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06:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@PauloCereda It really depends, my dad once flew with Lufthansa Prague-Munich-Rome, because it was cheaper than Czech Airlines direct Prague-Rome :)
hello, how i can dowlond a new version of latex on mac os x 10.6.8
@Canageek Not much you can say really, despite recent events, it's the German national airline, so reliable efficient and not the cheapest.
@Canageek In my case it's the exact opposite. :) I need to avoid flights with stop overs in the US because I need a visa. :)
@yo' ooh! :)
@Canageek I'm flying often with Lufthansa. That's mainly because I work for that airline. But I preferred it also before, as it was always a good experience. I only considered other airlines from price perspective.
@Canageek As they are big and not a cheap airline, they can afford good service, well trained crew, rather new airplanes (I suppose this only) and good places at airport terminals.
Like an expensive cruise ship comes to the city center but a cheap one anchors outside or in an industry port nearby and transports passengers with bus to the town :-)
Apropos cruise ships! Lufthansa has a lot of own knowhow regarding technology which they also bring outside. I'm working for the business unit which designs and implements networks for cruise ships (and we did a lot of ships, currently I'm involved in 4 such projects). And, for example, two cruise lines currently build a new maritime operation center with support from Lufthansa because of their safety knowledge. I cannot think of such with other, "cheaper" airlines.
A: What are good learning resources for a LaTeX beginner?


@StefanKottwitz ^^^^^
@Johannes_B There were two such posts, I deleted them, thanks
@Johannes_B And thanks for deleting the two spam posts at latex-community.org
@Johannes_B I additionally deleted the user profile which had spam links in home page and signature. Luckily they don't come often anymore.
@StefanKottwitz Right, i should flag spam accounts for you to delete.
1 hour later…
I'll return to downvote this eventually when I have enough reputation. — Tomáš Zato Mar 15 at 15:16
Wow. :-D
@Johannes_B he seems to have forgotten: 147 rep and the A has 0 dnvotes
@yo' Saw that, but i won't drop him a note to downvote. This would be crazy. Answer is questionable, though.
@Johannes_B I'll flag both the answer and the comment.
@yo' Ok, thanks.
@Johannes_B btw, he's got a funny nickname. "Tomáš Zato" is hardly his true name, since "to máš za to" means something like "you deserved this" in a very negative and rude tone.
@yo' Matches the profile picture and about me picture.
@Johannes_B quite :D
@Johannes_B I converted that "answer" to a comment
@StefanKottwitz thanks
Q: lstlisting escape ů

Krakonosplease how can I escape character ů? \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{literate= {á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1 {Á}{{\'A}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1 {à}{{\`a}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 ...

Duplicate of how to look up a symbol or math alphabet?
@Johannes_B not at all! Escaping combined letters in listings is tricky and quite special. However, I agree with closing as OT. Yet it gets a +1 from me since it's a proper question :)
@yo' Plus one from me as well. OT seems better, as it really was faulty input. But on the other hand, a good place to look that up would be table 17 in symbols-a4 ;-)
@Johannes_B yes, but it's not really reasonable here, this is obviously a typo :)
@yo' There are so many literates, that i simply overlooked the faulty one at first. Had to look up the accent myself first, found only \aa in lshort and searched in latex.ltx -> \def \aa {\r a}
@Johannes_B you could have asked me, ů is a Czech letter of course :)
@yo' I saw a (i think) polish truck today. One word was drzwi if i recll correctly.
@Johannes_B that's possible, yes, it would be dveře in Czech :D having the same slavic root as dřevo -- wood.
drzwi -- the doors
@yo' Think i could at least try to pronounce that. but drzwi? Not even when drunk.
@Johannes_B rz is one letter in Polish, so the pronounciation is dřvi
all of which is still easier than scvrnkls
@yo' something like \ss{} or \ae ?
@Johannes_B no, not really, more like sch in German
ah sorry, they don't treat is as one letter officially.
@yo' Ah, one sound/syllable. But now i realize, for the first time in my life, that the german language as well has constructs with three letters and no vowel inbetween.
@egreg you should be proud of me: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/237903/…
@StefanKottwitz I should check out LC main more often. I just now saw that the L-Templates partnership was officially announced.
@Johannes_B (I could have posted it to the forum, you you would have seen it too, I just chose the front page) perhaps follow the blog and news aggregator texample.net/community to see more what happens
@StefanKottwitz Just clicked the link, and the first thing i saw: Download a LaTeX ebook for free
@Johannes_B ah, the message is still there, I will remove it, as it's gone
@StefanKottwitz there are a lot of blog i wasn't aware about. Should keep up my reading ;-)
@Johannes_B ok, link gone
@Johannes_B yes, sadly only a few blogs are active
@StefanKottwitz Nothing going on over at the texwelt block as well, lately.
@Johannes_B soon you could tell users there about the TL 2015 pretest :-) will start in the next few days
today Karl wrote, that '14 will be frozen today because of that
@StefanKottwitz I nver did a pretest so far. Updated to 2014 by accident a few months back. Still don't know, why i was able to simply update to 2014.
@StefanKottwitz yep then we really find out if we broke anything with the 2015/01/01 latex release:-)
@StefanKottwitz @JosephWright @DavidCarlisle Is this one for academia? Is it on-topic here? vvvv
Q: Link to article using a 'download' or 'view online' symbol?

aaragonI would like to have a way for people to download an article from my document, and I thought that using the hyperref package would help, so I changed my bibtex entry to: @article{Aragon:2015, Author = {Cuba Ramos, Aurelia and \underline{A. M. Arag{\'o}n} and Soghrati, Soheil and Geubelle, Ph...

@Johannes_B off topic here, never looked at the academia site so don't know if it fits
@Johannes_B voted ot
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle I'm in a good mood, so I didn't vote for deletion.
@DavidCarlisle Indeed: I'm going to send an update to CTAN later today for the latest minor stuff ready for any 'incoming'
@JosephWright so Frank's NFSS change just gets in?
@DavidCarlisle Yes
@JosephWright Ok we're all ready then, what can go wrong....
@DavidCarlisle I think it's a good idea to have a clear point when pretesting start: now is as good as anything
@JosephWright yep agreed
@DavidCarlisle I hope you didn't just jinx it. ;-)
@JosephWright Quack!
@JasperLoy Yo!
@JasperLoy I see that @PauloCereda is also in disguise?
@Johannes_B I don't see him here.
If anybody feels the need to drop a note, apparently it is quite easy:
@JosephWright Well I am still suffering from OCD and PTSD and still not working, just to update you guys. I may never ever get well. =( @PauloCereda
@Johannes_B What do you mean that he is in disguise?
@JasperLoy Seems to be the wrong attitude. Look at your profile picture. ;-)
@JasperLoy Only a few people speak duck, @paulo is the most prominent one.
@Johannes_B Thanks for the encouragement. I am just clinging on to a little bit of hope I have left in life.
@JasperLoy There is always hope, always someone in need that you can help. Good music can help as well.
@JasperLoy Depending on where you live, you can even nag the president -> bundeskanzlerin.de/Webs/BKin/DE/Service/Kontakt/… ;-)
@JasperLoy: Quaaaack!
I am attempted to drop Angela Merkel a note that there should be some horizontal space to the left.
@Johannes_B I live in a terrible country, I won't mention where.
@AngelaMerkel: Hallo! Das Ente ist sehr cool.
@Johannes_B I'm not really sure what to do about those. As you can see from the chatlog to the bibliography question, it wasn't a straightforward route to a solution, so I don't know what to write in an answer. It could turn into a short guide for using BibTeX ... For the Matlab question, I'm tempted to say close as duplicate of the one I linked to.
@JasperLoy You can still nag president Obama or Angela Merkel or the Queen :-) I wonder what a seven year old might write them.
@TorbjørnT. Is this really the site for short guides?
@BarackObama: Hello, do you use TeX? :)
@Johannes_B Your jokes are very funny, lol.
@Johannes_B No, which part of the reason why I'm reluctant to answer.
@QueenElizabeth: Hi your majesty, do you use TeX?
You use LaTeX but do you use latex?
@JasperLoy ooh that's very naughty.
@JasperLoy I just laughed out very very load in the university library :-D
@PauloCereda I am very depressed, so I am talking a lot of rubbish in many rooms today. The SE staff will probably ban me soon.
@JasperLoy never, we won't allow. :)
@PauloCereda So far, I have been banned 5 times from chat. And they have sent me 2 emails because I said inappropriate things in chat. =) But it's OK. All that matters now is that I get well. I have not been working for 8 years because of my mental illness...
@TorbjørnT. We need some kind of extra tag, in german i would say Ich kann mich nicht um ales kümmern which somehow translate to i can't keep track of everything.
@PauloCereda Don't you use rubber gloves? =)
@JasperLoy in a hot weather? :)
Sorry posted in wrong room.
@PauloCereda It is very hot here where I live.
@PauloCereda Maybe I should come here more often and talk to you. =)
@JasperLoy Ducks are very good with talking. :)
@JosephWright is also a duck.
@Johannes_B is a penguin.
I am a chicken.
@PaulGessler is @PaulMcCartney in disguise.
@PauloCereda is Psmith around I think @egreg was wanting to run battle
@DavidCarlisle Not today, I am in São Paulo and Psmith was left alone at home. :(
@PauloCereda typical:-) Also I was going to ask for advice on the Grand National and the Boat Race (both tomorrow)
@DavidCarlisle ooh money involved? :)
@DavidCarlisle I have my fingers crossed for a double sinking :-)
@PauloCereda well I bought 6 horses at 50p each in the office sweepstake, winning horse gets £10 so possibly not enough to retire on.
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle Place it on Lucky Dan
@DavidCarlisle You could start a Bring Paulo to Darmstadt campaign. :)
@JosephWright LOL
@JosephWright well I was hoping to use Psmith as my telegraph operator with the inside information, but he's let me down as usual.
@DavidCarlisle What time will the race happen?
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@PauloCereda boat race 17:50 Grand National 16:15
@DavidCarlisle I will arrive in time for a special bulletin then. :)
@PauloCereda times BST (+1)
@DavidCarlisle What we want is the Queen Victoria handicap
@StefanKottwitz Is your book selling well?
Actually I wanted to buy the PSTricks book but it seems it has too many typos.
I hope there is a new updated second Eng edition soon.
@JosephWright Oh I have finally decided to get More Math into LaTeX instead of Guide to LaTeX, LOL, after thinking for one year.
@JasperLoy :-)
@JasperLoy I doubt that sales numbers would high, since we made the one-day event of free dowload of that book, I announced that nearly everywhere
@DavidCarlisle Preparing to annoy Petra :-)
@JasperLoy the publisher may benefit from new visitors who might buy other books later ;-)
@JosephWright -)
@StefanKottwitz Maybe you can change the publisher or the font. =) That might improve your sales.
@StefanKottwitz Odd, they are pretty much the cheapest way from Vancouver to Poland. Good to know they have good service though!
@JasperLoy It was the only publisher who asked actively for a LaTeX book, so he got it :-)
@StefanKottwitz OK. I guess your book is really for beginners. It is one of the most basic books available on the market today.
@PauloCereda I LIKE avoiding them as then you have to take off your shoes and go through x-ray scanners, which you don't inside Canada. I'm hoping Europe doesn't make me do that.
@JasperLoy true, and because there were introductory LaTeX books at other publishers, they may not have been interested in another one anyway, despite that there's development
@DavidCarlisle Odd, both Kayak and Expedia are listing them as the cheapest round trip from Vancouver or Seattle to Krakow, and then Prague back to the same.
@JosephWright What is the point of changing the formatting of the author list, if ACS is just going to relay things out themselves?
I find it cool that a question I asked THREE YEARS AGO just got a new and useful answer.
@Canageek Had some feedback from a user: one of the editorial offices would not take the submission without this change, so I decided to fix generally
@Canageek People get quite a lot of referee comments about formatting that I know will be fixed by the typesetters, but to get through the authors have to fix!
@Canageek Link?
@Canageek yes well transatlantic fare structure is rather different, within Europe the market is skewed by carriers like easyjet and ryan air, that are usually far cheaper, but offer somewhat more basic service and often fly to less convenient smaller airports
A: Black and white emphasis for \boxed?

IgnasiSome alternative examples made with tcboxmath, ams equation|gather|align|... tcolorbox environments: \documentclass[letterpaper]{article} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{amssymb,mathtools} \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} \tcbset{colback=white,colframe=black} \begin{document} With \texttt{tcboxm...

@DavidCarlisle Well, I'll take $1407 to go round trip to Europe! I'd LIKE cheaper, but hey. I'm going to talk to a travel agent tonight to see if they can beat the websites.
@DavidCarlisle I finished the Git book :-)
@JosephWright I think when you have a program who's only purpose is to do version control and it needs an entire book, I think something has gone wrong.....
@Canageek Probably: I don't have that one in print
@Canageek out of touch with current prices, at one point I was flying transatlantic two or three times a year but not been for years now.
@DavidCarlisle Poland also seems more expensive then western Europe.
@Canageek they need the money
@Canageek The complexity is needed for when a simple A -> B -> C becomes more varied: true even when only one person works on something
@Canageek and it's further:-)
@DavidCarlisle What is blowing my mind is how TINY everything is. I mean, From Krakow I could be in France in 15 hours. That is the other side of freaking Europe!
@Canageek yes well canada has those big bits where no one lives
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, and the entire middle section is farms and more farms, but still!
@DavidCarlisle France is smaller then most provinces, and it has 3 times Canada's population!
@Canageek and it's a lot bigger than the UK
@DavidCarlisle It was tempting to say screw central Europe and go to France and Western Germany and trace the path some of my relatives did in WWI and II
@DavidCarlisle HOLY COW. Their WHOLE COUNTRY is smaller then the province I grew up in, which is not one of hte larger ones. Heck, they are probably smaller then SOUTHERN Ontario, the part people live in.
@Canageek "they" = us?
@DavidCarlisle They = the UK
@Canageek as I said:-)
@DavidCarlisle At least it is bigger then Vancouver Island. (One of my coworkers is from and island nation that is smaller then a lot of our 'small islands')
@Canageek if you live in a small island it helps if you have an empire that covers half the globe;-)
@DavidCarlisle Well, we ARE technically part of your empire still (As a Dominion). You had to ask our permission to change the succession rules! (Which I'd noticed at the Canadian War Museum a few years before, and remarked that it would be cool if that happened, but probably never would)
@Canageek Ah, the Act of Settlement :-)
@JosephWright Bit later then that; I forget the name and my google-fu is failing me, but it was a decolonization bit just after WWI that set that up.
@JosephWright It made explicit thanks to the aid (Read: Saving Britain's bacon) that them and a few other colonies sent during the war. (Canada's initial volunteer rush was larger then the UK's 1914 standing army)
@JosephWright (When did Canada become a country is a standard high school essay question with dozens of answers ranging well over 100 years apart....)
@Canageek Treaty of Westminster, but I meant our change is about issues come from the Act of Settlement
@DavidCarlisle Uploads underway
@DavidCarlisle I have spotted on definite positive for using a DVCS over Subversion as a result :-)
:-( How to get 3 rep points?
@Johannes_B Ask a good question and get upvoted three times?
@Canageek I think a q-upvote is worth 5 rep.
@Canageek one upvote for a q, and one downvote from me to something. 5-2+6663=
@Johannes_B Oh, EXACTLY three? Humm. Updating a wiki entry is 2. Is there a way to get 1?
Got a live spammer at goLaTeX. He spams, i immedialtely delete it. Two people spending a friday night together.
Something i found on the LyX homepage. didn't know that before, but i wish that all people posting online would adhere to those simple rules. albion.com/netiquette
Any tikz gladiators around??
@DavidCarlisle Very sorry we can't battle. :P
@1010011010 @egreg's only one question off a gold badge, he must be a tikz expert
@DavidCarlisle Ahhhh so now I have leverage. Ha ha ha
Q: have lost "interactive" view of chat; how can i get it back?

barbara beetonwhile connected to the chat on my laptop the other day (macbook pro, snow leopard, firefox), the format of the chat room suddenly changed from the "usual" format, with forward/back pointers and a list of miscellaneous stuff on the right, to a very "depleted" format with only bands the full width ...

Quick question: is the url package still useful when hyperref exists?
@Argo hyperref includes its own version of url, but they do different things, hyperref makes links active, url allows links to break over a line
well, i have failed to get any useful help on that question, and i am about to leave for a week. i will follow the goings-on here, but will be unlikely to be able to participate. have a good week, guys.
@barbarabeeton are you sure you haven't the mobile site (that's what the description sounds like)
@DavidCarlisle I see, I'll load them both then, thanks
@Argo makes no difference, hyperref does \RequirePackage{url}
Ah even better! I'm in the process of cooking together a new preamble for assignments (chemistry @ uni) which uses memoir instead of article.
@JosephWright ?
@DavidCarlisle Tagging is rather easier: would be handy for CTAN uploads
@JosephWright easier than cvs tag or svn copy ?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, but at least with svn copyyou are duplicating the entire repo rather than just marking a point
@DavidCarlisle (Have never used cvs so I don't know about that)
@JosephWright no difference really (it doesn't actually copy anything) so whether it's a copy of the repository or a name for that snapshot is just a point of view.
@DavidCarlisle Huh? SVN needs to make a separate directory for each tag
@JosephWright you can call it a directory if you like, and by default if you check it out it will check out to a directory but svn copy is an atomic operation that just saves an internal identifier, it doesn't involve storage proportional to the size of the repository.
/usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/tex/latex/koma-script/scrlfile.sty: LaTeX Warning: Command \InputIfFileExists has changed.
Any ideas?
@DavidCarlisle Doesn't seem to match up with my experience: if you have the entire repo checked out you have lots of directories, each of which contains files
@DavidCarlisle Then again, been a while since I did it
@Argo Example?
@JosephWright yes but you don't have to check out a tag, if you check out the head and a tagged copy then it's really two copies in your checkout, but svn copy just makes an internal identifier and doesn't copy anything, it's like ln -s
@Argo my guess would be that \InputIfFileExists has changed.
@DavidCarlisle :-)
... Right
But I have no idea how it got there
@DavidCarlisle Three answers to the gold badge (two were CW).
@Argo without any reproducible example, neither have we
I'm moving over to memoir for some assignments. While copying some macros, packages and stuff, it appeared. I have never used koma-script.
@egreg I'm sure someone will ask a few easy tikz-cd ones to get you over the line
Not minimal, but pastebin.com/k3YH54Kv
@DavidCarlisle Didn't you like yesterday's Auslander-Reiten quiver?
@egreg saw the question, didn't see any answers, was that one of yours?
@Argo Well that seems to compile just fine
I got ! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> Chem\str_upper_case:f
@DavidCarlisle Out-of-date expl3
Hmm no warnings on your end?
@DavidCarlisle -- it probably is, but i can't figure out how to get out of it. i certainly didn't get into it intentionally, but the state it shifted into all by itself was even worse, and i think i did try clicking on a "mobile" button to get out of that. if someone can tell me where i can find out how to reset it, i'll be immensely grateful.
@JosephWright yes path mix up in my tmp directory for running mwe:-)
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@barbarabeeton should be "menu" and then "full site"
@Argo Oh, a warning
@JosephWright yep, "just" a warning. I'm just curious on why it's there and I'm slightly OCD concerning warnings in my documents.
@Argo It warns you as the redefinition might break something, but assuming it does not then all is fine
@DavidCarlisle -- i do find a "menu", but no option "full site" that i remember seeing. i will try again when i'm in the same place as the laptop. thanks. (i've confessed this before -- i don't coexist well with guis. give me a nice clear command line, and a way to look for things myself, and i'll be just fine. i even hate my "smart phone" that keeps telling me "37 apps running secretly". yeccchhhh!)
@Argo change your doc to look like
\documentclass[oneside, 12pt, a4paper, article]{memoir}
@DavidCarlisle Is redefined by memoir
@Argo and you will see memoir has patched the command for its own reasons
> \InputIfFileExists=\long macro:
#1#2->\IfFileExists {#1}{#2\@addtofilelist {#1}\m@matbeginf {#1}\@@input \@file
f@und \m@matendf {#1}\killm@matf {#1}}.
l.2 \show\InputIfFileExists
Does anyone know of scrlttr2 has any special support for "to" addresses?
Alright, so how do I make the warning go away?
@Canageek No, not really. Why would you say that?
@Argo Redefine \InputIfFileExists yourself to the original form, then if you really want to alter it after loading scrfile to include both sets of changes
@barbarabeeton ^^^^
@Argo It depends, you could just hack the test not to warn. but perhaps you need the warning. Some package thought it worth testing that command has not been changed, and memoir changed it so it may be the package does not work with memoir
@DavidCarlisle -- thank you -- i will report.
@DavidCarlisle Ah
@FaheemMitha What do you mean?
It seem it's chemmacros
@Argo chemmacros uses scrlfile internally, correct.
@Johannes_B Suppose I want to have multiple to addresses.
Does scrlttr2 have any specific support for that case?
@FaheemMitha That would be multiple letters?
@Johannes_B No, just one letter. But multiple copies to be sent to different people.
A: Using KOMA-Script packages with other classes

Johannes_Bscrlfile Package scrlfile mostly gives powers to package authors, but a normal user can take advantage of this package as well. Suppose you want to run some code, but only if a special package is loaded. Or maybe you want to prevent to load this package after all. No problem. Feature overview ...

I was just going to put all the to addresses at the top.
@Johannes_B I don't see the relevance.
@FaheemMitha You want to address 3 different people, so 3 different letters, with the same content/body. Did i get this right?
@Johannes_B For one thing I can fine, one I'd probably not go with
@FaheemMitha No relevance at all. Was for @Argo :-)
@Johannes_B Ah, so chemmacros is a package made for koma-script? Strange, I never noticed that when simply using the standard article class.
@JosephWright ?
@Johannes_B Correct. Well, one letter, with multiple copies. But with identical copies, including the addresses.
@Johannes_B Read the code :-)
@Argo No, not at all. KOMA provides some packages that can be used freely. CN uses scrlfile to get some package dependencies right.
@Johannes_B Post-load patching, which I'd suggest is best done by the user at the document level with correct documentation
To be more explicit - the letter would contain to addresses for (Mr Foo, Ms Bar. Mr. Baz) and then sent to Foo, Bar and Baz.
@Johannes_B Ah. Well, again, how do I make the warning go away?
06:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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