@cgnieder Especially where this remark would be equally useful for the Google and Peers sections, or even more useful …
@tohecz The pitfall is, though, that below 10k you do not find again your deleted answers, if you do not have saved the links otherwise. And who saves all his answers externally? The deleted answers are not listed in answers tab of the user profile (above 10k I do not know, this must you tell me.)
@Speravir Well, I don't think you can "track" them in your user profile. But 10k+ or 10k-, you can see them. So if you wrongly self-answer, you still see them under your question, with all the comments that had been given
Footnotes should be kept at minimum\footnote{Still, when you really need them, you can use them.}.
Footnotes should be kept at minimum.\footnote{Still, when you really need them, you can use them.}
@DavidCarlisle assuming correctly, dispite we considered changing for a pre-defined sequence of symbols (I think there exist such recommended sequences, right?
@cgnieder that's what I do, it's the rule of "logical quotes."
@DavidCarlisle yep, I know. However, I'm somehow coquetting with using the perpage option as well ... or better not, without it, authors are more limited in the number of footnotes :)
@tohecz fixltx2e does fix one or two features more serious than using math mode for footnotes, so in general yes. In particular it fixes the handling of 2-column floats.
@tohecz the default code doesn't attempt to keep 2 column and 1 column floats in order, a 1-column float can float past a 2-column one even if both table so you'll get table 2 on one page and table 1 on the next.
@DavidCarlisle that's what I do, annoyed, all the time: move the code of floats back and forth to get them right. I want to have the fixed manual positioning of xor :D
@PauloCereda kool :) I've never had a tablet, nor I think I will ever do
@tohecz had that working once: the system wrote a text file saying which area each float landed in eg page5:top and if you edit the text file and re-latex, the floats (mostly) went where you said. (trouble is it was easy to get it stuck and give it unsatisfiable requirements)
is there any more helpful comment could be made to this new user (just joined):
welcome to tex.sx, but... This question is bordering off-topic for this site. copy paste is a function of whatever editor you are using (you don't say). Having got the text from Word you'd need to mark it up in LaTeX, presumably as some kind of list environment. — David Carlisle12 mins ago
@tohecz If they are variables use standard math mode (italic). I'd use chemformula rather than 'plain' math mode here but I guess that depends on being able to select whatever packages I like.
@JosephWright I mean, you get some energy from mouseclicks, you realize that you get more from gaming, but you ignore the fact that when gaming, the computer eats 400W of energy :)
I was looking up a French town on Google Maps, when it struck me. There are bays shown as "Bay of ..." on the map, as well others listed as "... Bay". Their naming seems to be consistent with the naming in other maps I checked.
Likewise we have most seas listed as "... Sea" (e.g. Caribbean Sea)...
Of course it's not the actual rule, as noted before and after it was stated. The actual rule is "bodies of water are named how they were named." — DougM3 hours ago
@tohecz But then I still must remember the question. And when I answered to a question of another user, then I must additionally remember which user this was.
I would really like to see all of my questions and answers on the profile page, even if some of them were deleted, and I don't have enough rep to see them on the site.
(Note that some questions are automatically deleted after 30 days or 1 year, and the author might be oblivious about what happen...
@egreg I just find it a bit ridiculous that the answer (which is essentially an admitted non-answer) is getting any support at all. It's like "Here's something for which I have no evidence, and I'll even admit it, but I'll pretend it's some sort of an answer anyway."
I'm worried this looks rather like a discussion topic, and also depends on what the team want to do rather than what they have done. Better suited to LaTeX-L? — Joseph Wright10 mins ago
@JosephWright No, I haven't had the chance—SW comes with a heft price-tag and, what's more , my computer I have can't handle much of anything graphical.
Chrome and Emacs put my computer to the limit on what it can do.
Also, I'm not sure what to close that question as… should it be off-topic, or opinion-based, or…?
@JosephWright I was trying to help someone with a google sites editing and I just couldn't understand the visual editor thing, basically if you clicked any button it inserted garbage into the page and you had to click the <html> view button and edit the html back to something reasonable:-)
@SeanAllred back in the days of latex2.09 they had quite an impressive visual class design (well mostly page layout) tool. essentially they had a basic article.sty style (class) but every conceivable length was extracted out into a variable set at the top, then they had a graphical thing where you could drag margins around or drag sliders to control indents and font sizes, and it wrote you an instance of the class. Quite impressive (of course I never used it as it wasn't emacs but still...)
@DavidCarlisle I was seriously born in the wrong decade. Probably would not have jumped on the emacs train before package.el ;-) Do you happen to remember what it was called? I'm sure there's an article/screenshots out there somewhere
@DavidCarlisle It's in Portland, Oregon (west coast of U.S.)
@egreg I mean that's a total estimate. Oregon is in the northwest corner and I'm in the middle of the east coast normally, but Arizona is just northwest of Texas. The U.S. is about 3000 miles across if memory serves.
@SeanAllred yes it was a separate style designer application (or mode or something) not part of the main document editing interface. Possibly this mackichan.com/index.html?techtalk/how/titlepage.html~mainFrame or possibly a memory of a demo version I saw 20 years ago is faulty and I made it all up:-)
@JosephWright Hey, the U.S. is a big place, but it's not every place ever. :-) But you're right, My first thought wasn't for England. It was for Virginia :-) (We don't seem to be very original in our names of things…)
@DavidCarlisle Hmmmm… that looks about right. I wonder how ~convoluted~good it is.
…where ~nnn~ was, I thought, strikethrough… SE's use of markdown makes such little sense to me.
@AlanMunn That’s a pitfall of the approach to put everything in an own answer - or someone must write a fourth answer with all things valid for more than one engine, and this will be linked in the other answers … ;-)
@Speravir I wouldn't bother too much: the one question seems one year old and the other half a year. I'd think the OPs probably have their solutions by now
@SeanAllred Certainly I see your point in the question: while as I've said in the template question that other approaches are probably needed, I guess one can imagine that something akin to DreamWeaver is a possible if you are using a 'style sheet' approach.
Like I said, I guess I need to look more carefully at the LDB/style sheet stuff
I'm hoping @DavidCarlisle will contribute strongly, at least on the conceptual level
Luckily, Will seems to have found some LaTeX time (lots of e-mails this morning)
@JosephWright :-) I'll have to drop down to the art department to actually see how DreamWeaver is set up and see how I can learn from its ideological architecture and be more informed :) I'll have to do some research on the history behind LDB later tonight after class.
And I do wonder why I haven't been receiving emails lately from the list… ever since I changed the email on-file… strange. I'll have to read what's up on Heidelberg's LISTSERV web interface.
@JosephWright sure... but having it read once helps knowing (and remembering) what functions and concepts are available. I often missed the addition of new functions because I don't read through it that often any more
@JosephWright What to do with the tags: scrpage2 has an own tag, and over the years 43 questions tagged. Now, it is recommended to use the successor package scrlayer-scrpage instead. Should it get an own tag, or could we set the scrpage2 tag as alias?
@SeanAllred probably not (but perhaps:-) I'm not a big fan of css syntax once you get away from the basic element selector. Also it's not really optimised for the right thing necessarily. The css box model is strongly based on containment, you can refer to sibling relationships but it's a bit clunky, in tex you are building h or v lists and previous and next is (at some level) typically more natural than containment (even if we were to make (say) sections an environment