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@GreatBigBore so what's your objective in posting those videos and using 'senseless' images in them ?
@Avicenna Thanks I understood the pronunciation of Uthmaan and what about common language do we have to say salah or salat and zakah or zakat and sunnah or sunnat
@Avicenna is your name after the male philosopher Avicenna?
@Avicenna I am very sad that there is such a bad situation with Israel. When you say speak out against the holocaust, do you mean suggesting that it did not occur? I am curious about it. It has been only in recent years that I have heard of anyone denying that it happened. Is that idea becoming more widely accepted among Israel's neighbors? Tell me more about that, if you will.
@Abcd Again, a sentence with a question mark that doesn't at all sound like a question. Again, I suggest that no matter how I respond, you would condemn my answer and argue with it. This is not a question, not rooted in curiosity. Therefore, I propose that we take it as given that I have already answered you, that you are enraged by my answer, and you now wish to express your anger, to convince me that I am wrong. Again, I am listening.
1 hour later…
@GreatBigBore I doubt it ever happened. Or at least the way they claim. I think they exaggerate it (if we believe it has happened.)
Moreover if it happened, it happened in Europe.
Nothing to Middle East.
Precisely Palestinians.
Once our previous president, Dr. Ahmadinejad, said these and asked Israel occupying regime a question about the event. They never answered.
But believe me, never try speaking out against holocaust!

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