demand access to it as I don't tend to do other propositions/'fixes'
@ChristianHupfer Same here. When i see something obvious, PR. Else ... leave it
Time is too valuable to worry about the template business too much.
@Johannes_B Yes, that's true. Perhaps, I will have less time for TeX(SE) from September
@ChristianHupfer new job?
@Johannes_B Most likely returning to my old work place, no, no new job really, but new assignments (administration of school computer network, for example)
@DavidCarlisle So slow!
@egreg hmph
@egreg at least I understand \futurelet
@DavidCarlisle And I even went to the linked question and opened the manual for shorttoc. :P
@DavidCarlisle You implemented utf8enc.def in a contorted way, so that nobody can remember the subtleties.
@egreg it was beautifully clear in xmltex, not my fault if Frank and Chris obfuscated it while stealing my code to put in inputenc
1 hour later…
I'm not usually a class-hacker, but I need to shrink the paragraph spacing in the Exam class's choices environment. Any tips?
using negative vspace is working. It's inelegant, but all I need right now is functional.
@Gregory Try \g@addto@macro\choices{\parsep0pt plus 3pt} zero guarantee
Thanks. Will try it.
\g complains that it's an undefined control sequence. Did I misunderstand you?
@Gregory sorry, this:
\makeatletter\g@addto@macro\choices{\parsep0pt plus 3pt}\makeatother
@yo' No compilation problems, but no visible effect. I'm guessing that it doesn't make any difference that I'm actually using the checkboxes environment and not choices, as I modified your code accordingly.
@Gregory I dunno, it was a blind guess. You know it: no MWE, no solution. It's better to ask on the site anyway.
@yo' Will do. Thanks for giving it a shot. I'll post an MWE to the regular site later.
@egreg toc tick:-)
@DavidCarlisle Denis wanted to keep you up, after seeing I went above 450K
@egreg I'm sure he just weighed up the quality of the answers.
@DavidCarlisle Let's see now. ;-)
Do I need to use the fontspec package to access system-wide fonts with a MacTex installation of pdflatex?
@Gregory You can't access system fonts using pdfTeX
@Gregory PDFLaTeX = no system fonts. :(
Okay, maybe time to switch. Recommendations? XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX, a useful web site comparing the options?
@Gregory there are several questions/answers on site here specifically comparing.
Of course there are. Silly me. Off to search.
@Gregory but unless you decide to fill your document with inline lua scripting, you don't have to decide, it's quite possible to write a document that works with either (or all three with possibly different fonts)
@Johannes_B Thanks for the reply.
@barbarabeeton: Yeah I can see why an automated solution may be difficult in general for the superscript. But, what David Carlisle said is correct: The negative thin space \! was creating an issue when during indexing due to the ! being a special character to the index. Solution is to replace it with a macro.
@PeterGrill -- i figured that out after reading further. (my problem was that "index" also, in a math context, can mean "superscript". which is why i always call those alphabetical listings in the back of a book "indexes" instead of "indices". but proper latin plural for "appendices".)
@Gregory In practice, for most things XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX will give you identical results. XeLaTeX is potentially more stable, however, because LuaTeX is actively being developed. Furthermore, XeLaTeX probably has the advantage for non-Latin scripts.
@barbarabeeton that's a never-ending problem
@WillRobertson @JosephWright still trying to do VS1 variants... so the variant U+2268 is uni2268.ss09 in xits-math. in text I can do \XeTeXglyph\XeTeXglyphindex"uni2268.ss09" but I could just is the two character combination to get that:-) I suppose I could load the font with ss09 enabled into a new \fam and then switch \fam to get the VS1 variants? seems a bit costly to load the entire font again but...?
@DavidCarlisle @yo' @PauloCereda @JosephWright @AlanMunn Thanks for the tips. I've settled on XeLaTeX. Honestly, I don't do anything complicated, barely ever venturing into macros, even. It's just good to know that what I'm doing should be pretty portable between systems.
@DavidCarlisle Costly? I wouldn't say that :) We load the font separately with ss01 (or whatever) to differentiate \mathcal and \mathscr anyway. It would be a shame to have to have font-specific ways to do all this though. Anyway do we need a way to access the variants separately? I guess a user might want one variant but not the other. (The OT feature could use cvXX instead of ssXX to make that a bit easier.)
@WillRobertson well for the proposed alphabets it's probably more reasonable, the existing VS1 variants are just some weird collection of unrelated things, no particular relationship between a union symbol with serifs and a lessthan not equals symbol with a vertical bar. but I suppose if all the gylphs are available via a ss-something then *tex can access it that way so it doesn't matter what input convention Unicode decide, Not sure whether that is quite the answere they want to hear but...
@DavidCarlisle BUT if you use OT features only then you lose out in "plain text" -- a script letter with ss01 applied is still a script letter in the source. So it only really works for us :)
@DavidCarlisle The more I think about it, the more I like this idea of one extra alphabet — you have "script alphabet" and "alternate script alphabet". Doesn't matter if STIX is curlier than Cambria, since as mentioned people interchange all the time. The only big need is that they are differentiated. Only issue I see is that if a user ONLY uses alternate script alphabet for their document because they prefer it, then switches to a font that only has the "normal" one.
@WillRobertson yes but to be honest the number of places where it matters between caligraphic/script is somewhat limited. In luatex it seems the lua table with the glyphs effectively means everything is accessed by some number anyway eg the VS1 variant in my example ends up in PUA as U+f0334 but again that's probably worse from a semantic point of view (saves messing around with separate fonts though:-)
@WillRobertson you could reply to my mail and pick up on that (other bits of my message were picked up on, but everyone ignored that bit:-)
@WillRobertson That's my preferred version (I think:-)

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