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07:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Is it only me or does anybody else have the impression too that TeX.SX is extremely slow this morning
@ChristianHupfer must be slow: it's 8:55 and @egreg still isn't rep capped.
@DavidCarlisle Nice joke ;-) No, it worries me really. Every action takes twenty seconds there
@ChristianHupfer seems normal here
@DavidCarlisle Yes, here finally as well. Thanks for checking
@StefanKottwitz I think this is possible spam. latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=92002#p92002
Can anybody the issue in this post
Q: Cleveref settings are ignored

CedIf I set some custom settings for the cleveref package, e.g. \AtBeginDocument{% \crefname{section}{MyCustomSectionTitle}{sections}% } these are ignored if I use the babel package and insert a table of content. Using either of them without the other works. Minimal version of my file, whic...

I can't
@RomainPicot: Bonjour à Paris ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Not a so good day but anyway: Hello :-)
@RomainPicot Why not so good ?
@ChristianHupfer first the rain! And after some health problems
@RomainPicot Rain is never really a problem, but sorry to hear about health problems. I hope nothing serious
@ChristianHupfer Don't know yet. I have to see someone else. Perhaps I'll stop sport due to this :/
@RomainPicot Yes, perhaps you should visit a physician. It's better than to postpone and thinking about what's going wrong
@ChristianHupfer Of course what I'll do ;-)
@RomainPicot In the meantime I will edit all your answers ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Why do that?
@RomainPicot It's a joke ... to cheer you up
@ChristianHupfer Just upvote all of them and it will be fine :-P
@RomainPicot That's why I wanted to edit them -- I can't upvote without editing them :-P
@ChristianHupfer Do it so. In fact if any of my answer can be better after an edit I'll not cry :-)
@RomainPicot No... I don't edit other users' answers unless there's a severe error. I make suggestions rather (in comments)
@ChristianHupfer I tried with TL 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015: no issue whatsoever.
@ChristianHupfer I think I've never edited an answer except for a typo
@egreg I don't have the older TL's on my new computer, so I couldn't check that versions, but it's the same with TL 2015 -- no issue (as I commented already at the post)
@RomainPicot one of @egreg's hobbies is to spot missing % -- I omit some of them on purpose such that he can find and edit my answers ;-)
@ChristianHupfer hard to find sometimes
@RomainPicot Yes, but for me it's my lazyness. But there were more occasions about one and half year ago ;-) I am getting better. And with expl3 .. no worries :D
@PauloCereda: What about fatty owls?
@ChristianHupfer Hi! No news so far. :(
hello please how to do to have in section for example 1. Introduction and not 0.1 Introduction
@Vrouvrou You are probably using a document class in which the top level thingy is chapter and not section.
We need a MWE. :)
@Vrouvrou documentclass article for example
thank you
Nobel prize for the detectors of Neutrino mass ... that's nice
Darth Vader is now a member of TeX.SX: tex.stackexchange.com/users/89247/pix
@ChristianHupfer ooh neutrinos
@PauloCereda a few billions per second and square centimetre are rushing through your body... do you feel them... there and there... and there again ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ooh midichlorians for the uninitiated. :)
@PauloCereda Er...... fore sure ;-)
@ChristianHupfer they don't teach us much things in the duck school. :)
@PauloCereda No Physics for ducks? Oh my....
@ChristianHupfer That's “watt per millikelvin”, unfortunately.
@egreg Yes.. unfortunately. I asked for unaccepting just now
@ChristianHupfer One may not like the parentheses (but they're necessary from a mathematical point of view), but the spacing between symbols is mandatory.
@egreg Yup
@egreg Edit to my answer upcoming
@Johannes_B thanks, spammer account deleted
@StefanKottwitz The post was just copying your first sentence of your response. Looked familiar :-)
3 hours later…
Are there any guidelines for designing beautiful resume?
Guides on font type, colors, etc.
@EnthusiasticStudent Keep it simple
I go with
% Font set up
%\setmainfont[Ligatures = TeX, Numbers = OldStyle]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setmainfont[Ligatures = TeX, Numbers = OldStyle]{Calibri}%{TeX Gyre Adventor}
\setmonofont[Ligatures = TeX]{Inconsolatazi4-Regular.otf}
I have used some red color for rules and dark blue for links and black for main content...
I feel there is too much color in it...
I afraid employers find it childish...
@EnthusiasticStudent Depends on your subject area, but I'd strongly suggest greyscale-only
@JosephWright Engineering Field
@JosephWright @Ent My experience: bw (binary) only, black text, white backgrounds, only spare rules
@EnthusiasticStudent texdev.net/2011/11/05/…
@yo' Yup
@yo' The one on my blog has some grey rules, my current CV has none at all (advice I was given when going for a lectureship: make it look old-fashioned!)
@yo' have you any sample?
The one time I made a CV this century I just used html headings and lists, with no formatting. I learned afterwards that the agency that was acting as intermediary was so horrified that they imported it into word and "styled it" before passing it on. I wasn't pleased:-)
@EnthusiasticStudent I usually consider two aspects: colour blindness and the possibility of a B/W printing. :)
@EnthusiasticStudent I'm working on it, but ImageMagick's convert doesn't work as it did some time ago!!!!!!
@JosephWright I'm not sure this question is related to TeX.SE but rather be on super user. What do you think? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/271435/…
@EnthusiasticStudent ^^
@yo' Looks similar to mine
@RomainPicot Certainly not us, but migration is not meant to be used for 'poor' questions, and as it stands it looks unanswerable
Units proving good for rep today
@JosephWright well, that's a good sign. I think the idea is: good structure, simplicity, professional look.
@JosephWright :-)
^^^ First page of my current CV (Which must have been OK: used it for the current job)
@JosephWright is it CMSS/LMSS?
@yo' No, I'm not @DavidCarlisle
@yo' Calibri
@JosephWright as I see now that it's not that :)
\setmainfont[Ligatures = TeX, Numbers = OldStyle]{Calibri}%{TeX Gyre Adventor}
@yo' Basically everyone I work with has copied my template either in LaTeX or Word :-) (the older one with the rules for sections)
@JosephWright I just wouldn't like the extra space below the first employment item, and I frankly, OSF (a "retro" feature) doesn't seem to go well with sans-serif (a "modern" feature)
@JosephWright more work on luatex coming up I see:-)
and a funny field cultural difference: I wouldn't write "Professor" for my supervisor in the CV :)
@yo' My current job? This latest version is not fleshed out there yet as I've only needed is recently for funding applications. The version I actually used for getting the current job didn't have that
@yo' I can see your point about lower case numbers, certainly something we could discuss at length :-)
@JosephWright yep, that's why I say "I wouldn't use ..." and not "it's wrong to ..." :-)
@yo' Don't know how it works where you are: here there's a difference between 'Dr. X' and 'Professor X', so it's useful to be able to say it
@yo' Professor in the UK is a title (that you keep even if you lose the job) so it's impolite not to use it in formal contexts:-)
@DavidCarlisle it's the same here, but well, this is a CV, not a letter.
@yo' which is pretty formal isn't it? But any other title is wrong, and just using first name and no title seems rather casual
@yo' Would you give a title at all or just 'A. N. Other'?
@JosephWright exactly this, even in an academic CV.
@JosephWright M. Ozart. :)
@egreg: ^^
@PauloCereda oh no! poor Wolfi!
@yo' oh no! :)
@PauloCereda :)
@yo' Like you say, cultural
@yo' I see you don't include your supervisor(s) for your projects
@DavidCarlisle Indeed: I hadn't seen the mail when you said that!
@DavidCarlisle Some of it I suspected anyway, some will need a little thought
@JosephWright was going to say same, most of it has been flagged as going to happen at some point.
@DavidCarlisle I'll probably rejig l3names a bit to cover this, likely dropping things we don't need to worry about and perhaps having to move one or two that Hans Etc al. have decided are not PDF-related
@JosephWright no, not in this case, but one of them wrote a recommendation letter (by the grant conditions) so I didn't deem this information necessary
@DavidCarlisle For expl3 only l3names needs to know any of this, luckily (as we don't use any of the ones that now need a callback)
@JosephWright will affect the l3names renaming but I'm not sure it'll affect 2e will it (not gone over it in detail yet)
(this is not a general CV, this is for a specific purpose)
@yo' 'General' is a bit general ;-)
@yo' For anything chemistry-related I'd have down the supervisor names, for example, but I guess not for a job in another field
@JosephWright damn, it's generic, right? :-)
@JosephWright oh losing pdf from \pdfpagewidth is going to need changes all over....
@JosephWright well, this was moreover for an universal grant application (all fields), so I wanted to concentrate on other things
$ egrep -l '\\pdfpagewidth[^a-z_]' */*.*
@JosephWright ^^^ I wonder if we ought to alias the page size ones back to \pdf... in the format
Both gold and silver badges are palindromic!
user image
@egreg ooh
luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc,dfont); reason: "File not found: Bahij-Palatino-Sans-Arabic-Regular.".(compiling luc: /usr/local/texlive/2015/tex
luc: /home/tohecz/.texlive2015/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otf/bahij-pa
^^ Any idea why I get this message every time I compile a document? Not only that, but also it takes some time to perform the task
	Scale = 1.15,
	BoldFont = Bahij-Palatino-Sans-Arabic-Bold.ttf ,
	ItalicFont = Bahij-Palatino-Sans-Arabic-Regular.ttf ,
	ItalicFeatures = { FakeSlant=0.25 } ,
	BoldItalicFont = Bahij-Palatino-Sans-Arabic-Bold.ttf ,
	BoldItalicFeatures = { FakeSlant=0.25 } ,
	Ligatures = TeX ,
btw, Václav Havel (alias Ferdinand Vaněk) would have turned 79 today.
@yo' I don't know; however, the following code seems better:
  Scale = 1.15,
  UprightFont = *-Regular,
  BoldFont = *-Bold ,
  ItalicFont = *-Regular ,
  ItalicFeatures = { FakeSlant=0.25 } ,
  BoldItalicFont = *-Bold ,
  BoldItalicFeatures = { FakeSlant=0.25 },
@egreg you're my hero! <3 The problem seems to be in the extension
@yo' :)
@DavidCarlisle Team list :-)
I was in Grand Rapids, MI, the other day for an event called ArtPrize, and I came across a palindrome on a sign outside of a food truck that I thought you all might appreciate. :)
user image
@DavidCarlisle Mail to team sent
@DavidCarlisle List is just about doable if it's only those two primitives
@JosephWright @yo' @PauloCereda Thanks for your answers... sorry I was not at my desk
@EnthusiasticStudent no worries :)
@egreg oi get of my expansion question:-)
having only two black and white colours is preferred in CVs as I look at your CVs...
@EnthusiasticStudent Depends on the subject area
@JosephWright I think in arts and graphics, they prefer more colourful CVs, am I right?
@DavidCarlisle Manual tracing is better. :P
@Maïeul hi
@DavidCarlisle : one reledmac user said the modification broke something with old version of latex
I look on it and tell you
she send me an email just now
@Maïeul but it doesn't do anything different on an old latex:-)
@Maïeul feel free to forward it to me
its in french
@Maïeul as all the regulars here know, I'm a master of all languages:-)
I will ask her more details
especially logs, because I can't reproduce its bug
her bugs
Is it imperfect/unprofessional to add my photo to my CV?
@EnthusiasticStudent I thinks it depend of for what you postulatze and your coutry :-)
@Maïeul yes... I also think it hugely depends on local preferences.
@Maïeul ^^
and RequirePackage is outer, I suppose ;-)
I read your mail
what is strange is that I can't reproduce the bug :p
ok, Understand well now :)
old etex + old latex -> bug
@EnthusiasticStudent It really depends. In general, it's not put there. Put it on your website :)
@Maïeul sorry about that, I suppose you'll have to update (r)eledmac again
 {\RequirePackage{etex}\csname reserveinserts\endcsname{32}}
don't be sorry David, you help very well
@DavidCarlisle It's all your fault
@JosephWright Thank you for your support and encouragement.
@DavidCarlisle I starred your comment ;-)
% \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{\notesname}}{\MakeUppercase{\notesname}}}%
% \mbox{}\par\vskip-2.5\baselineskip\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\par\vskip\baselineskip}
without comment marks... what does this code do?!
@EnthusiasticStudent apart from the missing % after { it defines the heading for endnotes to be a \section with uppercase text and a horizontal rule, by the look of it.
@DavidCarlisle thanks...
@EnthusiasticStudent what else could \def\enoteheading{\section*.... do? :-)
@DavidCarlisle yes you are right. but I did not expect that the enote stands for endnote
I have an irritating draft water mark on my document :((( I am using article document.
@DavidCarlisle And the tick goes to…
so, coming back to greek :-)
thanks David
does article document style automatically add a draft watermark?!
@EnthusiasticStudent No.
I have nothing in my permeable to add a watermark....
I can not really understand why it appears
@EnthusiasticStudent Minimal example?
@egreg I will post one...
user image
A palindrome ;-)
@ChristianHupfer oooh
@PauloCereda: Big party in a few days for five fours 44444 ;-)
Ah, I see, it's not as impressive as egregs badge count :-(
@ChristianHupfer his reputation: 416,122; mine: 2,067! I am toooooo weak! :(((
@EnthusiasticStudent You will catch up ... we will all catch up .. ok, I should stop to use those pills ;-) Well, 30 rep is from me today ;-)
@ChristianHupfer You upvote my posts and I will upvote your posts. This way, we will both catch up! :)) We may downvote his posts together as another way to catch up! :))
@EnthusiasticStudent downvoting cause loss of rep too ;-)
@ChristianHupfer oh my! That's a lot! Much more than me!
@RomainPicot :)) good point!
@EnthusiasticStudent: Sorry, confused .. I only gave you 10 this day ... I confused you with another bloke ...
@yo': Yes, somehow I have overtaken you... not in badges however.
@EnthusiasticStudent and even if you downvote egreg post I think I get so much reputation that the rep cap/day will still be here
@ChristianHupfer @PauloCereda Almost as good as the "tacocat" palindrome that I came across. :p
2 hours ago, by Adam Liter
user image
@ChristianHupfer 6 gold badges?! Ah, 3 Stewards ;-)
@RomainPicot 30 downvotes (your limit a day) would cost your rep. as well and @egreg would not even notice it (apart from the reversal the next day ;-))
@yo' Yes, unfortunately not a real golden one :-(
@ChristianHupfer no reversal at all, he's rep capped every day
@AdamLiter OMG
@ChristianHupfer 30 downvote a day and 40 upvote possible?
@AdamLiter Starred it -- sorry, haven't seen it
@ChristianHupfer IMHO Copy Editor is a real badge. (Much more real than zillions of Stewards.)
@ChristianHupfer I never put 30 downvote a day in all case
@RomainPicot 40 upvotes only if splitted
@RomainPicot no, 40 votes a day, but only 30 on answers (and there are no questions by @egreg, he says he can't find the "Ask Question" button)
@ChristianHupfer @yo' Never notice this "split" vote
@ChristianHupfer I've got Famous Question 2x. And also, Populist on Academia which I'm proud of :-)
:24546695 I like to have this kind of correction ;-)
@ChristianHupfer @PauloCereda It was on a hand-drawn menu outside of a food truck that I saw the other day. :)
@RomainPicot Ok. I try to do it only with mistakes that obviously come from "not knowing", and only every now and then :-)
Another small palindrome ;-)
@ChristianHupfer :)
A user accepted an answer by me... the 44044 are gone :-( /sob
(@Werner made it to several thousands once, he said that the urge to click the number is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge :-) )
@ChristianHupfer we can -15 you if you wish ;)
@yo' I had almost 6000 in the rep inbox ... and some firefox error kicked it out
@ChristianHupfer oh
@AdamLiter Food truck? What's a food truck? I only food drugs ;-)
@ChristianHupfer They've become sort of popular in certain cities in the states, especially on the east coast. They're basically just big trucks with a small kitchen inside of them. And they usually park on the side of a street, and you can buy food from them. Sort of look a food stand ... but inside of a truck ... :p
@yo' My questions will not get the favourite level in 5000 years :D And populists, well, I could get one some day: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/169098/…, if Steven's answer is upvoted more :D
@AdamLiter Food trucks are now a thing in Brazil, but it is so insanely expensive that people are not paying attention to them anymore. :)
@AdamLiter Ah, now I know. We call that an "Imbißwagen" in Germany. You can buy Bratwurst, chicken wings, french fries, Indian food etc.
@ChristianHupfer ooh a wagenbobl!
Lol ...
@PauloCereda Wagenbobl? :D
@ChristianHupfer interesting; this just shows that Populist has some flaws :-) (It's wrong that you gain something like this by simply upvoting another answer. This is not Sportmanship where it comes naturally, this is a pure calculativeness)
(I actually got the badge for an answer just because another answer was already accepted with score ~10 and my answer quickly got 25 votes before the OP changed the tick) (Ah I see now that he's never changed the tick!)
@ChristianHupfer We made up this word some time ago in this very chatroom. :)
@yo' Well, I answered it a year ago and got almost not much upvotes for it and at sometimes Steven answered it, got the tick and mine was upvoted anyway -- it's not my doing.
@yo' The downvotes should be very near to 00:00 UTC in order to have an impact.
@egreg well, then the recalc would give you the rep back, no? Oh it probably wouldn't by the current (ridiculously wrong) SE rules
@yo' Never seen it. I asked @DavidCarlisle at Darmstadt and we looked together, finding none.
@yo: I never had the tick (to close this ;-))
@yo' No, there should be something in Meta about that.
how to lose 1 hour trying to figure what is the LaTeX error? \newcommand{\My1Command}{foo} of course ...
@RomainPicot Two errors? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ok one of them wasn't on the code so I edit ;-)
@PauloCereda But not with my approval :D
Jun 8 at 15:56, by Paulo Cereda
@ArthurReutenauer You are jealous because I have a wagenbobl and you don't. :P
Q: What if I hit the daily rep cap and THEN get downvoted?

Armen TsirunyanIf I hit the daily rep cap (with a great overhead, say 40 upvotes for answers, which would translate to 400 rep) and THEN get one downvote, does it still count that I hit the daily rep cap that day?

@PauloCereda Huh, that's interesting. The prices here are pretty reasonable for the most part, though some of the food trucks can be sort of expensive.
@ChristianHupfer Yeah, that sounds pretty similar to what they are here. :)
@yo': Found that old screenshot ;-)
@AdamLiter A lot of health food, I assume :D
@ChristianHupfer lol :p
@PauloCereda: The issue with the fatty owls really worries me by now... it's about four weeks now :-(
Grrr. I just updated to OS X 10.11 "El Capitain" and it broke many things. I didn't have time to figure out how to fix it manually, so I just re-installed MacTeX. Now I have my executables like pdflatex back in my path, but LaTeX can't find my class files like beamer.cls. Quick fix?
Grateful for good bandwidth, at least.
@ChristianHupfer sorry I'm a bit busy, still at work :-(
@yo' No worries
@ChristianHupfer I'm about to leave in couple minutes, I'll get home, get something small to eat and go straight to bed, I teach tomorrow at 9:30
@yo' I'll teach at 7:40 up to 12:40, with a break of total 25 min ... happy teaching
@ChristianHupfer 7:40? Oh! My lectures never start before 11:30. ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ouch. Fortunately, I teach only 2x 100 minutes a week, but I tell you, 100 minutes is long. Also, I teach in another building, about 20 minutes journey there and back.
@egreg We've got a system where each teacher puts "soft" and "hard" restrictions on teaching times. I mark the morning teaching (until 9:10) as "soft" unacceptable.
Here's a opportunity for answering an old question on Stack Overflow (too old to migrate to TeX - LaTeX):
Q: Latex draw circle on neural network

user200340I have the following code to get a feed-forward neural network. \tikzset{% every neuron/.style={ circle, draw, minimum size=0.5cm }, neuron missing/.style={ draw=none, scale=3, text height=0.33cm, execute at begin node=\color{black}$\vdots$ }, } \begin{fig...

but now I really go. Bye!
@ChristianHupfer meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/6336/… i don't think so.
@egreg: I've got three days starting at 7:40 o'clock, with 3 x 90 minutes teaching lessons (Math or Physics) and sometimes Lab courses in the afternoon, with additional 135min. And one day I've only 90 min, starting at 9:30 o'clock. So in total 25 teaching leasons with 45 min each. And in the morning I am not really online at TeX.SX! :-(
@Johannes_B Ah, and it is still answered ;-) It's a question on typography itself, not about the site on TeX etc.
@ChristianHupfer I have 12 for 45 minutes. :P
@egreg And plenty of time for getting rep capped every day
@ChristianHupfer a friend just sent me a link, because he knows my love for templates: github.com/dkerkow/latex-vorlage-geowissenschaft
07:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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